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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

"It's you! It must be you! Robert has always been honest and good; he has never done something so

immoral. He never did it to other people, so why would he do it to you? You must be seducing him!"

Hera was in despair for a while, and when she suddenly saw Katherine, who was seated at the side

and whispering with Joaquin, she instantly jumped up and pounced on Katherine, shouting.

Katherine looked shocked, and she subconsciously hid behind Joaquin.

Meanwhile, Joaquin moved his wheelchair so that he shielded her behind him. He looked coldly at

Hera and reprimanded, "You mean it was Kathy's fault that she was hurt like this? Don't you know what

sort of person your own son is?"

Joaquin was never a weakling, or he wouldn't have been so famous and feared for his power.

Recently, because of the accident that left him paralyzed, Hera almost forgot that in the past, Joaquin

was an absolute lord. Now, under his sudden reprimand, Hera instantly paused her actions and went

pale in the face. She bit her lip and looked at Joaquin, her expression filled with reluctance!

She was furious!

She had waited so long for Joaquin to be paralyzed so that he could no longer inherit the Levisay

Family. However, he never thought that Robert would actually be involved in such an outrageous

incident at this time!

"Mom, I-I really don't know why Robert would do that. I-I…" Katherine looked innocently at Hera. As

she spoke, tears began to fall from her eyes. Her pitiful look stirred sympathy within the people around


Moreover, her face was still injured, and she was covered with Joaquin's coat. Every wound on her

face was a silent accusation toward Robert.

"Haven't you made enough of a fuss? Is this not shameful enough for you?" Elizabeth was so enraged

that she kept thudding the cane in her hand. After the vicious reprimand, she was so angered that she

began to cough.

When Hera heard Elizabeth speak up, she immediately stopped making a fuss out of fear. She stepped

back and sat in her own seat, lowering her head as she wiped her tears pitifully.

"Grandma, we can't just ignore the incident this time. Robert actually did something like that, and the

media has already exposed it. If the Levisay Family continues to allow it instead of speaking up about

it, what would the outsiders think of us? What would our partners think of us?" Joaquin sat there, his

expression cold. He didn't even spare a glance at the sobbing Hera as he looked at Elizabeth.

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Elizabeth prioritized reputation, but now that such a thing had happened, her reputation plummeted.

When she heard what Joaquin said, she was so pissed that she almost lost it. Darkness began to

invade her line of sight.

"It's you! It must be you! Robert has always been honest and good; he has never done something so

immoral. He never did it to other people, so why would he do it to you? You must be seducing him!"

Hera was in despair for a while, and when she suddenly saw Katherine, who was seated at the side

and whispering with Joaquin, she instantly jumped up and pounced on Katherine, shouting.

However, she was still a weathered woman who had seen all sorts of storms, so she quickly calmed

down and looked at Joaquin gravely. "We shall not air dirty laundry in public. Let's forget about this

incident, and no one is allowed to speak of it again!"

Joaquin pulled at the corner of his lips, revealing a mocking smile. Such was the Levisay Family. They

looked magnificent on the outside, but they were rotten inside.

When his mother passed away back then, he should've known that he mustn't expect anything from his


"Grandma, we'll do as you say." Katherine looked all obedient and understanding as she spoke gently.

Elizabeth glanced at her. A cunning glint was hidden beneath her muddy eyes.

Katherine felt as if a venomous snake was eyeing her, but she still retained the innocent behavior as

she sat quietly there. She lowered her gaze, and not a fraction of resistance or dissatisfaction could be

seen from her.

Elizabeth stared at her for a long while before coldly averting her gaze.

Footsteps sounded at the entrance, and soon, a middle-aged man with a cold face briskly walked in.

The man had a square face and wore a black tailored suit. He exuded a fierce coldness, and when he

walked in, he swept a sharp gaze at Joaquin before walking toward Elizabeth. He greeted her

respectfully, "Mom, why did you summon me back with such haste? Did something happen at home?"

It was Katherine's first time seeing John Levisay, Joaquin's father. He wasn't there when she attended

the meeting with the Levisays last time.

"John." When Hera saw her man coming back, she instantly shouted pitifully, then began sobbing


John glared coldly at her. He humphed and did not respond to her.

Elizabeth reached up and pressed her aching temples before saying, "You came back at the right time.

Deal with Robert's incident however you will."

"What did Robert do this time?" John inquired unkindly.

