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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 94
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93. Powers & Troubles
Skyla sighed and nodded “Yeah well the Moon Goddess has a crazy mind, I
wonder what she’s up to... I’m dealing though, so how are you adapting here?” She asked, changing the subject.
“Great, Leo’s friends and the pack are really welcoming. You know...” I began, my heart beating as I wasn’t sure if I should
mention it... “Leo... he’s dying.”
Both girls looked at me, shock clear on their faces as Skyla sat up, her eyes blazing that deep plum colour once again. “What do
you mean? Can Mama not fix
I shook my head. “Kia can’t heal what’s
“Yeah... But there has to be a solution. I
...” Kataleya whispered, shaking her head
“There is, I can heal him.” I said. I sat up as both girls looked at me questioningly.
“What do you mean?” Skyla asked as Malevolent jumped into her lap, purring. She stroked her, watching me intently.
I took a deep breath. “I have the moon fire too... or as Dante put it, I am the heart of fire.” I said, closing my eyes as I summoned
my powers forth raising my hand. I heard Kataleya gasp as I opened my eyes, feeling Skyla’s aura swirling around her as they
stared at my hand where I was holding a shimmering flame-
like glow of silver and gold intertwined.
“That’s.... incredible. But... how are your doing that... you seem to have more

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

control over it than Mama and Uncle.”
Skyla breathed in awe, as Kataleya
“I don’t know, maybe mine isn’t as
intense as theirs. I realised that emotion
helps, or having to act on the spur of the moment. I was talking to Kia, and she
told me you don’t learn these things, and that they’ll come to me. I hope so because there’s no guidebook on how exactly it
works or how I’ll heal Leo.”
“So, you can heal though?” Kataleya asked. 3
“Well... I can heal all, whatever that means, but only on a full moon when the
moon is at its peak. So, I guess that’s twelve times a year for a short period of time.” I explained.
Kataleya’s chest was rising heavily, and due to her ability where you couldn’t really sense her presence, I couldn’t hear her
heartbeat, but if I could I was sure it would be racing, and I had a good idea of what was going through her mind. s
“You can heal anything?” She asked softly.
“Aside from death, I think... Leo’s body
has begun shutting down. So, I think I can regenerate what had already shut down... or something.” I explained.
She nodded slowly, but the cup that she held was trembling slightly, and she slowly placed it on the floor, clenching her fists.
Kataleya was studying advanced bionic engineering, trying to create a limb that could adapt to a shift and manipulate into a
shape suitable for wolf form. I was certain Leo could also help her with that... and if she ever needed me to help her... I would. 2
I didn’t mention him, but I knew he would always remain on her mind. After
all, she still wore his picture around her neck to this day.

“So... tomorrow, are you ready to break necks?” Skyla asked, glancing at her
sister with hidden concern.
“There’s only one man’s attention I want
tomorrow.” I replied, and she groaned.
“Damn, you’re in love, I don’t know if I should think it’s sweet or if I should gag. I mean, it’s obvious you two have each other’s
tongue down your throat twenty- four-seven.” She shuddered.
“Hey in my defence, we had a lot going on, so no, I don’t get to have his tongue or you know, down my throat as much as I would
“Azura!” Kataleya pouted, blushing profusely. “I wish Song was here!”
“Ah yeah, the two virgins. But Song is not innocent.” Sky snickered, “So I know
Leo’s my cousin, but since we didn’t really grow up around him, tell me is he big? I mean he probably is. Apparently, Rossis are
meant to be well endowed,”
“And how do you know that?” Kat whined, not happy with the direction of
the conversation.
“Really?” Skyla asked sceptically as she cuddled her cat. “Everyone knows.” She shrugged and I smirked.
“I don’t want to picture Rossi’s bits! Yucky!”
“Well... they ain’t wrong. At all...” I said, bursting out into laughter with Skyla, as Kataleya sunk to the ground, covering her face
in embarrassment. 4

