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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 148
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Chapter 148

"You sure are shameless, Jorge Cornell! I am amazed that you allow your wife and child to steal the

dowry of your ex-wife's daughter. Is this the upbringing of the Cornells?!" Katherine had just finished

her words when another angry voice rang out.

Jorge could only feel how annoyed he was at this moment. After hearing the second voice, he

subconsciously looked over, only for his face to fall when he saw Jennifer.

The saying that people attracted what they feared seemed all too true right then.

As the scene unfolded, Jennifer's initial plan was to watch from the sidelines without interfering.

However, she changed her mind when she saw him overstep the line by doing something so unethical

that no one with a conscience would ever do. She could no longer stand seeing her granddaughter

miserable, so she decided to step in.

Back then, when Elsie passed on suddenly, Darren followed suit soon after due to a cerebral

hemorrhage, with Jennifer being bedridden in the hospital for a long time. Jennifer had always been

guilt-ridden when it came to Katherine, as she had to take on too many things by herself during

Jennifer's stay in the hospital. So, naturally, Jennifer would not allow Jorge to bully Katherine on her

wedding day.

Hera frowned and glanced at Jessica before impatiently interrupting everyone. "And who is this? On

second thought, never mind. I don't care whatever is going on here. Joaquin, take Kathy away.

Everything at the hotel is ready. We can't have any delays just because of your business here. There

will be a lot of distinguished guests attending today. The Levisays can't afford to lose face now."

"The Levisays? Who told you that today's wedding has anything to do with the Levisays?" Joaquin's

lips curled into a cold smile as his eyes fell on Hera.

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Her face immediately darkened upon hearing that. Then, she glared at him as she said with a shrill

voice, "W-What did you say?!"

"I am a member of the Foster Family, so of course, the wedding today is held by the Fosters. It has

nothing to do with the Levisays?" he answered firmly.

She was so angry that her face contorted when she heard his words. "You! Joaquin Levisay! You are

one of the Levisays as long as your family name stays the same. How could you utter such unfilial

words? I want you to take Kathy to the hotel we booked for you right now. Your father and grandma are

already waiting there." She pointed at him angrily and ordered.

"Pardon me, Madam Levisay. I'm afraid I can't do as you wish this time." Katherine blinked and looked

at Hera innocently before speaking softly.

Hera had been feeling unsettled from the moment she saw Katherine; she reckoned that nothing good

would happen if Katherine were to speak.

Katherine continued to say, "Most of my dowry has been stolen, and Joaquin has just called the police.

We still don't know if the wedding can go on until the stolen dowry is retrieved." Hera, who felt uneasy

just a moment ago, almost jumped in anger at Katherine's words. "What?! The dowry has been


Those dowries are priceless! If it weren't for that b*tch of a woman, Angela, who left a will saying that

those things have to be kept for Joaquin's marriage, I would have taken them all and kept them for my


Even if it was temporarily given to Katherine, there was no way Hera could be at peace when the things

that she thought belonged to her were taken away by someone else.

Hera glared at Jorge and shrieked, "Jorge Cornell! What the hell is going on?! We agreed from the start

that the Levisays would take all of Katherine's dowry if the Levisays let the Cornells have the projects. I

am supposed to take every betrothal gift home with me! How dare you lay your hands on these things?

And you even took half of them! What did you take, huh?!"

As soon as she shouted those words, it immediately caused uproar among the crowd around them.

She had revealed too much information in her words.

Joaquin slightly raised his eyebrows, wearing a mocking sneer on his face.

Jorge looked extremely upset now but dared not to burst out in anger. He only suppressed his anger as

he explained to Hera in a friendly tone, "Madam Levisay, can we talk about this later? Our priority now

is to proceed with the wedding. We—"

"What is there to talk about?" Hera cut him off. "You have to pay up for what is missing! Though, I don't

think the Cornells have anything to compensate us. I'm telling you, Jorge, you better get it all back! All

of it! If you can't, pay off the debt with your immovable assets. You're not getting away with this until this

matter settles." After saying that, she shoved Jorge away without any intention of remaining polite to


With how things were now, the wedding could not possibly go on.

Katherine only stood there, watching Hera and Jorge kick up a fuss with cold eyes as if she was merely

a spectator.

The police soon arrived at the scene. Not only did they take away all the empty boxes as evidence, but

they also sealed off Cornell Residence. As for Jorge, who was a suspect, he was naturally taken away

for further investigation.

Katherine and Joaquin stood outside the Cornell Residence and looked at the seal tape at the entrance

before turning to look at each other.

"There goes the wedding. Are we going back to our own homes or what?" Katherine tugged at the

wedding dress on her body. Being in this kind of dress made her so uncomfortable she wished she

could change back into her regular clothes this instant.

Hearing that, Joaquin turned and glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. "Who told you that the

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wedding is over? Let's go. This is just the beginning."

As he said that, he reached out to grab her wrist and took her to the car parked on the side of the road.

After the Cornells made such a fuss, Hera followed Jorge to the police station, and the crowd of guests

of the Cornells began to disperse.

Katherine did not know what Joaquin was up to, but she chose not to ask. Tired from being dug out of

bed early in the morning to put on makeup, she closed her eyes for a rest as soon as she got into the


The car then slowly drove to Diamond Hotel with a fleet of luxury cars following behind, making a grand


The entrance of the hotel was decorated with pink heart-shaped balloons. There were also many

posters with the couple's photos. And in those photos, both smiled brightly, with joy written all over their

faces. They looked like a couple who were deeply in love with each other.

Once the car stopped at the gate, Joaquin reached over and nudged Katherine lightly. She then

opened her eyes and was stunned when she saw the hotel. "What is this? You had another show

planned?" she asked in confusion.

"Let's get out. My grandparents are waiting inside. We have to greet the elderly first and foremost."

Joaquin unfastened his seat belt and opened the door to get out of the car first.

Katherine was silent for a moment before she unbuckled her seat belt and followed suit.

The hotel lobby was quiet as there was only hotel staff there.

As soon as Katherine and Joaquin entered the lobby, someone immediately approached them to lead

the way.

By the time they had arrived at the banquet hall, she was still confused by what was happening as she

saw the guests that filled up the place and the emcee who livened up the ceremony.

Right then, the emcee spotted the newlyweds at the entrance, which led him to shout in excitement,

"And now, let's welcome the bride and groom of the day to get on stage!"