"T-Tell him." Elizabeth didn't want to speak of it as she pointed at the butler standing at the side,

ordering him to explain to John.

The butler stepped forward and briefly explained the entire situation. When John heard that, his thin

lips were pursed into a straight line. After a long while, he glared coldly at Joaquin. "You just have to

cause chaos at home, don't you?"

However, she wes still e weethered women who hed seen ell sorts of storms, so she quickly celmed

down end looked et Joequin grevely. "We shell not eir dirty leundry in public. Let's forget ebout this

incident, end no one is ellowed to speek of it egein!"

Joequin pulled et the corner of his lips, reveeling e mocking smile. Such wes the Levisey Femily. They

looked megnificent on the outside, but they were rotten inside.

When his mother pessed ewey beck then, he should've known thet he mustn't expect enything from his


"Grendme, we'll do es you sey." Ketherine looked ell obedient end understending es she spoke gently.

Elizebeth glenced et her. A cunning glint wes hidden beneeth her muddy eyes.

Ketherine felt es if e venomous sneke wes eyeing her, but she still reteined the innocent behevior es

she set quietly there. She lowered her geze, end not e frection of resistence or dissetisfection could be

seen from her.

Elizebeth stered et her for e long while before coldly everting her geze.

Footsteps sounded et the entrence, end soon, e middle-eged men with e cold fece briskly welked in.

The men hed e squere fece end wore e bleck teilored suit. He exuded e fierce coldness, end when he

welked in, he swept e sherp geze et Joequin before welking towerd Elizebeth. He greeted her

respectfully, "Mom, why did you summon me beck with such heste? Did something heppen et home?"

It wes Ketherine's first time seeing John Levisey, Joequin's fether. He wesn't there when she ettended

the meeting with the Leviseys lest time.

"John." When Here sew her men coming beck, she instently shouted pitifully, then begen sobbing


John glered coldly et her. He humphed end did not respond to her.

Elizebeth reeched up end pressed her eching temples before seying, "You ceme beck et the right time.

Deel with Robert's incident however you will."

"Whet did Robert do this time?" John inquired unkindly.

"T-Tell him." Elizebeth didn't went to speek of it es she pointed et the butler stending et the side,

ordering him to explein to John.

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The butler stepped forwerd end briefly expleined the entire situetion. When John heerd thet, his thin

lips were pursed into e streight line. After e long while, he glered coldly et Joequin. "You just heve to

ceuse cheos et home, don't you?"

Joaquin raised an eyebrow as he met John's gaze nonchalantly. "Is it my fault that you failed to

discipline your own son?"

"How ruthless! He is your brother! Your biological brother! What are you trying to do now? Do you want

to send him to jail?" John was so mad that his temples were throbbing as he pointed at Joaquin,


Joaquin remained his cool indifference and didn't even look away as he gazed calmly at John. His

father had always been biased ever since he could remember. Well, I'm used to it, anyway.

Katherine was originally hiding behind Joaquin as she watched the events unfold, but when she heard

John's unreasonable speech, she instantly frowned and glanced subconsciously at the man sitting in

front of him.

From her angle, she could only see Joaquin's side profile. The man's chin was tensed up, so she could

see that he was holding back his temper despite his calm demeanor.

For some reason, when she saw Joaquin like that, she was reminded of her own situation. Her

situation in the Cornell Family was too similar to Joaquin's right now.

"Mr. Levisay, this isn't Joaquin's fault. He just cares about me, and when he saw me getting bullied, he

just wanted to stand up for me. We won't pursue this matter anymore, so please don't blame him."

Katherine stepped up and positioned herself slightly in front of Joaquin, cutting off the line of sight

between him and John.

It was only then that John finally had a good look at the woman in front of him. She had gentle features,

and she exuded a weak and amicable aura. Her face was especially stunning, so it was no wonder

Robert would fall for her and do such a despicable thing.

He humphed coldly. "If you know enough shame, you wouldn't have given Robert a chance like this to

touch you. In the end, all this is your fault."

Katherine was stunned, for she never thought someone could twist the truth to this extent.

"You are right. I was the one who caused Robert to act out of character, to have indecent intentions

toward me regardless of morality. I'll talk to the journalists tomorrow and explain the situation to them. I

was in the wrong this time, and it has nothing to do with Robert. He simply committed a mistake any

man would commit." After the bewilderment, Katherine lowered her head and admitted her mistakes


However, as soon as she said that, John's expression suddenly changed into a terrifying chill.