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All Too Late

Chapter 279
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Chapter 279 No Choice But To Let Go

Kathleen sighed heavily. Why are they all asking this? In her worry, she said, “Can you stop hurting

yourself this way. Samuel? If you continue this way aren’t you just letting Old Mrs. Macari down? Along

with Mr. Macari and Mrs. Macari?” Samuel didn’t reply. Frustrated, Kathleen pursed her lips anxiously.

She was worried that he would rush out again if he happened to get agitated “Enough now, Samuel.

You should treat your illness. pleaded Kathleen as she furrowed her brows deeply “It’s incurable,”

rasped Samuel coarsely. He continued. After regaining consciousness, I hired an extremely well-known

doctor and got him to take a look at my condition. My illness started because of you. All will be well as

long as you’re next to me. You’re the crucial element that helps to stabilize both my condition and my

emotional state.” Kathleen was stunned by his sudden declaration. Am I really that important? “Is there

no other way?” she asked with a frown. Samuel picked up on the difficult position that she was in and

said, “I know. I can’t force you to do something you don’t want to. I’ll try my best to manage alone.” At

that she descended into a moment of deep thought and silence ensued. Now that I think about it, I

wonder if he overheard the things I said outside earlier. From his expression, I doubt that he did. That

means he doesn’t know that I kissed Caleb yesterday in order to protect him. Well.. So be it. I don’t

want to explain myself anyway. He took in her expression and picked up on the frustration she was

feeling. As such, he didn’t pursue the matter any further. He was afraid that she would have more

reason to scom him now that she knew he was ill. He suppressed the unhappiness he was feeling and

said, “Let me wash your hair for you.” She nodded and grunted in agreement. Following that Samuel

proceeded to meticulously and delicately wash her hair. “How long will Tyson and the others need to

come over asked Kathleen curiously. “It’ll take them at least until tomorrow night. It all depends on

when the storm blows over explained Samuel “This is an island, correct? Is there anyone else around?”

she asked “Not at all,” he replied with a shake of his head. She frowned slightly and probed, “What are

you doing with an island like this?

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As he helped to wash her hair thoroughly, he said, “I was thinking that if it came to a point where I

couldn’t get myself under control, I needed a place to isolate myself Kathleen was stunned and

repeated, “You planned to live alone on an island? He nodded in acknowledgment At that moment,

Kathleen felt pangs of heartbreak and sadness wash over her. She realized that she was what Samuel

needed to treat himself. If he couldn’t find her, his emotional state would fluctuate perpetually, and he

might just end up having to stay on the island. T’ll make sure to treat myself, Kate,” rasped Samuel

reassuringly. That said, he knew that there might not be a point or much use to all the treatment. T’ll

find a doctor, so please don’t hate me. Will you? pleaded Samuel desperately in his low voice Kathleen

felt a sharp pain straight through her heart before she finally replied, “All right.” He was delighted upon

taking in her response. He stated, “Your hair’s done. Is there anything else you need help with?” “Don’t

go too far now. Haven’t I ended up in this state all because of you?” puffed Kathleen angrily He was

taken aback and paused for a moment before he stated, “I’m sorry.” She faintly asked, “Do you have

another copy of the key?” “What key?” asked Samuel with a deep frown. “You locked Nicolette in the

underground prison. I went to find you earlier to get the key, but you threw it away,” explained Kathleen

impatiently. “Nicolette’s here?” asked Samuel as his brows knotted in surprise. Kathleen gazed at him

strangely and asked, “Don’t you both share the same set of memories?” He said hoarsely, “He can see

my memories, but I can’t see his.” She didn’t know how to respond to that revelation and instead

maintained her silence He promised, “I’ll do my best to make sure he doesn’t appear anymore.” He had

become very careful with his mannerisms and the way he conducted himself. He was sorely afraid that

he would reveal the explosive side of himself and scare her away. That was something he wanted to

avoid at all costs, as he didn’t want to detect the slightest bit of fear or terror in her eyes when she

looked at him. However, with that revelation, Kathleen was fully convinced that Samuel hadn’t heard

what she had said previously “Let Nicolette go, Samuel. She’s lost both her legs. It’s more than enough

torture for her already stated Kathleen grimly.

