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Abigail’s Second Life

Chapter 908
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Kevin drove past the entrance of L.Moon and caught sight of Irene standing there. A smirk played at the corner

of his lips.

He quickly parked the car and strode out.

Entering the lobby of L.Moon, his gaze honed in on Irene, who was engrossed in conversation with another man.

The man beside her, though not conventionally handsome, possessed an innate charm that radiated a sense of

warmth and approachability.

Kevin halted in his tracks.

The way Irene talked with the man was completely different from her usual demeanor with him.

Even as they stepped into the elevator, Kevin was unable to shake off the lingering sense of bewilderment that

gripped him.

When Irene turned and saw him, her surprise was fleeting, but it was swiftly replaced by a composed, neutral

expression that betrayed little emotion when she turned away.

Not once did her gaze linger on him as the elevator doors slid shut.

Meanwhile, Leon's gaze also lingered on Kevin.

Suddenly, the elevator fell into a hushed silence.

After a brief pause, Irene finally spoke up, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "We didn't wait for Mr.

Stewart... I'm feeling a bit on edge."

Leon's smile exuded reassurance as he replied, "It's alright. He won't take it personally. And even if he does, we

still have Miss Quinn and Miss Smith to support us, don't we?"

"Yeah, you're right. There's always the other department," Irene chimed in awkwardly before lapsing into silence

once more.

"I've heard you've been lending a hand with the men's fashion line for Leap Gaming Technology lately. If you ever

need guidance or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I've got sexperience in that area," he

offered, his tone casual yet genuine.

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"So far, nothing has really thrownoff. | just make a few adjustments here and there, but it's no big deal,"

Irene replied softly. "Oh, and speaking of which, my bonus just cthrough. I'd like to treat everyone to dinner


Leon's response was frank, tinged with a hint of practicality. "You really don't have to, honestly. Most of the

designers in the company are more financially secure than you might think. How many of them haven't earned

millions? Your 150 thousand bonus might not impress them as much."

The majority of the designers who remained with the company were locals, hailing from backgrounds far from

financial hardship.

In Capitalis, how many locals hailed from humble beginnings?

When L.Moon's traffic surged, their annual incomes soared into the millions.

"Alright," Irene acquiesced while feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment at the thought of not having to

foot the bill.

Yet, she knew she still had to strive harder to make her mark.

Abigail was at home, listening to Sean narrating stories to the child in her belly, when Kevin abruptly barged in

and plopped himself onto the couch with a disgruntled huff.

"What's wrong?" Sean glanced over at Kevin, his features etched with worry, as he asked while holding a book in

one hand.

Kevin fidgeted with his collar in annoyance, and his voice was devoid of its usual vigor as he replied, "Nothing

much. Do you happen to have any liquor around?"

"Yes, we do," Sean said, then called for the nanny to fetch him stequila.

Kevin poured himself a generous serving and silently consumed them as he methodically drained one shot after


Sensing the somber atmosphere, Sean abandoned his book and joined Kevin on the couch. After a moment of

contemplative silence, he asked, "Has something troubled you? Perhaps a breakup?" Kevin's response was tinged

with melancholy as he murmured with a gloomy look, "I've yet to even venture into a relationship, so no, no

breakup to speak of."

Understanding flickered in Sean's eyes as he regarded Kevin. "Then, why are you drowning your sorrows in

alcohol?" he pressed on, his confusion evident.

With a hint of frustration, Kevin snapped back. "If you're concerned about the cost, I'll gladly reimburse you. But

for now, please sparethe lecture and letdrown my sorrows in peace." Sean sighed deeply, his gaze

heavy with resignation. "Irene... Is she truly in love?"

Kevin's response cswift and curt, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "What does it matter to me

whether she's in love or not?"

Abigail's piercing gaze bore into him, her tone laced with a mix of concern and exasperation. "Why insist on this

futile pursuit? Is she the only one who captures your interest? Must you tether yourself to this one tree and

ignore the forest of other possibilities?"

"This inability to win her over leaves him unsettled," Sean remarked as he sunk deeper into the cushions of the

couch. His tone carried a hint of frustration, tinged with a touch of arrogance. "After all, he has been accustomed

to success in matters of the heart."

Kevin's frustration boiled over as he questioned Sean's loyalty. "Are you even still my friend?"

With a nonchalant shrug, Sean brushed off the accusation, and his indifference was noticeable. "Even if | were to

advocate for you, the reality remains unchanged."

Choosing silence over confrontation, Kevin drowned his thoughts in his drink and silently conceded to the logic of

Sean's words.

Indeed, Sean's argument held merit.

Irene's preference for an ordinary worker over him struck a chord of resignation within him.

"Let it be," he muttered under his breath and accepted the inevitability of her decision.

With Irene's choice made, he found himself at a loss for further words or actions.

"Essentially, you're on your own with this," Sean remarked as he rose from his seat to rejoin Abigail's side.

"Alternatively, we could head out to the garden, and I'll carry on reading to you."

"Forget it; let's just head back to the room. I'm feeling quite tired," Abigail replied as she stifled a yawn.

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Kevin observed Sean preparing to assist Abigail upstairs and couldn't resist interjecting, "Are you just going to

disregard me?"

"Your demeanor leaves much to be desired," Sean remarked with a hint of resignation. "But let's set that aside

for now. You should perhaps mull it over on your own. As for me, | still need to comfort my wife, and her pregnant

belly needs attention, you know."

Kevin's brows furrowed in disbelief. "Are you serious? She has only been pregnant for a short while. The fetus

hasn't even developed ears yet, and you're already talking about soothing it to sleep? Even if this is your first

tbecoming a father, shouldn't you educate yourself a bit beforehand? There are countless

books available."

"Then, you have to wait until I've coaxed her to sleep before | can join you downstairs," he declared firmly and

displayed a sense of confidence that brooked no argument.

Kevin fought the urge to roll his

eyes, a mixture of exasperation and disappointment swirling within him. Despite the temptation, he managed to

suppress the gesture and opted instead for a deep, resigned sigh. With a quiet exhalation, he muttered to

himself in a tone tinged with disbelief, "I really ended up in the

wrong place." Sear*ch the Findwebsite on Goggle to access chapters of early and in the highest


"In that case, you might as well leave," Abigail declared, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. It was evident

that he had disrupted a moment meant for her and her husband, and she made no effort to hide her annoyance.

After diligently tying up loose ends at the office, Sean made a heartfelt promise to dedicate the entire day to her.

"| refuse to return!" Kevin protested as he felt unfairly treated.

In the midst of his own turmoil, he couldn't help but wonder why Sean and Abigail seemed to effortlessly bask in

happiness together.

"Ignore him," Sean remarked before leading Abigail back to their room.

It had only been a month and a half, yet her abdomen remained flat.

With tender care, he helped her settle onto the bed and his hand gently traced the curve of her belly as he

whispered, "Rest now, and I'll tell you a bedtstory."

"Sure, read it in Aktani. I'll drift off soon," Abigail murmured, and her eyelids fluttered shut.