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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76


| opened my eyes, blinking against the unfamiliar surroundings. The events of the night before flooded my mind,

causing a smile to spread across my lips. A wide, bright smile.

I had actually done it, hadn't I? | couldn't believe | had gotten Carlyle’s mark on me! | had accepted the fated

bond between us overnight.

And | felt... amazing.

| widened my eyes, mentally examining my heart. | felt so incredible.

All the usual pains that greetedupon waking were gone. My breathing wasn’t erratic like it usually was when

Carlyle didn’t grantthe peak pleasure | needed. | didn’t feel a single pain at all.

“Oh my God!!!” | shrieked happily. | wasn’t supposed to feel this good... especially not after the emotional strain |

had put on my heart the night before going to Carlyle’s.

Memories flooded my mind. The sensation of his touch... His groans in my ear... His lips on my skin... Especially

when he swiped his tongue across his mark on my neck. That feeling!

My body warmed all over. Damn. Dammit!

And what twas it now?

| attempted to pull myself up from the bed to check the wall clock, only to-

“OUCH!!!” The unexpected cry tore from my lips as pain shot through every inch of my body. Everywhere ached.

Even muscles | never knew existed screamed in protest. Carlyle had indeed done a good job on me.

Desperately needing a shower, | tried to get my legs to move, but the body hadgasping in distress.

With that, | gave up on getting up, laying back down on the bed,

| muttered miserably, “Damn that insatiable beast of a man.”

ain that shot through my

Instantly, the door opened. But it wasn’t Carlyle walking through the door but a plump woman who appeared to

be in her late sixties, her black hair tied in a bun behind her neck.

“I see you're awake, My lady,” she said kindly, walking towards me. “My nis Mirian, | was sent here to you

by the Alpha.”

“Good morning, Mirian. I'm Sidonnie Xander, it is so nice meeting you.” | blushed, embarrassed. What a

circumstance to becacquainted with one of Carlyle’s people besides Donald.

“Oh, no need for formalities, My lady,” she reassured me. “And the morning has long exhausted itself. It is early

evening now, My lady.”

12:04 sat, 2 Mar

Chapter 76

“Really?” | asked, eyes widening. No wonder | was feeling famished.

“Yes, itis.”

“Where is he...? Carl- | mean, the Alpha?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“He is in a meeting with the council.”

“What are you?” | asked.

“Oh, I'm the Alpha’s nanny, I'm a werewolf just like you. My family has worked for the royal family for centuries.”

“Really? So, you've known him since he was a child?” | asked curiously.

“Since he was a young lad, yes,” she agreed. “He is a great leader to us all. He really did surpass every other

leader our land has ever had. Who would have thought that he’ll be so magnificent? After everything he'd been

through, we were all so scared that he won't be able to survive the-" she cut off suddenly and bit her lips sadly

when she realized she'd said too much.

For a few seconds, sadness welled in the air between us. Then, Mirian brightened again, “I know you crave to use

the bathroom, con before your water gets cold.”

My cheeks reddened. Holy goddess, how was | going to inform this woman that | can’t move my body even if my

life depends on it?

“You s-see, I...” | began, swallowing. “I can’t... That is, I... Damn, why was it so hard?

Mirian was waiting forexpectantly.

| tried again, “I can’t m-move... | mean, my body... h-hurts.”

“Oooh! Oh, o-of course, of course!” The older woman nodded vigorously when she realized what | had been

trying to say. Her cheeks warmed, mirroring mine. “I'll help you.”

Before | could figure out what she meant by that, she covered the distance between us and liftedfrom the

bed like | didn’t weigh much.

“What!?” | shrieked, horrified. “Putdown before you hurt your back..!”

“Oh, don’t worry about me, My lady. We're very strong. | will be just fine.” Already, she was at the door of the

master bedchambers. She opened it and walked right through, “I will be just fine.”

A glance at the bed remindedof everything that happened... It only madeflush more until | felt like my

cheeks were on fire.

My overused body reacted too, which wasn’t funny.

Mirian discarded the bedsheet that covered me, leavingstark naked. | was about to gasp in mortification

when she loweredinto the old-fashioned tub and | was instantly engulfed by the great feel of warm foaming

water and scented leaves.

“Aaah,” | moaned pleasantly, closing my eyes, “Thank you so much, Mirian.”

Chapter 76

“You're welcome, My lady.

| got smedicinal herbs too, it is in that water. It'll help you feel better when you get out. | bet you have some

healing to do after all that screaming.” She beamed at me. “You are one strong female, My lady. | am glad that

you are in his life.”

“All that scream-1 swallowed, “You heard...?”

She snorted. “Of course, | did. | slept in my bedroom, which is just right in this quarters. Everyone in this tower

the night before, would have heard too.”

“Everyone...!?" | shrieked, horrified.

“Oh, you needn't worry yourself, My lady,” Mirian smiled, wavingoff, “I’m sure they all tuned out after

hearing the first scream as | did.”

