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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128 Wasn’t He A Loyalist or Broderick?

After being shirtless, he salivated on her body but he felt guilty on the inside of him. This is rape. Sex

without consent is rape. If Amy finds out he took advantage of her, she would probably hate him for life.

Is this the best way to win her heart? He thought then unbuckled his belt and took off his trouser leaving

him with his short pant, “there seems to be no other way to win you over than this, Amy.”

His dick had become very hard and when he was about to lay on her, a sound of the doorbell could be

suddenly heard.

“Must it be at this time?” He thought to himself angrily and immediately wore his trouser and shirt then

walked out to the master room. When he got before the door, he peeped and saw Martha.

Martha? What was she doing here? Michael thought it was too dangerous to have Amy in his room plus

Amy musn’t wake and find herself in his room.

“Hold on,” he said and ran back to the master room, be carried Amy and togk her back to her room then

laid her down gently.

“Fuck!” He grumbled, as he walked back to the main door, he hoped that Martha would get done with

what she wanted to do here quick and leave.

He opened the door and saw Martha frowning,” aren’t you Amy’s bodyguard?” Martha didn’t recognize

Michael cause of the mask on his face.

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“Yes, miss.” Michael replied politely.

“What in the world took you so long to respond?” Martha asked angrily and turned, “come babies.”

Michael was stunned to see Amy’s six kids appear, he pretended not to know the kids and asked, “can |

ask if you and the kids want to meet with miss Amy?” Michael asked gently.

“Get out of the door, I’m Broderick Alessandro’s wife,” she pushed him aside rudely and walked inside

while the kids followed behind.

The kids had been anticipating to see Amy. The children had been requesting to meet with Amy ever

since Broderick got home. He could not understand what connection the children had with Amy. He had

expected that after the kids arrived at North Hill, they would want to spend more time with Martha but it’s

obvious that they didn’t even miss her during their stay at EastHill.

“Which room is Amy?” Martha asked Michael.

“The third room upstairs, ma,” Michael responded and added,” but she’s asleep.”

“Oh, Amy has slept off already,” Moses mumbled. The kids had decided to come this night to play with

Amy cause they won’t have chance the following day as they were going to school.

“Please sit, I’ll find a way of informing her of your presence,” Martha said to the kids and faced Michael

who was still standing by the door, “where is her room?”

“She won’t like it if she gets disturbed from her sleep, ma,” Michael said.

“I ask where the fuck is her room,” she shouted,

Michael sighed and pointed to a room. Michael was already tired of all the humiliation he was going

through here How dare Martha shout at her? If only Martha knows that the person she thought was a

berguard vas birn,

Martha then walked to to Amy’s room. She planted a knock on the door, not like she was expecting a

response, she just wanted to confirm that Amy was asleep. She twisted the knob of the door and walked


She saw Amy sleeping tight. “Bitch, you made Broderick keep you in his eyes after selling him out.” She

felt like hurting Amy severely but because of the kids in the living room, she couldn’t dare to.

She then tapped her on her legs multiple times, Amy fluttered her eyes opened and sat upright. Her mind

trailed back to what happened to her a few minutes ago, Wayne was coughing and she tried to attend to

him then she suddenly felt a sharp pain and that was it.

She looked around of the room and when she cimfirmed that she was in her room, she wondered what

Martha was doing here.

She stood upright cause she can’t really trust what Martha is up to, “what did you want?”

“Broderick told me to bring your kids over to spend the night with you, I’ll be taking them back around

5AM tomorrow morning,” Martha said.

“You finally agreed the children are mine, huh?”

“Dummy, the kids were never mine but no one will believe you. Is the room beside yours empty, I’m tired

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and need to rest,” Martha said.

“Where are my kids?” Amy asked, she was so happy that she would be seeing her children. She had

thought that she would not be able to see her children for another one month. She was so happy that

Broderick changed his mind about her, meeting her kids.

“They are at the living room,” Martha responded. “Did you say the room beside yours is empty?”

Before Amy could respond, the door pushed open and the kids appeared.

Amy wanted to smile on seeing the kids but her smile retreated when she saw the panic on the children’s

face, “the big uncle has taken Debby away.”

Amy furrowed her brow in shock, it was now that she realized that the kids that appeared are five and not


“What big uncle?” Amy asked in shock.

“Is it the man that I asked where Amy’s room is from?” Martha asked Moses.

“Yes. He suddenly grabbed Debby few minutes after you left us with him at the living room, covered her

mouth and ran away with her,” Moses said sadly.

Amy ran outside like a mad woman, actually, she didn’t even know what she was doing at the moment.

She sped so far outside of the house and when she appeared in the compound of the house, she ran

around in panic, hoping to find Wayne.

Not seeing him, her heart clutched in pain. Could he had taken Debby away? Wasn’t he a loyalist of
