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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 57
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Sweetheart held onto Mu Tongrui's hand and walked over to grab Fu Lingye's hand. She placed their

hands together impishly, and declared gleefully, “The three of us will be together forever!”

Mu Tongrui felt her ears went red and averted Fu Lingye's eyes on purpose until Sweetheart spotted

that wound on Fu Lingye's hand and asked in a worried tone, “Daddy, what happened to your hand?

Did a cat scratch you again?”

Mu Tongrui looked down and realized the wound was caused by her bite.

With his gaze set on Mu Tongrui, Fu Lingye replied, “This cat was fiercer. She got into a rage after I

stroked her a few times.”

Mu Tongrui's mouth twitched. Did I?

It was him who was up to no good just now!

Sweetheart's eyes widened and she nodded, “Last time a stray cat scratched Daddy's neck. This time,

it scratched Daddy's hand. Daddy, I will not raise a cat as a pet in the future. Can I raise a dog


Fu Lingye squatted down and patted Sweetheart's head. He replied with hidden meaning, “Raising a

dog is good, it will grow to love you. Cat has no conscious and will leave home no matter how well you

treat it. It will still scratch you whenever it likes.”

Mu Tongrui found that something is amiss with his reply, but by the time she reacted, he was holding

Sweetheart's hands and heading downstairs for dinner already. Mu Tongrui followed suit, mumbling to

herself, “I am not any cat nor dog. I will repay anyone who treats me well.”

Such as Sweetheart. She felt that Sweetheart was really fond of her and cared about her. She could

not bear the thoughts of leaving Sweetheart after she split ways with Fu Lingye in the future.


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After dinner, Old Master Fu took Sweetheart and Xiaohan to play video games. Fu Lingye also left to

settle some business matters, leaving only Mu Tongrui and Xiang Nanqian in the living room other than

the maid.

Sitting on the sofa, Xiang Nanqian was looking through some photos while sipping her rose tea.

Mu Tongrui did not wish to engage in any form of interaction with Xiang Nanqian, and was preparing to

head upstairs when Xiang Nanqian called out to her gently.

“Tong Rui, Lingye accompanied me and Xiaohan for Xiaohan's school parental session today. We took

a lot of photos; do you want to see?”

Mu Tongrui trembled, “No need, you keep it for yourself. I do not need to see photos built on lies.”

Xiang Nanqian's smile disappeared instantly, “What do you mean? Do you think you have Lingye in the

palm of your hands now?”

Calmly, she turned around and replied, “I do not have him in the palm of my hands, but no matter what,

we are a married couple now.”

“Don't think that I do not know that you and Lingye are pretending to be married! You have not

registered your marriage yet; Dad will know about this sooner or later and will definitely chase you out

of the Fu Family then!”

Mu Tongrui was about to rebut when her phone rang.

It was Shen Wanyue.

With her brows furrowed, she went to answer the phone in the balcony.

“Why are you calling me?”

“Ah, my dear sister. Why are you so hostile? I want to invite you to my wedding with Jian Zhe tomorrow.

Will you attend?”

Mu Tongrui did not wish to attend but she could not miss this chance of ruining their wedding to avenge


“Sure, I will be punctual for your wedding tomorrow.”

Shen Wanyue smirked on the other side of the phone, “Then, I shall wait for sister.”

Shen Qiu should be attending the wedding tomorrow. This pair of mother-daughter loved the limelight,

surely, they would invite several guests, family and friends to the wedding! Great, I could cause a

scene there and utterly embarrass them!


Xiang Nanqian called up a private investigator in her bedroom on the second floor.

“Check up on that daughter of Mu Tongrui's stepmother, Shen Wanyue.”

Before Mu Tongrui entered the Fu Family, Xiang Nanqian had done a thorough check on her

background already.

As the saying went, an enemy of an enemy could be your friend.

Since Mu Tongrui and Shen Wanyue hate each other, if I help Shen Wanyue to ruin Mu Tongrui, not

only would Mu Tongrui be ruined, I would also not be pulled into the saga. Lingye would not blame me



Mu Tongrui knocked on the door of Fu Lingye's study room.

Seeing that he was concentrating on his work, she tiptoed over to him lightly and was hesitating on how

to raise the topic to him, when he asked, “What is the matter?”

“Eh, I have something on tomorrow. Can I come home later?”

Without raising his head, he went still with the pen in his hand and did not reply.

She bit her lower lip and explained, “Shen Wanyue is getting married tomorrow. Although we are of

different fathers, she is still my sister in name. I should attend...”

“Do you want to attend the wedding or to snatch the groom?”

She was shocked by his question, “Rest assured, I would definitely not snatch the groom.”

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I would not take that scoundrel, Jian Zhe even for free!

Mu Tongrui thought that Fu Lingye would reject her, thus tugged at his sleeves and pleaded, “I will just

go for a while and surely return home by 8pm!”

A typical wedding dinner should be starting at 6.18pm and she would be able to leave by 7pm after

causing a ruckus, so it should be safe to assume that she would reach home by 8pm.

His eyes fell on her hands which are still tugging on his sleeves. After a few seconds of silence, he

finally replied in a dispassionate tone, “It is Sweetheart's birthday tomorrow. Return home earlier.”

“Sweetheart's birthday?”

Noticing the surprise in her voice, he glanced up, “Any problem?”

Has she realized that Sweetheart's birthday falls exactly on the same day that she gave birth to that

child 3 years ago?

Mu Tongrui shook her head with a smile, “No, I just think that the timing is so unfortunate. But I will

return home earlier tomorrow to celebrate Sweetheart's birthday.”

Fu Lingye frowned. Indeed, she has forgotten about the surrogate child that she bore 3 years ago and

even such an important date.

“Then you continue with your work. I will leave first.”

She turned to leave when Fu Lingye stood up to call her, “Mu Tongrui.”

She was startled, “Yes?”

She was not used to him calling him by her full name in such solemn tone.

His dark eyes were filled with an unfathomable emotion and he said, “I have something to tell you

tomorrow night.”

“Can't you say...now?”

She could not understand. What was it that he could not tell her now? Must he wait till tomorrow night?

“Sweetheart and I will wait for you to come home tomorrow night.”

His tone was overly somber but for some reasons, his words warmed her heart. Mu Tongrui felt herself

blushing and lifted a brow, “Sure.”