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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 423
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While being doubted by those people, Joaquin remained calm and spoke astutely, "Everyone, don't

worry. Despite being a shareholder, I have no interest in being president of the company. After all, I

have no interest in Levisay Group. However, as a shareholder and a Levisay, I can't stand to see it fail,

nor would I allow anyone to ruin my grandpa's hard work. So, I would like to put my hand up for

Donovan Gallant to become the vice president and let him deal with the company matters. Of course,

he would have to discuss with the board regarding any huge decisions."

When John heard that, his expression turned grim while his posse looked pale. Everyone knew that

Joaquin was deliberately turning his father into a mere figurehead! Even though John would become

chairman, he lacked authority. So, what was the use of having that position? It was only a title that

sounded nice!

"How can that be—" Someone tried to object, but Joaquin shot him a cold stare right after he began


"Why can't it be like that? In terms of experience, Mr. Gallant has more experience than all of you put

together. Moreover, he was there every step of the way when my grandpa started the Levisay Group.

Hence, his abilities are comparable to everyone else's in this room. As for loyalty, I'm sure no one is

more loyal to the company than him. So, no matter what criteria, he is the best candidate to take up the

position of vice president and take over the company's matters." Those words were reasonable and

justifiable, so no one in the room could rebuke them.

After Joaquin finished speaking, there was a brief moment of silence. Then, several of those who

supported Donovan stood and applauded to show their support.

"I think it's a good choice!"

"Me too. I believe that appointing Donovan as vice president is the best choice!"

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"I agree with Mr. Levisay's suggestion!"

"I agree too…"

When John's supporters saw many people supporting that idea, they knew they had lost, so they kept


In the meantime, John felt his heart sink to the bottom when he saw the scene, and his expression was

as dark as coal.

However, there was another pressing matter, so Joaquin looked around calmly and announced, "The

people involved in the matters listed in this document have caused significant harm to the company,

and I believe they are unfit to remain with Levisay Group. They should be punished, their shares should

be revoked, and their employment terminated."

As soon as Joaquin said that, a few people immediately turned pale, and they all looked toward John,

hoping he could help them. However, he couldn't even protect himself. So, how could he manage to

save himself and his men?

After hearing that, John gritted his teeth, and his eyes widened with anger as he gave Joaquin a death

stare. It was like he wanted to swallow his son. "Very well. Very well, indeed! You even dare to deal

with my men! How ruthless of you! You're such a 'good' son!"

To that, Joaquin calmly replied, "Thank you for the compliment. This is nothing. You haven't seen what

I'm capable of."

John was at a loss for words. Ultimately, he felt embarrassed and glared at Joaquin before leaving the

conference room without turning back.

Suddenly, the atmosphere inside the conference room became awkward as John's posse looked at

each other before leaving with pale faces.

After a while, only Donovan's supporters remained inside the conference room.

Donovan then turned around and looked at Joaquin with admirable and respectful eyes, feeling

relieved and grateful. "Mr. Levisay, thank you. Old Mr. Levisay would be proud to know what you've

done for Levisay Group."

When facing these people, Joaquin became less cold and more respectful. "Mr. Gallant, you're

flattering me. I'm only doing what I should. I'll leave the future of Levisay Group in your capable hands."

After that, he glanced around at the other people there and nodded. "Everyone should be on high alert

because John Levisay will not give up easily and may try something else."

"Don't worry. We'll keep our eyes on him." Donovan agreed and added, "Mr. Levisay, are you really not

planning on returning to Levisay Group?"

After a brief pause, Joaquin replied, "Not for the moment. In any case, I'm relieved to have you in

charge of the company."

Hearing that answer, Donovan thought it was a pity and patted Joaquin's shoulder. "Alright. I'll help you

take care of this company. You can ask me anything anytime. You are always welcome to return to

Levisay Group and take the position. The president of Levisay Group will always be you."

After exiting the Levisay Group, Joaquin got in the car and immediately took out his phone to call


"How is it? Have you settled the matter?" Her worried voice was heard right after the call was


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Soon, the coldness inside his eyes melted and gradually faded. A gentle smile finally appeared on his

face, and his expression relaxed. "Yes. It's all settled. I just left the company." He parted his thin lips

and replied gently.

When Katherine heard that reply, she finally felt relieved and sighed lightly. Then, she couldn't help but

exhort Joaquin. "Now that you've pushed John out of his position, he won't forgive you that easily. You

should be more careful because he is full of vicious tricks."

When he heard that, he raised an eyebrow and looked out the window calmly. "Don't worry. I know

what to do." After that, he changed the topic. "Where's Noah?"

Then, she looked beside her and saw the little girl with an excited face. She chuckled and gave her

phone to her daughter. "Here. Your daddy is asking for you."

The little girl was super excited and took over the phone before hurriedly speaking into the speaker.

"Daddy! I'm here!"

Her soft and cute voice melted Joaquin's heart and filled it with gentleness when he heard it. "Noah, did

you miss me?"

"I did!" the little girl replied. "I missed you so much! Mom and I can return to Hovington once Mr. Blatt

returns from Mr. Gray's house. Then, our family will be reunited!"

"Oh, is that so?" Joaquin chuckled. "Then, I'll await your return and fetch you from the airport."

The father-and-daughter duo talked for a while before reluctantly ending the call.

"Mom, Mr. Blatt has gone to Mr. Gray's house for a long time. Why isn't he back yet? When will he be

back?" After putting the phone back on the coffee table, Noah placed her hands together and asked


Katherine noticed Noah's impatience and found it amusing, so she pinched her small cheeks.