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Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2


The relentless passage of time seems to drag on with excruciating slowness, leaving me yearning for

anything that can distract me from the emptiness that awaits me at home. Rather than returning to the

confines of my residence, I find solace in the familiarity of my office. In truth, I’d rather immerse myself

in work than confront the bitter reality of my crumbling marriage with Hazel. Alas, some circumstances

are unavoidable, and my plans for divorce are set in motion.

It has been a relentless week since I presented Hazel with the papers that would sever our ties. Yet,

she remains stubbornly defiant, refusing to acknowledge the inevitable. I am reluctant to escalate

matters by resorting to a court battle, as the last thing I desire is to become further entangled in the

web of media frenzy surrounding my life. The prying eyes of the papara zzi already scrutinize my every

move, and I am averse to subjecting myself to more unnecessary scrutiny.

However, dealing with a tenacious woman, or rather, my soon-to-be ex-wife, proves to be a formidable

challenge. Every step toward achieving closure becomes an arduous uphill battle.

Twirling my pen absentmindedly, I gazed at the exquisite necklace design that Dino, my trusted

collaborator, had sent my way. Its intricate beauty mesmerized me, momentarily transporting my

thoughts away from the burdens that weighed heavily on my shoulders. In just two short months, an

important exhibition awaited me, a pivotal event that demanded double the usual workload. Adding the

complications of a messy divorce to this already overflowing plate was an unwelcome prospect.

As a jeweler, my company Raveluxe had garnered a global reputation for crafting unparalleled

masterpieces adorned with the rarest and most exquisite gemstones. Year after year, our name

resonated throughout the industry, and I was determined to uphold that legacy. This year, I yearned for

nothing less than continued triumph and recognition.

In an abrupt intrusion, the door to my office swung open, disrupting my train of thought. Elenor stormed

in with an air of anger clinging to her every step. My dedicated secretary, Dana, hurriedly trailed behind,

attempting to defuse the tension and maintain a semblance of order.

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Dana’s gaze held a mix of worry and helplessness as she addressed me. Her voice trembled slightly as

she pleaded, “Please, sir, I informed her that you were not to be disturbed, but she disregarded my

words entirely.” Recognizing her earnest efforts to maintain order, I nodded in acknowledgment and

motioned for her to leave. With a slight bow, Dana exited my office, leaving Elenor and me to confront

our familial complexities.

Closing my laptop and setting it aside, I focused my attention on my sister, raising an eyebrow in mild

exasperation. Elenor, my sole sibling, held a significant place in my heart, and I loved her dearly.

However, she was acutely aware that I preferred to keep personal dramas separate from my

professional realm. It was evident that she had disregarded this unspoken agreement by barging into

my office unannounced.

I leaned back in my chair, studying Elenor’s agitated demeanor, allowing a brief moment of silence to

pass between us. With a measured tone, I finally addressed her, seeking clarity amidst the tension that

hung in the air. “Elenor, what brings you to my office today? Surely you know that I prefer not to have

family disputes encroach upon my workspace.”

“What on earth am I hearing?” she spat, her voice laced with indignation. Slamming her bag down on

my desk, she assumed a defensive stance, crossing her arms and thrusting her hips forward. “Please,

for the love of sanity, tell me this is some twisted prank.”

With a calm yet curious demeanor, I motioned toward the vacant chair before me. “If you could kindly

enlighten me on the matter at hand, perhaps we can determine whether it’s a jest or something more

serious. So, please, have a seat, and let’s engage in a civilized conversation. Alternatively, if it’s not of

importance, I kindly request that you vacate my office so I can return to my work.”

With an air of defiance, she plopped herself down on the plush leather seat, her fiery gaze piercing

through me like daggers. “I had a conversation with Hazel a few hours ago, and the revelations she

shared with me were simply incomprehensible.”

Slightly amused by her vexation, I opted to feign ignorance, relishing in the opportunity to irk her

further. “Oh, pray tell, what did Hazel divulge to you?” I inquired innocently, knowing full well the

direction this conversation was taking.

