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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32


“Do you have the right to treat every girl you sleep with anyhow just because you're an Alpha?” The question

rang in my cars consistently as | thought of what my reply would be. Having thought about how we cto be

far apart over the years, | realized so many things of which wronging Donnie in the first place was one.

“I'm indeed wrong, Donnie. | was at a loss on what to do back then. The feelings and worries were so

overwhelming forand | ended up thinking that was the best thing forto do.”

“Since that’s your choice, everyone should suffer the consequences of their choices.” She heaved a sigh with a

tone of finality but | wasn’t ready to let go that way until we finally resolved whatever misunderstanding was

between us.

“Sidonnie, | really need you as my Luna. | want us to get mated. | want you as mine.” | earnestly expressed my

feelings, hoping to convey the sincerity of my feelings.

“On what basis, Alpha Carlyle? If | hadn't turned out to be your mate or if you didn’t have issues with your so-

called love, would you search for me?” Her question struck at the heart of my intentions, exposing the

underlying complexities of our connection.

“That's a question | can’t deny, and I'm sorry for not seeking you out sooner. The circumstances were not ideal,

but that doesn’t change the fact that we are mates. Fate has intertwined our lives, and | want to make things

right between us,” | confessed, acknowledging my mistakes, which was no doubt one thing that led us there. |

should. have known better than to treat a fragile girl who lost her virginity tothe way I did.

Her expression remained guarded, and it was evident that trust needed to be rebuilt. Not the trust as an Alpha,

but as someone she could reply on, her the things she wants and needs in every way.

Someone who can grant

“I know | messed up, Sidonnie. But we can’t change the past. We can, however, shape our future. Please, let's

find a way to move forward together,” | implored, hoping to bridge the gap that had widened over the years.

Sidonnie’s eyes bore into mine, assessing the sincerity of my words.

“Please, | need my Luna right now with the current situation of the pack. | want you to be one. There could be

other reasons | want you too, but | want you to know that I sincerely want this bond between us to bloom into

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something beautiful, something beneficial for the pack.”

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Chapter 12

After a long while of silence which I didn’t bother to interrupt, she heaved a sigh. | knew she was thinking it

through before she gaveher response and | allowed her the chance. It must be be willing agreement and not


She raised her gaze at me, without saying anything and just stared at me.

“It’s fine, Alpha Carlyle, but | need time. Tto process everything that has happened, tto gauge your

sincerity, and tto decide whether | can trust this connection. between us,” Sidonnie finally spoke, her words

measured and reflective.

“I understand, Sidonnie. Take the tyou need,” | replied, appreciating her honesty. This wasn’t just about the

pack; it was about our shared destiny and the potential for a future together.

Sidonnie nodded, acknowledging my words. “I'll let you know once I've reached a decision. But remember, this

doesn’t erase the past. We'll have to address our history before we can truly move forward.”

| respected her stance and agreed.

“I'm willing to do that and work towards a better future, Sidonnie. Whenever you're ready, we can talk openly

about everything. But we're cool right?” | needed assurance that she wouldn't turndown.

“Of course, Alpha, we are.” She flasheda smile which | reciprocated. At least, | now have hope that things

would turn out well for us both if we played our roles right.

“So, | have to get going.” She muttered, and | nodded my head in accordance with her words. She went over to

pick up her basket of flowers, backing it while covering her nose with her handkerchief once again after having

removed it from her nose while we conversed.

“What's the nof that flower, Sidonnie? It has a lovely fragrance,” | remarked. Without hesitation, she hurried

to my side, taking the bloodstained handkerchief fromand skillfully wrapping it around my nose. Though |

had the impulse to remove it, she pressed her hand on my nose, signalingnot to.

“Don’t,” she whispered, shaking her head, and | gestured with my hands, questioning her choice.

“Why is that?” | queried, getting irritated by the stained handkerchief on my nose.

“It's the White Dasier!” She informed me.

The white Dasier?” | asked with my eyes widened, touching the flowers while taking a

Chapter 32

good look at the flower which could also be used as an herb,



“Yes, it's the White Daisier,” she confirmed, her eyes following my gaze as | examined the flowers. The delicate

petals seemed to captivate my attention, momentarily distractingfrom the ongoing conversation.

It was indeed the White Dasier. The rumoured immortal flower of the Canthrastras which is said to increase their

powers upon inhaling its fragrance but locks other supernatural beings into their greed and desires the moment

they inhale it.

| took a brief look at Sidonnie upon realization. How did she get to know about this flower? Why did she cto

pick it? Though the White Dasier has such magical effects, it could be used by other beings as a cure to some

critical illnesses.

As the silence lingered between us, Sidonnie broke it with a concerned tone. “Is something wrong?” Her eyes

held nothing but curiosity and worry, seeking an explanation for the prolonged quietness.

“Nothing much, it’s beautiful.” | replied her with a reassuring smile. | chose to downplay the matter, not wanting

to burden her with the intricacies of the flower. The smile, however, hid a hint of hesitation, as if there was more

to say.

With a delicate gesture, she covered her nose, a subtle indication that she was well aware of the flower’s


“Yes, it is. But it's very dangerous too,” she added cautiously.

“What do you mean dangerous?” | inquired. There was a genuine curiosity in my voice, seeking to unravel the

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mystery behind her caution. | wanted to know what she knew about the White Dasier.

She began to unveil the flower’s secrets.

“I asked the squestion too. Athena toldit allures one into the land of greed, making them exude their

bad inner thoughts, and she said this was the only place | could see it.” The gravity in her words was

underscored by the subtle furrowing of her brows, an expression revealing her understanding of the flower’s dual


“She's right. Though it could be beneficial, it’s also harmful,” my tone carried a note of wisdom, hinting at a

deeper understanding of the flower’s complexities without delving into specifics as | acknowledged her words.

Curiosity struck me, and | asked, “Who is Athena?”

“She’s my Godmother. She helpedwhen | left Moon Shade, and she has been my

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rock of survival since then. Always playing a parent role to me. The warmth in her voice reflected the deep

gratitude she held for Athena, while her eyes conveyed a sense of reliance on this mysterious figure.

“She must be a nice person,” | remarked, adding a touch of admiration to my tone.

With a thoughtful expression, Donnie affirmed, “Yes, she is. But something about her keepscurious for the

past three years.” There was a subtle furrow in her brows.

Intrigued, | probed further, “What's that?”

Her response revealed the depth of mystery,

“Her identity remains a mystery. She’s definitely not human, but she isn’t a werewolf either. | asked her several

times, but she would laugh it off without replying.” There was a tinge of frustration in her voice, accompanied by

a hint of amusement at Athena's evasiveness.

“That's weird,” | remarked, sharing in her bewilderment, my voice echoing a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

| know, right. But the most important thing is that she’s nice. It's better that way. She must have her reasons for

keeping her identity from everyone.”

Her concluding words carried a sense of acceptance, acknowledging the unspoken soundaries around Athena's

mysterious existence.