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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141

“I guess so,” Amy also smiled simply. Broderick’s phone rang at this moment and he ignored. He loved

this moment with Amy that he wouldn’t let a phone call ruin it.

“I do have a gift for you,” Broderick said.

“Can’t wait to see it,” Amy blushed. “I didn’t bring it with me but I’ll send it to your house, I’m sure you will

like it,” Broderick smiled, adoring her cute face.

“Hum! I don’t know why I’m curious to see the gift that the most powerful man in North Hill wants to gift

me,” Amy said.

Broderick’s phone however rang again. He sighed and then Amy gestured” please pick up, it’s not a


Broderick took few steps away from her and answered the call” Brett, what’s the matter?”

“The company’s business reserve had been freezed by the foreign bank we kept it in,” Brett said.

Because of how big the money that Broderick’s company transact, they keep and reserve money in

foreign banks while they reserve the transactional money in one of the banks here at North Hill.

“Have you sent a mail to them asking why?” Broderick asked. “Sure, they said they are currently probing

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the Alessandro’s family and that once they are done with their investigation, they will unfreeze our

account,” Brett said.

Broderick hummed and said,” let them do their investigation, afterall, we aren’t involved in anything

illegal. If the company needs any money from the reserve, I’ll sponsor it from my account.”

“Sir, Haven’t your accountant told you ,yet?”

“About what?”

“He informed me a few minutes ago that he received a mail from the foreign bank that house your assets

that your account had been freezed hence they can’t issue money out to you for the time being,” Brett


Broderick’s heart freezed. He had kept most of his asset with banks in foreign companies cause he

believed they are safer there. NorthHill is a developed city but not as developed as the top tier countries

in the world.

“Okay, let’s hope it won’t take too long time. Don’t fret about it,” Broderick said. Though he was worried at

the sudden and unexpected probe but he doesn’t really need cash at the moment plus he has many

banks here in NorthHill that he keeps his money in.

“Alright, sir” Brett said and hung the call up.

Broderick remained on the spot after returning his phone back to his pocket and hoped that this was am

harmless investigation and not that someone was behind it.

He turned and went back to meet Amy Amy was still all smiles and Broderick managed to smile too

despite how disturbed his heart was.

Amy sensed how worrisome he was and asked, “Mr. Broderick, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” he responded and looked at the large sea, he turned back to her and asked, “can I hold your

hand, please?”

“Sure,” Amy responded and Broderick held her hand and lead her to the brink of the sea. The sea was

so large that it was impossible for them to see the end of it.

Broderick turned and was standing right before her;” can you let me call you Amy rather than Cleo?” “No,

I can’t bear someone else’s name and take on someone else’s identity. I think you should just try to get

use to my name,” Amy said. Broderick kissed her on her forehead and told her, “I made my late mistress

go through a lot of pain and I regret it every single second. I’ll try not to cause you pain.”

Amy shrugged, looking at his cat blue eyes. She never knew that a day will come when Broderick will be

this gentle and civil.

Broderick’s phone rang again and he sighed heavily, ‘who is disturbing his romantic moment with Miss

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Cleo?’ He thought to himself. He actually wanted to spend a lot of time with Amy.

Seeing Brett’s call again, he answered it and said, “Brett, you can call me in the next five hours. I’ll be

busy until then.”

“Sir, can you tell me where you are, please?” Brett asked. There was urgency in his voice.

“What’s wrong again?” Broderick sensed that something was off.

“I can’t say it on phone, please just tell me where you are, sir. It’s urgent,” Brett requested.

“Are my children fine?” Broderick asked. When Amy heard Broderick asked about the kids, her heart

thumped heavily and she set her ears keenly to what the person on the other end would respond with.

“The children are fine, sir. Please send me the address of where you are, sir,” Brett requested.

Broderick was with Amy and his children are also fine. These are basically the people he cared for the

most. As long as the bad news that Brett want to deliver is not about them, he should be able to handle


He hung the call up and sent Brett the address of where he was. “Is everything alright?” Amy asked.

“I would lie if I say, ‘yes. But when Brett comes, I’ll find out what’s going on,” Broderick said.

He looked afar and saw some boats, “we should drive the boat someday just to sail around the sea.”