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Anything For Her

Chapter 636
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Chapter 636

Meanwhile, Nicholas had almost recovered fully. Nevertheless, he was still receiving therapy sessions from a


In his opinion, the psychiatrist kept bringing up topics that he did not want to continue discussing. He frowned

slightly as his patience began to thin.

“Mr. Sab—”

In the next second, Nicholas shot up straight and grabbed the psychiatrist by his neck.

“Didn't I ask you to quit all this nonsense? Why do you have so much stuff to say? Don't you know that it's


His reaction completely caught the psychiatrist off guard.

After so many therapy sessions, the psychiatrist thought that Nicholas was improving. To his dismay, Nicholas was

still as volatile as he was before therapy.

Nicholas' expression was extremely ferocious.

“I don't like you yapping in my ear all the time! It's driving me nuts!”

Upon hearing the commotion, Alex entered the room. As the scene played in front of him, he quickly took a step

forward in an attempt to rescue the psychiatrist. Unfortunately, Nicholas had caught sight of what Alex was about

to do. “Alex, have you forgotten your lesson?” Nicholas asked icily. “Do I have to kill you in order to help you


Alex froze, not knowing how to respond.

“Mr. Nicholas, please be reasonable. He's just a doctor. There's no need for you to be angry at him. Please let him


“Hmph! Do I have to choose who I can and cannot be angry at now? I'm not happy. I want to kill him right now.

What can you guys do about it?”

As he was speaking, his grip around the psychiatrist's neck tightened.

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Alex could merely stand at the side and watch helplessly.

If Nicholas had made up his mind to kill somebody, no one could save them. Furthermore, Alex was aware that he

was just a humble person with no influence.

In his final breaths, the psychiatrist had never expected himself to die in the hands of his patients.

When Nicholas was sure that the psychiatrist had passed away, he loosened his grip and allowed the psychiatrist's

limp body to fall to the ground.

“Clean up this mess,” Nicholas commanded coldly. A dead person was nothing new to them.

“Yes, Boss.” There was nothing else Alex could do.

I dread to find out how Old Mr. Sable will react when he hears that Boss has killed the psychiatrist. This father-son

duo is not to be messed with.

“Go tell Father that no more psychiatrist is to show up at my mansion! Otherwise, I'll take them out one by one!”

thundered Nicholas.

I am not sick! I'm completely fine, aren't I? How could I be sick?

Nicholas refused to admit that he needed help.

“Mr. Nicholas, Old Mr. Sable is just doing this for your good,” Alex explained.

“I don't need others to be good to me!”

All he wanted at that moment was one person, and that person was Sophie!

He almost died at the hands of Tristan the other day, but that did not faze him. He would not give up so easily.

Since he was still alive, he decided that it was Tristan's turn to die.

“This time, I want a foolproof plan. I want Tristan dead! Do you hear me?” Nicholas hollered like the maniac that he


Alex was rendered speechless.

He really was at a loss for words.

Who do you think Tristan is? How can his life be taken away so easily just because you say so? Besides, he has

Sophie by his side! How are we to go against two big shots? Was the previous incident not enough of a lesson?

“Mr. Nicholas, for the sake of your safety, we have to carefully think this through!” Alex began. “Just because we

managed to save your life the last time doesn't mean you'll be as lucky the next time!”

“I don't care how you do it. I just want Tristan's head on a silver platter! You don't have to tell me anything else.”

Nicholas left Alex no room to argue. “I'm tired. I'll be going to rest. Do not disturb me.” With that, he left.

Alex quickly summoned people to get rid of the corpse inside the room.

Just like that, an innocent psychiatrist lost his life.

If word got out, no other psychiatrist would dare to accept Nicholas as a patient.

When Javier caught wind of the news, he was livid. Everything in the living room was smashed by him.

“Is there something wrong with his memory? He almost died last time! Is that still not enough for him to learn his

lesson?” Javier hollered. He knew that Tristan was not someone to be messed with.

Once again, Alex did not dare to utter a response.

Both the father and the son had the same temper.

No one could control them when they were enraged.

“Alex, you better keep your eye on him! If anything were to happen to him, I'd bury you alongside his body!”

Javier only had one son. No matter how horrible of a person Nicholas was, Javier couldn't just let him die.

Poor Alex was beginning to question his life choices.

“Old Mr. Sable, Mr. Nicholas is too stubborn! He's set on having Tristan's head. If we can't bring his head back, no

one here will be left in peace.”

Alex was merely stating the truth.

Javier fell silent.

Tristan's head?

Javier could give Nicholas anything else that he wanted, but Tristan's head had proved to be a challenge!

It was not something one could obtain just because one desired to.

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If it were that easy, Javier would have done so ages ago. The problem was that even Javier was at a loss.

“Don't worry about this for now. Just keep an eye on him. Don't think about anything else,” ordered Javier.

Tristan is not someone you can easily cross. Even Stephen was caught by Tristan. This is no ordinary man. Not

everyone will stand a chance against him.

“Understood, Old Mr. Sable.”

Alex could not help but feel pity for himself for having two difficult and heartless bosses. They did not even care for

his life.

Before long, Felix had received news that Nicholas was alive and that he wanted Tristan's head.

“This Nicholas has more lives than a cat. I thought he had died previously! I can't believe that he's still alive.”

“He is Nicholas Sable, after all. He's quite a powerful man,” Tristan replied nonchalantly. Even though he could not

stand Nicholas, he could not deny the influence the latter had.

“Now what? He has already given word to hunt you down. Are you not going to do anything about it? Aren't you

being too calm?”

“Then what do you suggest?” Tristan retorted.

Felix shrugged. “How am I supposed to know? This is your problem. None of my business.” As of then, Felix just

wanted to date in peace. He no longer wanted to meddle in other situations.

“Since you don't have any suggestions, I would advise you to keep your mouth shut.” Tristan was not at all bothered

by the news. If Nicholas wanted him dead, he would first need the capability to do so.

If only one of them could exist in this world, Tristan was sure that it would be himself.

“Fine! I'm out of here!” Felix turned to leave, feeling as though he was only being bullied whenever he was in

Lombard Group. I might as well go and find my dear Ysabelle instead.

Seeing that there was not much work left, Tristan decided to look for Sophie at the University of Medicine so they

could go for lunch together.

Before he left, he called Sophie but to no avail. His calls kept going to voicemail. Giving up, he decided to just go to


When it was time for lunch, Sandra and Simon were waiting outside for Sophie, but the professor was still asking

the latter a question.