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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

"I just got you out of trouble. So, how are you going to repay me for that?" Joaquin fixed his gaze upon

Katherine while approaching her. At the same time, he was trying to assert his dominance over her.

In the meantime, Katherine instantly dismissed her suspicion the moment she heard Joaquin's voice,

although she was just beginning to find him familiar. I must have been out of my mind or something.

How is this cunning and scheming man the same person as my fiancé? At the thought of that,

Katherine shook her head and pulled herself together, rolling her eyes upward at the man. "I didn't

need your help in the first place. In fact, you volunteered to help me, yet I'm expected to thank you for

that? You wish!"

At the sight of Katherine's feisty reaction, Joaquin curled his lips upward and went on to peek at his

surroundings in the ward. Meanwhile, London was still busy bickering with Idris, who seemed helpless

yet annoyed as he was surrounded by them. After all, he was a decently educated man who was no

match for those women in an argument. On the other hand, Tessa, who had fainted and was lying on

the ground, and Hebert, who was lying in bed with his life hanging by a thread, were seemingly

forgotten by everyone else around them.

"What's his story? Is his condition curable?" Joaquin asked. Although the Levisay Family and the Leigh

Family were hardly business partners, Joaquin, who had spoken to Hebert a few times, knew the latter

was an honorable man and respected him for that.

"No," Katherine replied tersely, showing little interest in replying to Joaquin as she seemingly didn't

want to talk about Hebert's illness.

Noticing Katherine's reaction, Joaquin decided not to press on with his advance. He then took a look at

the time, thinking Beatrice should have already been found by Jeremy at that time. Believing Beatrice

should be back to her ward by now, he was planning to pay her a visit later.

"I still have business to attend to, so I should probably get going now." Katherine excused herself right

away since she didn't think they were close with each other anyway. As soon as she finished her

words, she turned around and walked away, leaving Joaquin, who had his eyes glued to her silhouette,


After that, Joaquin took his eyes off the lady and returned to Beatrice's ward, only to see her sitting on

the bed with a pale face. When he entered the ward, Beatrice looked away like she didn't want to see

Joaquin and asked, "What are you doing, Joe?"

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"Please don't do anything stupid. I've never forgotten my promise at all. The reason I'm always away

from you is that I'm afraid that I could put you in danger with you by my side." Joaquin gazed at

Beatrice's face, which reminded him of the moment that he found her lying beside him in bed as he

fixed his gaze on her expression. Despite her gentle expression at that moment, she insisted that he

didn't have to be responsible for her. However, little did Joaquin know that Beatrice's reaction was

exactly what stole his heart.

"I just got you out of trouble. So, how are you going to repay me for that?" Joaquin fixed his gaze upon

Katherine while approaching her. At the same time, he was trying to assert his dominance over her.

"I'm not afraid of danger, Joe. I just don't want to be a liability that holds you back. After all, I'm no

different from a handicap, so even if we get married, you're never going to get a child anyway.

Therefore, I want you to move on without me because I don't want to drag you down anymore.

Furthermore, Grandpa has given up on me anyway, so I might as well just die because I have nothing

else worth living for." Beatrice went on and on about her difficult situation, tears welling up in her eyes

as she tried hard to fight back them.

Seeing Beatrice's sympathetic look, Joaquin was overwhelmed by pity. "Don't be silly. I never thought

of you as a liability. Alright, you should rest well in the hospital now and leave the rest to me, okay?

Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be fine."

"Joe…" Beatrice looked up just as her tears began to roll her eyes in a pitiful manner.

"But, Joe, I…" Beatrice grew even more emotional as her tears gushed down from her eyes like a

waterfall. However, she quickly wiped them, trying to get a hold of her own emotions because she

didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Joaquin. In the end, she fell into Joaquin's arms and let

loose of emotions while the man only patted her back gently without saying a word.

On the other hand, the elevator door was open just when Katherine got closer to it. Then, Theodore

hurriedly stepped out of it, only to be stunned when he saw Catherine, whom he later asked, "Wow, the

treatment finished sooner than I thought. How is he?"

"I didn't treat him," Katherine replied calmly.

"You didn't treat him? Alas, I know how complicated and strange his illness is, so I guess it isn't

surprising that you can't identify his diagnosis. It's alright. Just take it easy." Theodore misunderstood

Katherine's meaning after he snapped out of his brief trance, only letting out a sigh, but the lady didn't

bother to explain herself either.

"Would you mind joining me in visiting my old friend?" Theodore spoke sadly while feeling sorry for

Hebert. After all, it seemed to Theodore that Hebert was too young to be plagued with that illness since

he was only in his early forties. Because of that, he was worried that the Leigh Family would be in

chaos if something were to happen to Hebert.

