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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 240
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Chapter 240


Much to our dismay and agitation, the sorceress mouth was very tight. No matter what we tried. Kane

and I cou answers out of her. She was well-trained and her expression refined eerily calm and aloof no

matter what question

asked of her.

Thankfully, there were a few facts we knew to be true right away just by looking at her. It wasn’t difficult

to surmise from her dress that she was from the North. She also shared the same tilt of her head that

seemed to be a cultural gesture amongst the Yurenians. I’d seen Kaleb do the same thing many times

while he was here in Anemond, so I knew she was from his country.

As we continued our interrogation, I grew worried about Silas and the soldiers, but luckily, after half an

hour or so, they awoke from their magic-induced slumber. Apart from feeling a bit dizzy and

disoriented, they seemed to be fine, but the atmosphere around camp was tense and unpleasant.

This Northern sorceress had caused a big quarrel between Silas and Kane. Silas thought the sorceress

needed to be “dealt with” immediately, while my stepbrother believed she could be an important figure

from whom we could get crucial information. The Beta, unsurprisingly, disagreed and thought Kane was

idealizing the situation since we couldn’t get even a syllable out of her mouth.

As much as I didn’t want to admit it. Silas was right. The longer the sorceress was alive, the more

dangerous things would be. Not to mention, she was a magic user. What if she used some sort of

sorcery to contact her accomplice? Surely she wasn’t alone in her mission, and I wasn’t sure what else

could happen if she were to get loose.

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But there was one other thing I was concerned about, one I didnt vocalize to Kane and Silas. If the

sorceress was sent from Yurene, would she know anything about Cassandra? Would her life or death

affect Cassandra’s situation and livelihood in the savage Northern country?

Though I knew certain matters were objectively more pressing, Cassandra would always remain at the

forefront of my thoughts. Though she wasn’t here, the beautiful healer was the most important thing to

me, and she permeated my mind more than anything else.

I didn’t speak as Kane and Silas argued with one another until Kane blurted out a statement that made

me stop in my tracks.

“What if the North does something bad to Cassandra because we killed this sorceress?” he demanded,

his violet eyes flashing intensely as he stared at Silas. “Is that a risk that you’re willing to take, Silas?”

The Beta didn’t say anything. He ran his hand through his dark brown hair and then turned to face me.

His golden irises were soft, as if he was sympathetic to Kane’s mention of my mate.

While we all knew Kane’s suggestion was not very possible, we couldn’t eliminate the possibility

because we didn’t know the sorceress intention. The only thing we knew for certain was that she had

no intention to kill me, otherwise, she would have just used some type of deadly poison or magic as

she sat there before us.

So what did she want?

And what did her master want:

Much to our surprise, the sorceress laughed. It was a dry one, a cynical laugh

Sitas hood a glare in her direction “What are you laughing.

The surcourss harmed her eyes, her expression shifting to one of coldness rather than amusement.

She took a moment goak, and when the dol, her vore wots arcilated

she and ruddly in a heavily accented voice and die tolled her eyes.


11:49 Fr. Feb 23

Chapter 210)

My eyebrows creased together. Do you know Cassandra Kellerhand how she is doing Is she safe

The sorceress snorted and rolled her eyes again. “I know nothing about the woman, except for the the

queen soon

My stomach dropped and my jaw nearly fell with it.

“Queen” I repeated back coarsely as my throat tightened.

“My king is obsessed with the healer and couldn’t wait to claim her as his, the sorceress remarked

bitterly. She narrow. eyes at me. “The king didn’t want her former lover to impede the wedding, so he

sent me to kill you.”

Before I could realize what I was doing, I hinged and grabbed the sorceress by the throat. My claws

extended and dug int the soft skin of her neck, She let out a soft cry, but the pitiful sound meant nothing

to me. My vision was tinted red with anger and I could hardly think straight.

“Did Cassandra agree to marry him?” I demanded. 1

Despite my hold on her, the sorceress managed a laugh. “Why wouldn’t she agree? He’s the king of


For the briefest moment, I considered squeezing further to silence the sorceress forever. It would be

easy enough. I had a tight grip around her and it wouldn’t take much to snap her neck. Though I wasn’t

one for violence. I had no qualms about hurting this would-be assassin.

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But instead. I released my chokehold, and as she fell to the ground, the world around me began to

grow blurry. The camps, the soldiers. Silas, and Kane… all faded away. All I could see in my mind was

Cassandra. Her big beautiful emerald eyes, her full lips. I saw them fell me goodbye to me..

No. No, this couldn’t be. She couldn’t marry him.

I couldn’t let this happen. I had to see her.

I began to walk away without a second thought. In fact, I could hardly think at all, I was so consumed

with my mission to see her. I needed her in front of me right away, Wegalla be damned. What good was

it reclaiming my throne if she would never be beside me again?

Silas and Kane tried to get to stand in my way

to stop

“Asher, she’s lying,” Kane insisted. “She’s trying to agitate you. It’s all a trap-”

I growled and shoved him away, attacking them as if they were my enemies rather than my friends.

While part of me wondered if what the sorceress said was true or not, I couldn’t think straight. There

was a strong chance that the woman was trying to vex me since I’d thwarted her mission, but I didn’t

care My natural instincts had taken over, and as I stood there in the forest, I didn’t feel like myself


Without my mate, nothing was worth fighting for. I’d always known that and I never wanted to feel alone

again. I needed her, no matter what the cost. If she was angry with me for coming after her, I would

kneel at her feet and beg for her forgiveness. I would kiss her a million times over and swear my

endless love to her. The rest of the world didn’t matter. All I knew was that I had to see Cassandra.

I had to make sure she was still mine, still my Cora

It was the only thought on my mind, the only one that t

truly mattered.

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