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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 154
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Chapter 154

"Noah? Come, let me take a look at you." After being momentarily caught off-guard, Jennifer recovered

quickly and extended her hand toward Noah with a smile.

Noah wasn't particularly close to Jennifer. Seeing her actions, the girl instinctively raised her head to

look at Joaquin.

Joaquin couldn't help the warmth in his chest when he felt the dependance and trust the little girl in

front of her had for him. It was a strange feeling that he felt for the first time.

He then reached out and gently rubbed her head before saying softly, "Go ahead."

Only then did she release his hand and shuffled in front of Jennifer.

Seeing this, Jennifer gave Joaquin a shocked look while her eyes darted back and forth between

Joaquin and Noah's face for a long time. In fact, she was surprised by how similar the child and

Joaquin looked!

After Noah reached Jennifer, she softly called out in her wispy voice, "Nana."

"Oh, you sweet child. You must have been tired from the trip here. Are you hungry?" Jennifer's hands

were shaking from excitement. She raised one hand to pat Noah on the head, but eventually retracted

it when she didn't have the courage to touch Noah.

"Grandma, Noah must be tired. Let her have a rest for a while. I will cook." Katherine carried Noah's

luggage into a room, and when she was greeted by the sight of Jennifer and her red eyes when she

came out, she quietly sighed and walked over to hold Noah's hand.

Noah's calm eyes lit up when Katherine grabbed her hand. She then allowed Katherine to hold her as

she followed Katherine into the room obediently.

Jennifer raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes. Seeing this, Joaquin went over and handed

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her a tissue.

After she took the tissue from him, she lamented, "Noah has had a hard life."

"Kathy doesn't seem to be particularly close to her." He felt a little puzzled when he thought of

Katherine's attitude on their way home.

Jennifer shook her head and choked, "Let Kathy tell you herself about this matter. I don't know the

details either. Noah had to put up with a lot. She has been in poor health since she was a child, and

had to stay in the hospital. On top of that, she is an introvert who doesn't like to have interaction with

other people." She then sighed after saying those words before she trudged back to her room.

When Katherine came out and saw Joaquin outside by himself, she glanced at Jennifer's room, and

immediately had a rough idea of what was going on. Without saying a word, she went straight into the


"I will help." Joaquin followed after her.

Instead of rejecting his offer, she only prepared the ingredients with her head lowered, seemingly in

deep thoughts.

After the meal was finally ready in two hours, Katherine knocked on the bedroom doors to tell Noah

and Jennifer to come out to eat. Noah seemed to be in good spirits after she had rested. She still

looked timid and jumpy, but compared to before, she was a lot livelier now. At the very least, she was

now willing to speak.

When Jennifer saw this, she couldn't help sympathizing with the child despite her excitement.

"Noah should be at the age where she is about to attend kindergarten, right? What are your next

plans?" After eating, Joaquin found a chance to ask Katherine when they were alone.

Katherine kept quiet for a while before she looked at Joaquin. "Noah has severe autism, and she even

has violent tendencies at more extreme times. With her situation, going to a kindergarten might not be

the best thing for her."

He, too, fell silent after hearing her words. After giving it a thought, it did seem to be a bit of a problem

to send someone of Noah's condition to a kindergarten and have her interact with other children. "I

have a good friend who has great achievements in psychology. If you aren't against it, I can ask him to

come over and have a look. Of course, only if Noah isn't against the idea of psychologists as well."

"It is alright. Her personal psychologist will be here in 2 days." Katherine shook her head and refused.

Joaquin was surprised by her answer, but he didn't further probe.

Seeing how he still stayed around, she couldn't help but ask, "Do you have nothing going on these

days? Is everything alright with Area Seven?"

The corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at her. After a second-long silence, he reminded her,

"We just got married. No matter how busy I am, I still have my marriage leave. And have you forgotten

that my main duty now is to protect your grandmother?"

Katherine's forehead wrinkled when they spoke about this. "There is no information about the person

who lured Grandma back from Fontan. It seems that the other party is someone powerful. Just what is

my grandmother's identity for them to take a risk like this?"

"Perhaps you should try asking your grandmother." Joaquin didn't say it directly and only shrugged.

She rolled her eyes at that. It was exactly because she couldn't find out anything even after

investigating it that she was trying to fish for information from him.

Even the intelligence department she had control over had no way to investigate Jennifer's identity.

From there, Katherine could tell that Jennifer was no average person and someone who was at least

on a Triple S level.

"You can leave now, Mr. Levisay. I am going to rest." After failing to get any useful clues, she lost the

will to continue talking to him, so she unhesitantly tried to kick him out of her house.

That only earned her a baffled look from the man. "I think you forgot something, Mrs. Levisay."

Katherine proceeded to ignore the way he addressed her and demanded he left. "Noah doesn't like

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having strangers at home. Also, it is inappropriate for a man to stay in a house with 3 other women."

Joaquin was just about to speak when his phone suddenly rang. His face fell the moment he glanced at

his phone.

"Okay. I will go back now. Call me if anything." He bid her farewell and left.

She looked at his back thoughtfully, and only came back to her senses when he left and closed the


He only picked up the call after he was out of her house. "Shoot."

"Boss, there is news about the Night Owl whom we have been following before. He entered the country

half an hour ago, and he is now in Hovington. Should we..." Jeremy sounded excited.

They had been tracking Night Owl down for 3 years as Night Owl had amazing hacking skills. It was to

the point where they could wipe their traces clean no matter where they went. Joaquin's men couldn't

get anything on Night Owl even after 3 years of relentless pursuit, which was why it was surprising that

Night Owl was now walking right to their doorstep.

"Are you sure?" Joaquin's expression was very serious.

"100 percent. It is all thanks to the new system my dear sister-in-law installed for us in Area Seven. It

actually functions this way as well. We managed to pinpoint Night Owl's location as soon as they

entered the country. The tracking function of this system is wonderful," Jeremy cheered and even

changed the way he addressed Katherine.

"Continue with the tracking." Joaquin was a little surprised. Night Owl was one of the top ten most

wanted criminals in the world. They had used their excellent computer skills to hack into the United

Confederation system, and that was when the United Confederation offered a bounty. Countless

bounty hunters tried to catch them then, but none of those hunters could even obtain any information

on Night Owl's gender.

"Yes, boss. My sister-in-law is really amazing. Let's ask her to create a few new systems for us?"

Jeremy agreed, only to cunningly propose his idea.

"Oh, piss off."