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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 659 Malcolm loves his wife most
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The nurse stepped forward respectfully and put the tablet box in the tray on her table.

Lyra held the baby with one hand and maintained the movement of feeding. With the other hand freed, she went to check the box on the table.

The nurse stood quietly beside her, not saying a word.

Before Lyra could touch the box, she suddenly noticed something strange.

"No, when it's the first day of taking medicine, the attending doctor should cin person. Even if the medicine arrives, the doctor must give the prescription and bring it toto communicate with me, instead of sending a nurse.” She turned her head suddenly, "What's your purpose?” The nurse had a fierce look. Just when Lyra turned her head to look over, she pulled out a syringe with anaesthetic hidden behind her and tried to stab it at Lyra's neck.

Because of holding Spencer, it was very inconvenient for Lyra to fight with her with one hand, and the nurse was indeed very ruthless with both hands.

The needle broke the skin of Lyra's neck, and Lyra gritted her teeth and kicked her hard. The nurse staggered two steps to the side, before the needle in her hand could be injected into Lyra's body.

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Lyra's fair skin had red scratches, and small beads of blood oozed out.

It seemed that her movement was too fierce, and Spencer felt uncomfortable in her arms and began to whimper and cry.

At this juncture, Lyra didn't have tto soothe the baby's emotions but quickly put him back in the crib and covered him with a light blanket. Then she turned to fight with the woman in the nurse's uniform.

In terms of fighting, Lyra, who had the black section of Jiu-Jitsu did not have the restraint when holding the baby, almost sec- killed that woman.

She strangled the woman's neck and pressed her hands against the table, asking, "Who sent you here? What happened to the police officers outside?" The noise was not small in the room, and there was a small and transparent glass window on the door of the ward, in which the people outside could vaguely see the situation in the ward.

But outside the door, the two police officers arranged by Malcolm did not enter the ward after the movement. Something must have happened.

The woman laughed, "It's useless for you to catch me. | don't know anything. I'm only responsible for taking the money and doing things. The two police officers have been sent away. | guess they won't be able to escape for half an hour. Besides me, there will be other people coming in five minutes later to take the child away. Even if you call your husband, he probably won't be able to cin so quickly, right?" Lyra looked at Spencer who had been crying in the crib.

Being furious, she pulled the woman's hair viciously, "Why does that person take baby away? Whom can he offend? He is so young." The woman's scalp was numb from the pain, and she struggled to say, "How do | know? | already say this. It's useless for you to arrest me. | don't know any secrets of the employer. Such a small child, If you say he offends anyone, it must be the adult's fault!" Lyra's face looked cold, and her hand to restrain the woman did not loosen at all.

The mastermind behind the scenes even knew Spencer's ward number and his illness. Obviously, this person was well prepared.

Was a hater who hated her or Malcolm? Without thinking deeply, Lyra bargained, "I will give you three times the amount of money your employer gave you." The woman was stunned for a while, and in a pickle, "Ma'am, this is not a matter of money. It is a matter of morality and principles. If | betray my employer, who will cooperate within the future?" Lyra sneered, "My husband is the director of the National Investigation Bureau. You're caught by me. Do you think there is still a chance to get out of prison? Is there a chance to continue your career?" The woman wasn't swayed, "It's impossible anyway. I'm not that kind of person. No matter how much money you give me, | won't doit." "| pay ten times the commission." After a few seconds of silence, the woman was in a pickle again, "Ma'am, | don't know who you are. Your family is so rich, but this matter..." Lyra didn't bother to listen to her but added the money again, "Twenty times." "Deal!" The woman changed her vicious attitude and smiled cheerfully, "As long as you act up to your promise, | will do whatever you askto do!" Lyra didn't answer and let go of the woman's shackles.

With Spencer's pitiful cries, she coaxed him patiently, while thinking clearly and calmly to analyze the whole thing.

The woman rubbed her wrist that was clenched by Lyra before, and began to worry about her new employer.

"Boss, two minutes have passed. In three minutes at the latest, that group of people will enter the ward. They'll bring anaesthetic rifles and stun guns. You and | can't fight with bare hands. You giveso much money, but | can't help you." Lyra was calm and quickly figured out her plan, "I don't need you to show you're instigated by me. You can do whatever they ask you to do." "Ah?" The woman was slightly stunned, looking at the baby in her arms and being a little disbelieving.

She loved her child very much. Was she really willing to let her child be taken away by her and kidnapped by those people as a leverage? Three minutes later, four-ish tall men in black suits entered the baby ward in three times to divert attention from people outside the ward.

The woman in the nurse's uniform had already tied up Lyra and covered her mouth with a towel.

The mess in the ward and the messy hair of the two women indicated that there had been a fierce fight before they entered the room.

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The man in the suit asked, "What's going on?" The woman panted heavily and replied with a smile, "The t| arranged was late. This woman has already sent the baby to the attending doctor's office. It seems he's in the examination room and hasn't cout yet. She cout to get something and bumped into me. It started.” The man in the suit was very upset, "Why don't you find a way to take the child away? Why tie her up and still guard her?" "She is good at jiu-jitsu. I'm afraid once | leave, she uses the things in the room to break the rope. What if she asks for help?" The woman felt very awkward. "Why you cso late? I'm alone. How can | handle both sides? This woman threatenedjust now, saying her husband is the director of the National Investigation Bureau, and | am doomed." The man in the suit didn't answer, and the eyes under the sunglasses were particularly gloomy, indicating his dissatisfaction.

The woman continued to lobby, "I tied her up anyway. This matter has been exposed. | can't let her go. It's better to tie her away." "I heard Malcolm White is the director of NIB. He loves his wife the most. You kidnapping his wife will definitely be more effective than kidnapping his child.” "I guess even if you ask for the entire NIB, maybe he could deliver it with both hands.” The leading man in the suit was silent for a while, then winked at the man next to him.

The other man immediately took out his mobile phone to make a phone call, and after receiving the approval from the other side, he nodded to the leading man.

"Take her away." The leading man in the suit ordered the woman who tied Lyra, "Disguise yourself well. Go to the attending doctor's and take the three with you. Just in case, it's best to take both the child and adults with away." "OK." Taking them away from the hospital was too conspicuous and Lyra was put on a black blindfold and wrapped in a rough woven sack.

The man in the suit quickly changed into a delivery clothes and pulled a cart to take Lyra and a lot of onions and vegetables in the sack away.

The surveillance was hacked, and several people walked through the employee channel unimpeded.

It wasn't until they got into a black van that Lyra was taken out of the sack and thrown into the back row.

But the group of people did not drive immediately but planned to wait for the person who kidnapped the baby.

A few minutes later, the leading man in the suit received a text message, and his voice was a little deeper.

"The situation has changed. The NIB has added more people in the hospital. I'm afraid the child can't be taken away. Let them withdraw themselves. Drive."