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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139

“Why don’t you two go take a walk outside?” Mother suggested, muc

irritation. “It’s a beautiful night.”

“Indeed,” Frederick spoke up. “I would love to take you on a walk, Miss Becky.”

The sound of my name from his mouth made me want to vomit. But I didn’t want to show any signs of

discomfort in front of my mother. She was fragile these. days, and I knew her intent was good. She was

only doing what she thought was

best for me.

So, I took a short breath and nodded.

“Sure,” I said.

Mother smiled, and without another word, Frederick walked to the door and

held it open for me.

We stepped out into the night, and I fought the urge to groan. It was qui out and our district wasn’t

exactly appealing, so this walk wouldn’t be very ev

or beautiful.

We continued down the sidewalks in silence for a moment before Frederick

turned to me and cleared his throat.

“So, Miss Becky,” he began, and then he smiled his off-putting smile. “Have you considered my offer?”


His offer?

I simply stared back at him. He hadn’t even bothered to ask me for my hand in marriage. He’d

expected me to be completely swept off my feet after a single mediocre date. I knew what he meant by

his question. His offer was to make an obedient wife out of me and turn my thoughts away from my


I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

“No, thank you,” I said politely but firmly. “I appreciate you coming to my house tonight to see me, but I

don’t think we’re… compatible. So I’m unfortunately going to have to decline.”

“Decline?” Frederick asked in surprise, and his fake-charming persona immediately dropped. “What do

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you mean?”

My stomach threatened to heave again. I couldn’t believe his audacity. I was being more than polite to

him, even though after our date, I shouldn’t have given him the time of day. I could still remember his

offhand comments about my dress being out of fashion, as well as the quips about my body. I had

always been very small and thin, and his comments about my lack of “womanly curves” still haunted


As he stared at me in shock, I nearly scoffed. Frederick clearly couldn’t fathom

how a girl like me could reject him.

“I’m just not interested,” I replied simply. “I have a career to think of-”

“A career?” he laughed cruelly, and his eyes narrowed at me. “Miss Becky, you




might want to think this over a little further. You’re so young. Sure, you may have ‘dreams’ of a career,

but girls your age often have their heads in the clouds about such things and don’t tend to look at the

bigger picture.”

“Really?” I replied dryly, and I crossed my arms.

Frederick nodded, unaware of my agitation.

I shook my head in response. “I don’t want to do this. I have work to attend to in the morning, and I

need to return home. Thank you for the walk. Good n

I turned on my heels and had no intention of looking back, but Frederick give me the chance to leave.

He followed suit and then stood right in front of me.

“We have much more to discuss,” he insisted. “I’m extremely satisfied with your Becky. You’re the best

choice I’ve encountered here in Anemond and I think you would make a good wife-”

The word “satisfied” sickened me immediately. What kind of person referred to another person like

that? I wasn’t an object.

I decided then that I wanted to escape. He wasn’t worth any more conversation and especially not a

polite farewell. He didn’t deserve a second more of my time.

So, I walked past him and began to head back home. I only got a few steps in before suddenly,

Frederick stopped me in my tracks and grabbed my wrist, pullin

me closer to him.

I froze, a wave of revulsion crashing over me when Frederick touched me. was completely different

from how Silas Moses had touched me in the garden. While I’d been angered and taken aback by the

Beta’s unexpected kiss, I hadn’t felt repulsed. Frederick made me feel as if I was being handled by an

ugly monster.

“Let go of me,” I demanded, and I tried to yank my arm away, but Frederick wouldn’t let go.

“No,” he said firmly as he held me in place. “We still have more to discuss-”


“No!” I shouted back, and I continued to struggle.

“There’s no reason to be shy,” Frederick insisted. “Please, Becky, just stay here. If you accept my offer,

I’ll be such a great husband to you. You’ll see. I’m the ideal match for you-”

“I said, let me go!” I shouted again, and I raised my foot to kick Frederick’s shin. I was going to hit back

as hard as I could and then run all the way back to my house. From there, I was going to lock the door

and call Cas sandra. Her closeness with the Alpha King might be able to grant me some security.

But just as I was about to deliver the blow, something flashed and Frederick was knocked to the

ground, releasing my wrist in the

My breath caught in my throat as I stared up at my savior.

Silas Moses. His breathtaking golden eyes flared with ferocity as he stood. above Frederick. Frederick,

meanwhile, groaned in pain and held his hands against his abdomen.

I was stunned. Everything had happened so quickly that it barely registered in my mind.

What was Silas doing here?

But I couldn’t linger on my confusion too long. Silas suddenly reached down and grabbed Frederick by

the shirt. His nostrils were flared and a growl escaped him

He was going to hurt him!

“Stop!” I called out. While Frederick certainly deserved to be punished. such a creep and a scoundrel, it

was clear that Silas was out for blood. The Bet grasped onto Frederick tighter, but before he could

deliver another blow, I touched

his arm.

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“Silas, please,” I pleaded, and suddenly, Silas softened. My sudden touch. seemed to calm him down,

but when he glanced at me, it was obvious he was still

out for blood.


Part of me wanted to let him continue until Frederick’s miserable, terrible fac was bashed in. I wanted

to see that awful man pay for the way he had grabbed r the way he’d insulted me. But the other part

knew what scrutiny Silas would face he followed through and killed the man.

After a moment, the Beta took a breath and released his hold on Frederick.

Frederick gasped for breath and then scrambled to his feet.

“Stay away from her,” Silas growled with disgust. “If you ever c try to harm her ever again, I’ll come

back here and kill you. That’s a p

Frederick’s face went pale and his eyes nearly burst out of his skull. He and without another word, he

turned on his heels and ran.

Once he was gone, anger stirred within me.

“I don’t need you to fight my battles for me,” I huffed. “What are you even doin! here? Why did you step


I couldn’t understand why Silas Moses had intervened.

He frowned as if it were obvious.

“You’re my mate,” he said. “Why wouldn’t I help you?”


I scoffed. “Oh, so we’re mates again? Interesting, since I didn’t see yesterday. This back and forth is

giving me whiplash, Silas.”

I despised being toyed with. So, I decided then that I was going to leav finally go back to my mother’s

house. This was all too much for me.

I wasn’t a plaything for men to fight over. I was an independent person who deserved more than either

of them was offering me.

But just as I was about to leave, Silas gently touched my arm, and before I



could react, he pulled my wrist up close to his lips and kissed the spot where Frederick had forcefully

grabbed me.