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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93


As | stood there, facing the Beta with a carefully neutral expression, his intense gaze bore into mine, searching

for any sign of deception. His voice, when he spoke, held a hint of aggression, his frustration palpable in the air

between us.

“I don’t know what you mean, mister,” | replied calmly, my voice steady despite the turmoil of emotions swirling

within me.

“Don’t tellyou don’t feel it,” he retorted, his tone growing more forceful as he took a step closer, his

imposing figure towering over me.

“| still don’t get you,” | insisted, refusing to back down in the face of his intensity.

“Don’t getpissed,” he snapped, his voice rising with anger. “You were very intentional about it. You knew

what you said.”

“That was...” | began, but his interruption cutoff mid-sentence.

“That was what?” he demanded, his voice harsh as he awaited my response.

| paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts before continuing. “That was a misunderstanding,” | replied, my

voice calm but firm. “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

But the Beta wasn’t convinced, his gaze still sharp as he studiedfor any sign of deception. And as the

tension between us stretched taut like a bowstring, | knew that this conversation was far from over.

“No, you can’t change your stance just now. I'm not new to that trick!” he continued, his voice edged with


My heart raced in my chest as | listened to him, his words sending a shiver down my spine. Had he seen through

my facade? Had he uncovered my true intentions? The thought sent a wave of panic coursing through me, but |

forced myself to remain calm.

As his words washed over me, a sense of unease crept into my heart. His accusation cut



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Chapter 93




deep, a reminder that | was treading on dangerous ground. But | couldn't afford to show any signs of weakness

now. | had a mission to complete, and | couldn't let anything stand in

my way.

| couldn't afford to let him see my fear. Instead, | focused on formulating a new plan, searching for a way to

regain the upper hand in our conversation. And then it hit- seduction.

With a calm and steady voice, | began to speak, my words laced with a hint of sweetness and charm.

“You're right, | can’t change my stance,” | said softly, my tone coaxing and persuasive. “But maybe there's

another way we can resolve this.”

As | spoke, | leaned in closer, allowing my gaze to linger on his face, my eyes sparkling with warmth and allure. |

could see the tension in his shoulders begin to ease, his suspicion giving way to curiosity.

With each word, | drew him in further, weaving a web of seduction that enveloped us both in its embrace. And as

the air between us cr ackled with electricity, | knew that | had him right where | wanted him.

But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind. Seduction was a

dangerous game, and | was playing with fire. But for now, it was the only card | had left to play. And | would play

it to the best of my abilities, no matter the cost.

Coughing out nothing, he suddenly calked himself back and began avoiding my gaze makingchuckle


“What's your name?” He asked.

“Amelia.” | answered and he didn’t say anything. He seemed to be having a tough tfiguring out what next to


“Look mister,” | broke the lingering silence when | couldn’t bear it anymore.

“I'm Donald,” he interrupted, his voice terse as he cutoff.

“Dam mit!” | bit back a curse at his sudden interjection, my nerves on edge as | struggled to



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Chapter 93


maintain my composure. The way his nrolled off his tongue had a really great impact onat that

moment. The urge to touch him, to feel him, listen to his masculine whispers crowded my senses. Donald's

abruptness caughtoff guard, and for a moment, | was at a loss for words.

But as | collected myself, | realized that this was my chance to regain control of the situation. With a steely

resolve, | met his gaze head-on, refusing to let him see the uncertainty that churned within me.

“Well, Donald,” | said, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside me. “It seems we've gotten off on the

wrong foot. Perhaps we can start over and try to find scommon ground.”

As | spoke, | watched Donald carefully, searching for any sign of weakness or vulnerability. But to my surprise,

his expression remained guarded, his features a mask of stoicism as he regardedwith a cool detachment.

But | refused to be deterred. | had ctoo far to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

He didn’t say anything to my sentence. Instead, he turned round to leave while | remained on the spot.

“So much control he’s got. Just how | had always dreamed of my future man.” | muttered to myself biting on my

lower lip.

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“Da mn you, Amelia. You're on a mission. You shouldn’t have such thoughts.” | chastised myself, hurrying after


“You didn’t say a word. Are you crossed?” | on him.

Ked, pouting like a baby but it wasn’t working

“Are you angry by what | said? | was pulling your legs earlier, nothing more.” | said,walking behind him noisily to

catch his attention but he was adamant and strong in his resolve.

As a Canthrastra, | have the ability to read his mind but | just couldn’t no matter how | tried at that moment.

That was weird. | was bothered for a moment but | let it pass





Chapter 93

“Can you stop following me? Can you please, just stop?” He roared atand | recoiled to myself scared. |

wasn't expecting that reaction from him.

He was indeed not having it nice at all.


“If you made such statement looking all fierce yesterday and today, you say you're puling my legs, do you

expectto believe that? Am | sdumbass to you? | want you to stay away fromthis instant with

whatever plan you have in mind.” He fired. All through, my heart didn’t stop beating at a super fast rate.

“Fine! We're mates! You don’t get to treatlike this.” | yelled at him in return.