The Alphas of Moon Shade knew when they were being eavesdropped on, no matter the clan it was. Talk more of

the Alpha. No pack member in his right mind would eavesdrop on the Alpha when he did not authorize it.” She


That madefeel a little bit better. “Okay. Thank you, Mirian.”

“I had the clothes you wore on the night before washed in the morning but | know they are not dried yet. | will

get sclothes ready for you to put on after a bath. Take your tcoming out. | will get your food ready, |

know you'll be famished.” She gaveanother smile before she turned and walked out of the bathroom.

Alone, | closed my eyes while soaking my body. Indeed, I'll be taking my tbefore | cout.... tenough

for whatever medicinal herb in this water to touch my body really well.

Eyes closed, the memories surfaced again. His hands exploring me...

Touchingdeep inside...

His dick moving inside me...

The things he’d madefeel...

“You really don’t know when you're dying, do you?” | muttered to my aroused body

*+| will give you

#xxx| will give you pleasure like you've never known before. And you will want more, over and

“I over and over again, until your body can’t take any more of it. “#***

The sound of his voice whispering these words toas he laid on top of me, madeshiver now. Indeed, he

has made true to his words, every one of them.

I never knew a pleasure like that existed. Perhaps, it was because he just marked me. And the pains...it was


After finishing my bath and feeling considerably refreshed, Mirian guidedthrough straditional rituals

that were customary in the pack.

She explained each step with patience and care, ensuring that | understood the significance behind


12:04 Sat, 2 Mar FRD.

Chapter 76


the rituals. Despite the lingering soreness in my muscles, | found comfort in the familiarity of the traditions and

the sense of belonging they instilled within me.

As Mirian and | sat down together, she began to explain the significance of the traditions and processes that

were integral to the pack’s customs.

“First and foremost, Mirian began, her voice carrying a deep reverence, “we must honor the bond. between you

and Carlyle, our Alpha. It is a sacred connection, one that must be celebrated and nurtured.”

She went on to describe the importance of the bonding ceremony, where Carlyle’s mark onsymbolized our

commitment to each other and to the pack. Mirian emphasized the significance of the mark, explaining that it

represented not only physical union but also a spiritual connection that transcended mere words.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Beyond the bonding ceremony,” Mirian continued, “there are other traditions that we must observe to ensure

harmony within the pack and with the natural world around us.”

She spoke of rituals that honored the elements, such as eeremonies to appease the spirits of the land and

offerings made to the moon goddess to seek her blessings. These rituals were deeply rooted in the pack’s history

and served to strengthen our connection to the earth and its energies.

“Furthermore,” Mirian added, “there are rites of passage that mark significant milestones in a werewolf’s life,

such as the transition from adolescence to adulthood and the acceptance of new members into the pack.”

She explained how these rites of passage were a testament to the pack’s resilience and adaptability, ensuring

that each member understood their role within the community and the responsibilities that cwith it.

As Mirian spoke, | listened intently, absorbing every word with a sense of awe and reverence. The traditions and

processes she described were not just rituals; they were a reflection of the pack’s values and beliefs, passed

down through generations to guide us in our journey through life.

By the tour discussion cto a close, | felt a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of traditions that

bound us together as a pack. With Mirian’s guidance, | had gained a deeper understanding of our customs and

the role they played in shaping our collective identity.

As we prepared to carry out the rituals together, | knew that | was not just participating in a ceremony; | was

embracing a legacy that had endured for centuries, a legacy that would continue to shape the destiny of our

pack for generations to come.

Together, we performed ceremonies that honored the pack’s heritage and celebrated my newfound connection

with Carlyle. Mirian’s gentle guidance helpednavigate through the rituals with ease, her presence a source

of comfort and reassurance.

As we completed the last of the indoor traditions, | couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Mirian for

her kindness and support.

With the rituals concluded, Mirian ledto a table set with a delicious meal, the aroma of freshly cooked food

wafting through the air. Despite my earlier discomfort, my appetite had returned with a vengeance, and | eagerly

dug into the hearty meal.


Chapter 761

As | savored each bite, | couldnt help but reflect on the events of the day and the journey that lay ahead. With

Mirian by my side, | felt a newfound sense of confidence and determination to face whatever challenges awaited


And as the evening wore on, surrounded by the warmth and camaraderie of the pack, | knew that | was exactly

where | was meant to be. With Carlyle as iny mate and the pack as my family, | was ready to embrace the future

with open arms.

Curious about the traditions Mirian taught me, | threw a question at her.

“Mirian,” | began. “You said the ritual is to be done to the Alpha’s mate,”

“Yes, | did. Is there any problem?”

“Not really. | just... just want to know if Carlyle performed the ritual with anyone before me, maybe with his

previous girl or something.”


“What have | missed?” Carlyle’s sudden presence prevented her from saying any more..

“Shit!” | muttered inwardly.