Leo’s sexy, shirtless state came to my mind and my heart skipped a beat. I
missed him being here by my side. Yeah, I was crazy in love.
I was about to mind-link him when I
realised the walls were down. I so hope he

didn’t hear all that!
Oh Goddess!
“Do men talk about women the way
women do?” I mused.
“I think they do, but maybe not about
their mates in so much detail, as they are possessive as hell.” Skyla shrugged, as she picked up her mug and drank her hot
chocolate. “But men are dumb.”
“Not all men.” Kataleya corrected.
“The majority.” Sky disagreed.
I placed my mug down snuggling under the covers next to Corrado. We carried on talking for a while. Discussing our dresses for
tomorrow. Winona had picked out several for me and I had picked the one I liked best. It was a lie if I said I wasn’t nervous.
Becoming Luna was a big deal, and I wanted to look perfect.
Soon Kataleya got up and got into bed
next to Skyla, as we continued to talk
about everything from how stuff was at
the academy, to the drama there. The
latest of who was dating who. The school
year would be over in a couple of months,
and then next year was their final.
This... eating chocolate, laughing, just

I really needed it.
“Thanks for coming girls... I appreciate it.” I said softly as sleep began to
overcome me.
“Anytime...” I heard Kataleya murmur, and I looked over to see Skyla was fast asleep already. Malevolent curled up in front of
her, fast asleep as well.
‘Goodnight Baby.’ I said through the link, realising Leo had his walls up, I pushed through, and it wasn’t hard to do. I wondered if
he had those walls up because I just couldn’t keep mine up...
‘Night Beautiful, get some rest... because you know what you promised me tomorrow night... You won’t be sleeping.”
His sexy voice came over in my head.
Those words made my eyes snap open, all traces of sleep gone. ‘Yeah... I remember... ‘I replied, slamming my walls up. “Sky!”
I hissed.
I got out of bed as Kataleya looked at me sleepily.
“Sleep.” I winked at her before crouching next to Skyla and prodding her forehead.
She frowned as her eyes snapped open; her blazing plum eyes glowing as she bared her fangs at me. “What?” She growled.
“Easy there, little miss Lycan. I need you to help me with something.” I whispered.
She frowned, her eyes returning to green as she cocked a brow.
“Oh? What is it?” she asked sharply.
A smirk crossed my lips as I began telling her what I needed... seeing the devilish smirk cross her face, before she nodded.
“Oh, my dear blue-eyed darling, leave this to me.”
It was the following morning and to say the least, I was excited. Everyone was

coming today, and I had just got a text from Raven saying they were setting off soon. Kataleya was currently in the shower, and I
had just left the bedroom feeling starved, and not for food, but my man. I pushed the bedroom door open slowly, only to stop in
my tracks. Where I was expecting him to be asleep, he wasn’t; instead, I spotted him standing there in his boxers, freshly
showered, with his phone in hand. His wet brown locks fell in front of his forehead. Oh fuck, this man was sex on legs.
“Hey...” I replied as his gaze flicked up. ” Missed me?”
“I’m not so sure. Maybe I enjoyed being able to sleep without being worried that I might get castrated in my sleep.” He teased
with a cocky smirk. I stopped
midway, giving him a dirty look.
“Same.” I retorted, stalking towards the bathroom. “I came to shower.”
“Same? Never knew you had a dick.”
I could see his smirk growing, and I was barely halfway to the bathroom when he grabbed my arm, spinning me into his
“I thought you didn’t miss me?” I growled as his arms wrapped around my waist from behind and he kissed my neck.
“I never said I didn’t miss you, I just said I also slept bett-” I elbowed him, making him snicker as I pulled away. He gripped my
face as I smacked his chest, that sexy smirk not fading. “You know I fucking missed you without me having to say it.”
His voice was low and husky, making my stomach flutter. “Still, you can at least admit it.” I replied,