“All right. I’ll listen to you,” replied Samuel obediently. However, he added. That said… I only have one

key.” She was rendered speechless. He quickly added, “You don’t have to worry about it. I’m sure

Tyson and the others can come up with other methods of getting her out when they arrive tomorrow.”

“That’s good then,” replied Kathleen with a sigh of relief. “Are you done? I’ll carry you out he asked.

She raised both her arms as a preliminary test before she replied, “It seems like I’ve gotten some of my

strength back” He looked intently at her with a tinge of disappointment in his eyes. “Hand me the

bathrobe, instructed Kathleen However, he didn’t move and merely looked at her with a pitiful

expression on his face. She held her forehead in exasperation as she conceded and said, “Fine. Help

me put on my bathrobe, then carry me out.” Samuel grunted in acknowledgment and gleefully nodded.

He grabbed the bathrobe and helped to drape it over her lithe frame before he lifted her into his arms

and carried her out. Outside, the storm continued to rage on relentlessly. Kathleen took that in and

worriedly asked, “Do you think Nicolette will freeze to death down there? “I can lower the sluice and

allow the seawater to drain away stated Samuel coldly. Truth be told, he didn’t want to do so at all.

However, he guessed Kathleen wasn’t willing to let Nicolette meet her end at a place like that. “Go on

and do it then!” implored Kathleen. She continued. “Why didn’t you say so before? “Well.. You didn’t

ask either,” he replied solemnly. She wasn’t too pleased by that and remarked, “You’re done for if

Nicolette meets her and here. Samuel However, he put on a nonchalant expression and fully conveyed

how he didn’t care one bit. She explained, “You know as well as I do that Zachary wants to have a

kidney transplant as he thinks his current kidneys aren’t doing well. Once Nicolette leaves this world,

that would be the same as shredding all hope that Zachary has. I doubt he would let you get off

unscathed after that.” A cold look flashed across his eyes as he countered, “Do you think they have the

ability?” He clearly didn’t care. She grabbed hold of his black bathrobe and demanded. “Hurry up and

drain the water away now. Do get me a fresh set of clothes as well.” “All right,” he replied with a nod.

With that, he turned to leave and Kathleen finally let out a long sigh of relief. Samuel headed down

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underground and drained the water away. Soon enough Nicolette emerged drenched to the skin

trembling non-stop. As she wrapped her arms around herself in a futile attempt to preserve her warmth,

she glared at Samuel and exclaimed, “Why don’t you just get rid of me now and be done with it? “If it

weren’t for Kate, you would still be soaking in the midst of all that seawater, countered Samuel coldly,

and he turned to leave. He couldn’t be bothered to engage in any form of conversation with Nicolette.

Not Kathleen again! Curse her! Once I get out of here, I’ll absolutely need to find a way to deal with her!

Samuel then went to the kitchen and prepared two warm cups of ginger tea. He carried the cups over

to the room and handed one of them over to Kathleen She received the cup with both hands and felt

the warmth that emanated from the cup immediately spread throughout her body. He took a seat next

to her and the pair sat in silence just like that. After some time, she faintly began, Samuel However, he

quickly interjected, “You don’t have to persuade me anymore. I’ll head back to receive the necessary

treatment. I promise that this won’t happen ever again.” “Really?” probed Kathleen gently as she

looked at him. He nodded solemnly. “That’s great then,” replied Kathleen with a slightly coarse whisper.

She added. “Samuel, I hope that you’ll continue to live decently in the years to come. Truth be told you

being like this places a substantial burden on me as well. This might be me being selfish, but I feel

terrible when you’re in this state. I’m trying my hardest to leave the past in the past and live my coming

days in peace. Please don’t be like this again all right? His handsome and elegant face turned slightly

pale as he agreed and said, “Okay.” Even though he agreed that easily, he knew there was little to

nothing he could do about it. If he truly did end up going out of control, he would inevitably end up in

such a state once more. There was no way out of that conundrum he faced The way Samuel saw it the

only way he could dream of returning to having a semblance of a normal life was to have Kathleen by

his side at all times. There was no alternative solution especially since he just so happened to like her

that much However, despite all that he had no choice but to let her go. The pain he felt was immense

and utterly unfathomable by others.