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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105
“Ma’am, a package came in for you,” Bella’s ser vant announced the moment she stepped in from the fundraiser.
She halted in her steps.
What package? She wondered.
The only package she was expecting was from Gabriel, he wouldn’t have sent it so soon.
Her eyes widened as realization dawned on her.
It was that package.
“Where is it?” she thundered, unable to believe Gabriel could be so careless as to send it directly to her house.
“With the kitchen staff, my lady,” came the reply.
“What?!” Bella tore through the hall, determined to reach the kitchen swiftly. The urgency in her steps reflected her anxiety.
The small box was resting on the kitchen counter, about to be pried open by a maid
In a swift motion, Bella rushed forward, her eyes fixated on the box. She grabbed it with an intensity that made the atmosphere
“What are you doing?!” she thundered, her voice cutting through the kitchen. The startled woman attempting to open the
package was taken aback.
“We received the package, and I was going to open it and get it ready for you,” she explained innocently.
“Back off. Don’t touch what isn’t yours,” Bella hissed, her possessive stance leaving no room for arguments. She clutched the
package tightly and turned to leave, leaving the staff members exchanging surprised glances at each other unsure of what had
just happened.
Clutching the tightly wrapped package to her chest, Bella made a beeline for her study. Luckily, the parcel was still sealed shut,
and a sigh of relief escaped her.
Gabriel had pulled a stunt, sending it straight to her doorstep just to rile her up.

The thought of Gabriel sending it directly to her home seemed like a deliberate attempt to provoke her, and the last thing. she
needed was household staff stumbling upon its contents.
Had those workers caught a glimpse, she’d surely be in for questioning. The contents of the box were considered toxic even for
the strongest of werewolves.
If the workers had had laid eyes on it, they would surely have notified Ethan.
Gabriel was playing a dangerous game with her, she was seriously pis sed.
With cautious fingers, she peeled back the layers of the package, her hand gliding over the smooth white nylon. Just then, her
second phone, exclusively reserved for dealings with Gabriel, buzzed annoyingly. She picked it up, irritation evident in her tone,

“what were you thinking?”
“Received it?” he inquired ignoring her question.
“You sent this to my house?!” Bella’s voice reverberated with disbelief and frustration. She had anticipated Gabriel would choose
a more discreet delivery method sending it to her office as an innocuous package labeled as clothing or food. However, he had
taken a risky and dangerous route, seemingly for his own amusement.
Gabriel chuckled over the phone, thoroughly enjoying the chaos he had caused. “Well, you got it, didn’t you? And as a bonus, I
might even keep quiet about it,” he teased.
13:10 Fri, 29 Dec
Chapter 105
Bella’s patience waned. “Don’t be st upid,” she snapped, her tone cutting through the air like a blade. “You’d better stop messing
with me,” she threatened, a clear warning in her voice.
“Aren’t things going well as Mrs. Wild? That you would need more of that substance for Ethan?” he asked with a sly smirk.
“Or is your control sl*pping?” he inquired, a mocking tone dripping from his voice.
“Mind your business,” she snarled in response.

“Your control is indeed sl*pping,” he muttered, reveling in her evident frustration.
Bella bit her l*p in annoyance, acknowledging the truth in his words. One of the reasons she couldn’t completely sever ties with
Gabriel or get rid of him totally was the need for a steady supply of that substance to administer to Ethan. It dulled his wolf’s
senses, keeping him oblivious to the changes happening within him.
Although she had paused this using it for a while, recent events, like Ethan’s aggressive behavior, indicated a shift. It was
becoming apparent that Ethan was changing rapidly into something else. Today’s incident was proof,he had grabbed her roughly
and nearly assaulted her.
The drug was very difficult to find and given Ethan’s connection and her high-profile position. Obtaining it elsewhere proved
practically impossible, leaving her dependent on Gabriel.
“Just don’t try such useless stunts like sending it to my home next time,” she snapped, frustration evident in her voice.
Gabriel chuckled, thoroughly relishing her discomfort. “How much do I owe you?” she asked, trying to move the conversation
“Don’t bother, take it as an added bonus,” he stated, his voice taking a serious turn.
“I mean, I need you, and you desperately need that to continually be Mrs. Wild, so it’s a win-win,” he finished, a sly undertone in
his voice.
“I don’t desperately need this,” she tried to deny, her defiance evident.

“A little quantity,” he warned sternly, cautioning her about the potential dangers of excessive usage. “A lot of that would be lethal
even to an Alpha; it could kill his wolf completely,” he added, emphasizing the risks involved.
“I know,” she snapped, ending the call abruptly.
Her eyes glowing with a mixture of determination and mischief.
A little dose of this every day would do the trick.
She moved some of it into a small vial, she held it up.
Now, she needed the perfect hiding spot for the rest of it. Moving to the bookshelf, amidst the numerous books, there was
something else that wasn’t quite a book. She carefully placed the substance inside the hidden space.
Satisfied with her concealment, she turned to leave, a devious smile playing on her l*ps. She had gotten rid of Hazel from their
lives, she would do whatever it took to retain the name Mrs Wild..
Gabriel lounged comfortably in his seat, his gaze fixed on the dancing tendrils of smoke from his cigarette. Just a few hours ago,
he had been at the fundraiser and played the role of an unseen observer, strategically positioned at a blind spot during the event
watching Bella’s every move.
He was curious of something about her and decided to watch her today.
Bella, oblivious to his presence went about basking in the attention and love that came with her name. He found it amusing and
ironic, a nob*dy they had practically found and picked from the gutters.

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Chapter 105
Then he watched her phone ring, how she exited immediately looking for a private spot piqued his interest so he followed her.
In the shadows, he overheard snippets of her conversation, catching the name “Jasmine Knowles” and something about Nex
As he took another drag from his cigarette, he muttered the name to himself. There was an air of mystery surrounding this
Jasmine Knowles, and it seemed she knew something about Bella.
The eavesdropping had been going smoothly until his phone vibrated, threatening to give away his covert position. Nonetheless,
he had gathered valuable information. Bella appeared deeply unsettled by this Jasmine Knowles, suggesting that the mysterious
girl held a considerable influence over her.
Asly smile played on Gabriel’s l*ps as he contemplated the situation. It was evident that this Jasmine character Unsettled Bella
The girl held secrets, perhaps something even more significant than the leverage he currently had against Bella.
Whatever knowledge Jasmine Knowles possessed, he would uncover it first before Bella got to her.
For now, he felt secure. Bella would continue to rely on him for a steady supply of something only he could provide. For now, he
was safe. Gabriel was content in the knowledge that, at least for the time being, he held the upper hand.
you soon Jasmine.” He muttered darkly