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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57

"Okay, then. Are you going out?" Jorge, who had a plan in mind, asked absentmindedly

upon seeing that Katherine was dressed up.

"Yup. Since I haven't been back for some years now, I'm meeting up with some friends."

She made up a simple excuse.

Not really concerning her whereabouts, Jorge waved his hand at her.

After exiting the front gate, Katherine's smile disappeared and she did not ask Cornells'

chauffeur to send her. Instead, she went out of the residential area and hailed a cab.

At Ben's clinic, the wound on Keith's face was already fully healed to the point where no

scarring could be seen. Not only that, his skin looked in better condition than before.

Ben kept encircling Keith, in awe that the ointment's effects were even better than he


The wound on Keith's face would take at least half a month with the best anti-swelling

ointment in the market to heal up. Also, even that alone could not ensure that scars would


However, Katherine's ointment only took three days to basically heal the wound up with

no hint of scarring.

"About your ointment…" Ben's gaze was directed at the medicine on the bedside table

with signs of impulse.

If he got even the slightest of the ointment's sample and analyzed it, not only would it be

priceless, just the healing ability of external wounds itself would make the entire armies

fight tooth and nail over it.

This is what Joaquin needs right now.

"It's mine!" Keith took the ointment and held it alertly, glaring fiercely at Ben.

This made the corners of Ben's mouth twitch.

This brat is the same as his sister. They are not cute at all!

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"It's not that I want to take it. I just want to take a tinsy bit to analyze it. Could you…"

Even though Ben was cursing him inside, he knew that he needed to get the formula, so

he asked in humility once again.

"No! My sister gave this to me!" Keith was protecting the ointment as if it were his life.

Since Katherine did not provide him a lot, it was almost empty after being used up for the

past few days.

"I'll really only take a little bit. I can buy it. How about I pay you for it? I'll pay however

much you want."

"Oh, really? However much I want?" It was then a cold voice came from behind him.

The accompanying footsteps came with a refreshing scent that spread across the room.

Ben quickly turned around and looked at the person behind him with bright eyes. "Are you

selling the formula of the ointment? How about I buy it for a hundred million?

Peering at Ben, Katherine rejected him outright. "It's not for sale."

He asked in a disappointed tone, "Why? Is a hundred million not enough? How about two

hundred million? Is that enough?"

"Thank you, but I'm not short on cash." The sheer amount of assets she owned meant that

she did not care about this two hundred million. Besides, the recipe involved sensitivities.

If she were to simply give out the recipe, it would attract heavy attention to her.

Even though Katherine had the strength to protect herself, the people closest to her did


If Keith, who still had to return to Kyoland to study, met with an unfortunate accident, she

would sob tears of regret.

"I beg of you. I really have an important use for it. Lives are at stake here." Ben joined his

palm and prayed to the woman.

Silent, Katherine looked at him with pursed lips.

Ben, who thought that this might work, heard her replying with a hint of disdain, "You can

even throw your pride away for a formula?"

"Pride is useless. What is useful is the formula. If you can give me that, I can kneel down

and call you my mother." Ben decided to be shameless.

She replied, "You don't need to do that. I don't want such an old son."

The conversation made Keith laugh.

Katherine immediately glared at him. "Pack your bags now and go back to studying. Don't

run around if you don't have anything to do, and don't go looking for trouble. Get it?

Otherwise, I'll break your legs."

Keith was originally still reveling in the conversation as he stated with a sullen expression,

"But Kathy, it's been so long since I came back."

"Hmph. Are you having fun being a rich spoiled brat? Or did you not learn your lesson in

the lockup? Do you want to get beaten again?" She peered at her brother with an unhappy


Keith knew that she was really angry as a matter of fact that he did get into big trouble

this time and nearly lost his life, so it was natural for Katherine to be so angry.

Lowering his head, he did not dare to rebuke her.

"Now that your wounds are healed, buy a flight ticket and return immediately." Katherine

knocked on the bed frame.

Shocked, Ben looked at Keith in utter disbelief. "Wait, are all his wounds healed?"

It was such a severe injury to the point where his heart and lungs were punctured by the

broken ribs! Isn't it literally insulting the injuries if he did not at least rest for half a month?

Katherine glanced at him briefly before giving it a thought and said, "I can give you the

ointment, but you have to keep this a secret for me."

Since Keith's wounds healed so quickly, if somebody found out, they would definitely seek

him and maybe even dissect him to see if there was anything special about his body.

Obviously, she did not wish for him to be in danger, so she gave in eventually.

Despite Katherine's action to reject his two hundred million offer but accepted for the sake

of Keith made Ben a little confused, he accepted it nonetheless. "Deal!"

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"I'll be giving you a hundred grams every month," she added.

Ben was speechless.

A hundred grams? What can I do with a hundred grams?

Yet, looking at how serious Katherine was, Ben was also feeling ambitious. What if I could

analyze the contents of the ointment? Then, wouldn't I be able to replicate it?

A hundred grams it is, then.

"Okay. Deal."

The two reached an agreement soon enough with Katherine ignoring him after that and

urging Keith to pack his bags. In the meantime, she purchased a 3.00PM flight ticket back

to Kyoland for him.

As for Jorge, since he was in the blind about what happened to his son, Katherine decided

to keep it that way.

Sending Keith off, Katherine stood in front of the window at the airport and watched as the

airplane took off.

Now that Keith has gone back, it is time to tear the Tillman Family down.

She turned on her bluetooth headset and called a number. "Expand the company into

Cechirus with an emphasis on developing it at Kyoland. I don't ever want to see the

Tillmans ever again. Stir up some trouble for them, so they don't have the time to go after


"The Tillmans in Kyoland?" The receiver was perplexed. The torrent of keyboard sounds

was followed by long silence.

"Isn't this overkill for such a small family?"

"Yes, but I want to make sure Keith does not experience any more dangers." Katherine

agreed with her methods being overkill. Yet, she still wanted to light a fire with thunder.

Since they made a move on Keith, the Tillmans had truly crossed the line.

"Alright. You're the boss."

The receiver accepted it quickly as if one of the prominent players in Cechirus vanishing

was not a big of a deal; they were nothing but a pawn to be sacrificed at the end of the