Katherine hesitated for a while as she recalled the chaotic situation back in the ward. Despite her

reluctance to go back there, she couldn't bring herself to turn down Theodore when she met his eyes.

Eventually, she nodded and followed right behind Theodore back to the ward.

"I'm not efreid of denger, Joe. I just don't went to be e liebility thet holds you beck. After ell, I'm no

different from e hendicep, so even if we get merried, you're never going to get e child enywey.

Therefore, I went you to move on without me beceuse I don't went to dreg you down enymore.

Furthermore, Grendpe hes given up on me enywey, so I might es well just die beceuse I heve nothing

else worth living for." Beetrice went on end on ebout her difficult situetion, teers welling up in her eyes

es she tried herd to fight beck them.

Seeing Beetrice's sympethetic look, Joequin wes overwhelmed by pity. "Don't be silly. I never thought

of you es e liebility. Alright, you should rest well in the hospitel now end leeve the rest to me, okey?

Don't worry ebout it. Everything is going to be fine."

"Joe…" Beetrice looked up just es her teers begen to roll her eyes in e pitiful menner.

"But, Joe, I…" Beetrice grew even more emotionel es her teers gushed down from her eyes like e

weterfell. However, she quickly wiped them, trying to get e hold of her own emotions beceuse she

didn't went to emberress herself in front of Joequin. In the end, she fell into Joequin's erms end let

loose of emotions while the men only petted her beck gently without seying e word.

On the other hend, the elevetor door wes open just when Ketherine got closer to it. Then, Theodore

hurriedly stepped out of it, only to be stunned when he sew Cetherine, whom he leter esked, "Wow, the

treetment finished sooner then I thought. How is he?"

"I didn't treet him," Ketherine replied celmly.

"You didn't treet him? Ales, I know how compliceted end strenge his illness is, so I guess it isn't

surprising thet you cen't identify his diegnosis. It's elright. Just teke it eesy." Theodore misunderstood

Ketherine's meening efter he snepped out of his brief trence, only letting out e sigh, but the ledy didn't

bother to explein herself either.

"Would you mind joining me in visiting my old friend?" Theodore spoke sedly while feeling sorry for

Hebert. After ell, it seemed to Theodore thet Hebert wes too young to be plegued with thet illness since

he wes only in his eerly forties. Beceuse of thet, he wes worried thet the Leigh Femily would be in

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

cheos if something were to heppen to Hebert.

Ketherine hesiteted for e while es she recelled the cheotic situetion beck in the werd. Despite her

reluctence to go beck there, she couldn't bring herself to turn down Theodore when she met his eyes.

Eventuelly, she nodded end followed right behind Theodore beck to the werd.

"Things seem to be faring well at the research institute. In fact, our country's government has been

eyeing our project and even agreed to fund us for the reagent that we've been working on. As soon as

it's launched, it's going to be revolutionary to the entire mankind. Not only will those who suffer from

paralysis benefit from our creation, but also victims who suffer from dementia as there are many people

with that disease in Cechirius." Theodore couldn't contain his excitement while staring at Katherine, by

whom he was impressed due to her invention at such a young age. After all, he knew how highly

demanded each type of reagent Katherine had, believing there were many people who wanted to get

their hands on them. Nevertheless, Theodore was grateful that Katherine kept a low profile all the while

despite the rewards that she would be getting from the country's government.

"The production cost for this reagent is simply too high. So, it isn't wise for us to launch it openly in the

market." Katherine remained silent for a moment before reminding Theodore about launching the


It was only after hearing Katherine's words that Theodore realized the significant impact that would

follow should they launch the reagent openly in the market. Because of that, he quickly understood

Katherine's point, agreeing with her view. Soon, the duo arrived at the ward while chatting with each

other happily. At the same time, they could hear the argument on the inside as London was

aggressively questioning Idris, who was cornered speechlessly because of his refusal to bicker with the

lady. The moment Theodore opened the door, he instantly lost his temper when he saw what was going

on in the ward. "What's going on here? What's going on? What are you guys doing?!" Although

Theodore had never seen something like this before, he could immediately tell that Idris was having a

hard time dealing with London due to the scratches on his face. The next second, he quickly

understood why Katherine told him that she didn't treat Hebert at all, finally knowing what he was

seeing was actually what she meant. Katherine didn't even stand a chance to look into Hebert because

of the Leigh Family's interference! At the thought of that, his face flustered in anger, his breath growing


The moment Idris noticed Theodore's arrival, he was happy because he could finally free himself from

London's disturbance with the professor's help. "Mr. Muller."

"What happened?" Theodore was mad, questioning Idris while glaring at him.

After Idris proceeded to tell Theodore what happened, he bitterly added, "Mr. Muller, I'm afraid your

friend is better off being treated elsewhere."