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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 166
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Chapter 166

Hearing that, Margaret also grew anxious. Putting Tabby in the yard in such bad weather? Wouldn’t it be

the same as when it was still a stray cat?

Elizabeth immediately called the Lewis residence again and purposefully put the phone on the

loudspeaker so that Margaret could listen to the conversation.

No one answered the phone for a long time. Just when they thought no one had heard it, someone

picked up the call.

Hence, Elizabeth hurriedly said, “Mrs. Lewis asked to check how Tabby was doing. The weather was so

bad last night. It must have been frightened. Hurry up and ask someone to check on it. Take good care of

Tabby. Make sure that it’s not sick. Cats are weak.”

After a brief moment of silence on the other end of the line, Christopher’s voice could be heard. “Got it.”

Immediately afterward, he hung up the phone.

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Margaret and Elizabeth exchanged glances because they did not expect Christopher to pick up the

phone. Worried, Margaret uttered, “He won’t care about it. You should call Fredrick’s private phone.” |

However, Elizabeth disagreed with her. “Don’t worry. Even if Mr. Lewis doesn’t care about it, he’ll

definitely ask Fredrick to do it. Even if he doesn’t give the instructions, there are so many servants in the

Lewis residence. I’m sure someone will take care of Tabby for you. Maybe someone had already looked

after it when I came out. You can count on them.”

Meanwhile, at the Lewis residence, Christopher was about to head out after taking a shower when he

received the call. Although he was reluctant, he still went to the backyard.

He scanned around the surroundings, but Tabby was nowhere to be found, Frowning, he ordered, “Come


Of course, Tabby was not so obedient. He searched patiently for a while but could not find the cat.

Anxious, he summoned the bodyguards stationed at the gate and instructed, “Co find the cat!”

After a while, one of the bodyguards found Tabby in the gaps between the flo stands. “Mr. Lewis, the cat

is here!”

Christopher strode forward quickly. His expression turned grim when he saw the cat.

He had never seen such a foolish cat. The weather was awful the previous night. Not only did it not find a

way to get into the house, but it got itself stuck in between the flower stands. Its body was dirty, and its

fur was damp, not to mention that its hindi legs were wounded as well. Its blue eyes were full of terror

and fear. One could imagine how helpless and desperate it was the previous night.

“Send it to the veterinary clinic for a comprehensive check-up. Examine its legs carefully and tidy up

before Margaret returns. Don’t let her find out about this.” In the end, he could not bear to leave the cat in

such a condition. If Margaret saw how Tabby looked at that moment, she would probably get angry at


“Yes, Mr. Lewis!” responded the bodyguard. Since Tabby was too dirty, he grabbed it by the neck. The

cat growled in pain, and Christopher immediately reprimanded, “Carry it properly!”

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The bodyguard was startled and quickly hugged Tabby in his arms like a baby. “Y Yes.”

After what had happened to Margaret the previous night, Jodie had a bad night’s sleep and yawned at

work during the day.

She was the first to pack things up when it was time to get off work because she had to rush to the

hospital to visit Margaret before returning home to prepare dinner.

As soon as she walked to the elevator entrance, she felt a sense of oppression behind her. Turning

around, she saw Steven, who was much taller than her.

“You looked so apathetic at work, and you were the first to get off work. I heard from your supervisor that

you made a mistake on a crucial document today. Since he has reported it to me, what do you think I

should do?” A half-smile tugged on Steven’s lips.

“I-I didn’t sleep well last night. Didn’t I immediately fix my mistake after that? I’ve learned from my

mistake. Can’t you forgive me?” Jodie did not dare to talk back to him. Since it was the truth, she had to

admit her mistake