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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 165
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Chapter 165

Throughout lunch, Estrella maintained an air of serene composure. It was as if she had anticipated the unfolding

scene, her gaze occasionally flickering over Jason, who sat with furrowed brow.

Estrella did not question him, nor did she offer words of comfort. After all, they were adults, masters of their own


Beside Estrella, Bryce suddenly turned to her and quipped, “Estrella, how can you be so chill? Not even a hint of


The rest of their circle had been visibly shaken, jaws nearly hitting the floor, yet Estrella seemed unfazed,

prompting a wave of envy in Bryce.

With a chuckle, Estrella revealed, “The girl sitting next to Holly is the owner of that


“What?” Bryce gasped, even more astonished, before pressing on, “So Estrella, did you already see that Holly

has returned?”

Estrella’s silence spoke volumes. Given the current situation at the time, it seemed that the girl driving the

Maserati was Holly's maid. Holly didn’t want people to know she had returned, nor did she want anyone to be

aware of her presence. That was why the Ledford family had registered the car under the nof that girl.

As Bryce and Estrella chatted, Holly was wheeled over by a servant, her gaze briefly surveying the group, before

she smiled weakly at Jason, “Jason, I'm not feeling up to par. I'll head back now and treat everyone to dinner

another day.”

“Sure,” Jason replied curtly.

Holly didn’t offer any explanation, and Jason didn’t ask anything. Then Holly navigated her wheelchair away,

leaving the group to turn their collective gaze upon Jason.

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With an edge in his voice, Jason snapped, “Why are you staring at me?”

Bryce shook his head, then, picking up his fork, he offered Estrella more food, “Estrella, eat up.”

Their afternoon plans cut short, Jason left promptly, and Estrella soon followed. Bryce drove her back, with Jesse

in tow.

Inside the car, Jesse turned to Estrella and asked, “Estrella, what's your gplan now?”

“Just business as usual,” Estrella replied with a smile.

“Right,” Bryce interjected, “stand your ground, and if Jason dares to upset you, just kick him to the curb. You're

too good to worry about finding men.”

Bryce’s rant continued, his mood soured by Holly's reappearance, lamenting how the past


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Chapter 165

had spared her.

Estrella, unbothered by the day’s events, simply touched her stomach gently, pondering

her next move.

Soon, they arrived at Sandalwood Oasis, where Bryce and Jesse saw Estrella inside. Bryce even snagged sof

Jason's coffee before taking his leave. Jesse, on parting, reminded Estrella to reach out if anything arose.

Once they left, the house fell silent, save for Marie muttering, “Mr. Bryce was still the same, always fond of

taking Mr. Jason's things.”

Estrella replied, “That's just who he is.”

“Ms. Estrella, you probably didn’t get a proper lunch outside. Letwhip up spasta for you, and I'll also

prepare sfruit,” Marie offered.

“Alright, thank you, Marie.”.

Marie beamed and bustled off to the kitchen.

A little while later, Estrella was tucking into her meal, her thoughts intermittently returning to Holly’s unexpected

appearance today. Holly's parents were surprisingly accommodating, even agreeing to her bizarre idea of staging

a mock funeral.

Meanwhile, in the CEO's office of Nelson International, Jason had settled down at his desk.

The Ledford family had once casually mentioned that Holly had passed away. At that time, they didn’t dwell on it

and went ahead to mourn at Holly's pretended funeral. Who would've thought that she’d reappear after more

than three years?

Fidgeting with the phone on his desk, Jason found a number that he hadn't dialed in years. Several times, he had

thought about reaching out, only to hesitate, but in the end, he mustered the courage to dial Estrella’s number.


“Yes, was about to nap when you called,” Estrella held the phone in one hand, with the other resting on her eyes.

“Rest up. I'll be hsoon.”


Estrella hung up, pulled the covers closer, and drifted to sleep, unswayed by the local astonishment over Holly’s

miraculous re-emergence.

When she woke up in the evening, Jason was already there, watching her sleep.

“Back already?” she mumbled, half-asleep.


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Chapter 165

“You've been sleeping a lot,” Jason commented, his hand brushing her forehead.

“Too many court cases, they tire the brain,” Estrella yawned, adding, “I'm hungry.”

Her appetite had grown fierce these last few days. A large bowl of pasta and a heap of fruit at noon had barely


Jason gently ruffled her hair. “Let’s go downstairs and get you something to eat.”

Jason didn’t bring up Holly, and Estrella, being smart, also chose not to mention it, pretending as if that person

had never appeared.

Downstairs, Marie cheerfully noted Estrella’s restful afternoons and encouraged an early night.

Tonight, Jason originally had a social engagement. The school leaders invited him to dinner, but, Jason declined

and chose to cback to accompany Estrella after finishing his work at the company.

After dinner, Estrella and Jason retreated upstairs to unwind for the evening. While Jason took a refreshing

shower, Estrella nestled into the soft bed with a book in hand.

Emerging clean and slightly damp, Jason scooped up Estrella into a warm embrace. It was as if the school’s

anniversary celebration had never happened, and Holly was just a figment of the past. Tonight, Estrella seemed

content to curl up beside him. There was a rare moment of tranquility between them.

Jason tightened his hold on her, resting his chin comfortably on her shoulder. Estrella, basking in his warmth,

allowed her eyelids to flutter shut, drifting off without another word.

Smart as a whip, Estrella wasn't the type to stir up trouble, but God help anyone who managed to get on her bad


The following morning, Jason awoke with Estrella still in his arms. The room was bathe in the bright light of day.

Reaching for his phone on the nightstand, he noticed a new message. The sender's nalone was enough to

shift his expression.