She blinked rapidly, clearly taken aback by my apparent obliviousness. “Are you seriously going to play

dumb, Ravel?” Her

Chapter 2

voice dripped with exasperation, her frustration palpable. In a hushed undertone, she muttered a curse

under her breath, clearly frustrated. “Hazel told me about the da mn divorce papers, Ravel.”

I maintained my impassive facade, blinking twice in succession, as if her words held little significance.

“And?” I repeated, my voice devoid of emotion.

“What do you mean, ‘and?” She gestured animatedly with her hands, frustration giving way to a touch

of sadness. “What transpired between you and Hazel, Ravel? You two seemed genuinely happy.” Her

voice dropped to a whisper. “For once in your life, you found happiness beyond your work. What went


Nonchalantly, I shrugged and reclined in my seat, meeting her gaze with an unwavering stare.

“Feelings have a tendency to evolve, don’t they?” I remarked casually. She furrowed her brow,

struggling to comprehend my cryptic response. “I fell in love with her, Elenor. But just as love can

bloom, it can also fade away. I have every right to fall out of love with her.”

Her words hung in the air, her determination to uncover the truth evident in her voice. “I refuse to

believe that love simply fades away without reason,” she argued, her conviction unwavering. “There

must be something that happened, Ravel. If you open up to me, I’ll do everything in my power to help

you both fix your relationship.”

The notion of fixing what was broken struck a chord within me, igniting a fiery resentment. “And what

am I to you, Elenor?” I retorted, my anger palpable as I leaned forward, locking eyes with my sister. “A

mere broken toy, waiting to be repaired?” My lips tightened into a thin line as I held her gaze

unflinchingly. “Since you and Hazel have taken it upon yourselves to discuss

my personal matters in my absence, then you can play messenger as well. Deliver this message to



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Before Elenor could utter another word, my voice dropped to a cold, cutting tone.

“Inform Hazel that I have an upcoming exhibition in the next two months, and I refuse to be entangled

in this unnecessary drama and distraction. She must sign those divorce papers before the week

concludes, or consequences will be inevitable.”

The weight of my words hung in the air, suffocating the room with their intensity. Elenor’s voice rose,

incredulous at the transformation she witnessed before her. “Jesus!” she exclaimed, her disbelief

echoing through the space. “What has come over you? This is so unlike you.”

Refusing to dignify her with a response, I maintained my silence, my gaze unwavering as it bore into


“Is there another woman?”

Her question lingered in the air, probing the depths of my thoughts. Was there another woman?

I allowed a moment of contemplation to pass, as if weighing the gravity of her inquiry.

Elenor’s voice carried a mix of accusation and desperation as she leaned in, her hands splayed on my

desk. “The only explanation for such irrational behavior from a man is the presence of another woman,”

she asserted, her eyes searching mine. “So, I implore you, Ravel, tell me the truth. Is there another

woman involved?”



of conflicting emotions coursed through me, but guilt was not among them. What more could possibly

go wrong at this point? Suppressing any sense of remorse, I met Elenor’s gaze head-on. “Yes,” I

admitted co olly, my voice unwavering. “There is indeed another woman in my life. And it is precisely

why I require Hazel to swiftly sign those documents.”

Elenor’s eyes widened in shock, caught off guard by the confirmation she sought. The realization of her

unpreparedness hung in the air, yet her unwavering determination pressed on. If she hadn’t been ready

for the response, why pose the question in the first place?

Silence reigned between us, the weight of my words reverberating through the room.

Elenor’s fists tightened, her frustration morphing into a simmering anger. “Mark my words, Ravel. You

will come to regret this. Your actions will have consequences.”

Rushing back against her statement, I met her gaze with unwavering resolve. “That’s where you’re

mistaken, Elenor,” I rebutted firmly. “I will never regret my decision to pursue a divorce from Hazel.”