“How about I show you...” He didn’t wait for a response, his lips crashing against mine in one incredibly hot kiss that made my
pussy clench.
Our hands were all over one another, Leo pinned me to the floor and just when he was about to lift me up, I remembered what
day it was and pushed him back.
“No. Got to wait until tonight, handsome.” I said breathlessly, in between kissing him. Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Why the fuck do we need to?” He murmured against my lips. “Don’t give me that bullshit to make the night special. I can fuck
you twenty-four-seven
and still want to fuck you as bad.”
My heart thumped, to my dismay, my cheeks burning at his words. His raw emotions that showed he wasn’t lying
were so intense and I suddenly felt
breathless under his intense gaze.
“Everything you do... you do deeply...” I murmur, running my finger over his plush lips.
He cocked a brow. “Yeah, like fucking you.”
I smirked. “Yeah, that too...” Being the recipient of Leo’s love... I was lucky. ” Well, I should go. Eric is going to be here super
soon and I have to feed this baby. Plus, Raven said they are all on the way. Ready to meet your mate’s father?”
“And brother, I presume?” Leo remarked as I pulled away.
I bit my lip, suppressing a smile. “Yeah... Good luck, my brother is a cute little
puppy until he’s pissed... then goddess
forbid even I don’t want to be around
him.” I shuddered as I entered the
bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar
so we could talk as I stripped.
“And why is Eric coming?”
“Oh, he texted last night asking when I wanted to see him. Remember, I called him over?”
“Yeah, what for?” Leo asked, as he pushed the door open, leaning against it with arms crossed just as I switched the shower on.
I turned my back on him, giving him a good view of my ass. I could feel his eyes burning into me. .

“You’ll see,” I replied with a secretive wink of my shoulder, but he was far too busy staring at my behind... Well, he couldn’t touch
but I guess I’ll let him enjoy the view.
Eric looked up at me and Skyla nervously as he sat at the table. “Umm, are you sure you want to do this?” He asked, looking at
the shaving foam and the razor I was
“Yes, your beard is actually pretty
ridiculous.” Skyla added bluntly, making Kataleya gasp from the other side of the
“Sky... be nice.” She whispered.
She was Kia’s daughter through and through with some added angel dust. Marcel was seated at the table watching us, clearly
amused. Leo, Corrado and Winona were out, and it was time I fixed this man up. 2
“Thank you?” Eric said with uncertainty, looking up at Skyla.
She smirked, tapping his cheek. “Trust me, you will be exactly my type when she’s done with you.”
If that was meant to comfort the poor
guy, it sure didn’t seem to work as his
heart thudded, watching me nervously.” Umm Luna, have you ever shaved a beard
before?” He asked.
“Sure!” I lied.
“Really?” He looked even more unsure.
“Beard or vagina, there’s no difference. You’ll be fine.” Skyla said, making Marcel chuckle. 6
“Not that I’ve done that in a while.” I muttered. Laser was so much better, I tilted my head. “You’re a werewolf Eric, a nick here
and there will be fine.”

“Yeah, besides the texture of your beard is weird, your hair looks incredible though. I guess you take care of that and if you can’t
offer your beard the same attention, scrap it.” Skyla remarked dismissively as Malevolent circled Eric’s feet. 1
I nodded my agreement as I got to work, not giving the guy a chance to protest as he looked at Marcel for help, but Marcel
simply stayed sitting at the table right next to us, working away but offering no help. I found it a little strange that he was at the
table since he usually worked in his
office or bedroom, but maybe he just wanted to spend time with his nieces. 5
Ten minutes later, I was done, and Eric wiped the remnant of the foam from his face as I held up a mirror.
Damn, he looked so different. Gone was the innocent teddy bear replaced by a handsome man with a chiselled jaw and a sharp
look to him.
Eric’s eyes flashed for a second, making a sliver of confusion flit through me. That was not the reaction I was expecting from
him. 3
Was he upset? Well, it was too late to bring it back now. He turned to me and smiled, and to be honest, it was so weird
because he looked so different.
“Thank you, Luna. Although I do miss my beard, for your ceremony, I’m glad I will
look as smart as you want me to.”
“Thanks. Sky we’re done!” I called as she walked back into the room, having gone to feed Malevolent.
Skyla smirked as she looked down at Eric. “Well, well, well, looks like we had a wolf hiding in a sheep’s skin.” 10