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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 289
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Chapter 289

As the chief secretary of the secretariat, Rebecca was very efficient.

Rebecca selected two assistants in less than a day.

Elena Wayne was appointed as the life assistant. She was a chubby girl with a round face and a lively


Cecilia Swan got the position as the work assistant. She was a little older, 42 years old, with a serious

and old–fashioned personality. However, she was cautious about everything. Thus, Rebecca expected

Cecilia to be an outstanding assistant.

Cecilia had a study in the Sullivan family’s house, while Elena followed Olivia at all times.

Daniel did not ask about the two new people at his house when he returned home. He trusted Olivia

very much and never asked Olivia too many questions. Basically, Olivia could do whatever she wanted.

Olivia told Daniel about Brad.

Daniel was leaning toward Olivia, relaxed and comfortable.

He was hooking Olivia’s little finger.

However, when Daniel heard Brad’s name, his body suddenly stiffened, and a bone–chilling coldness

flashed across his eyes.

Daniel cried inside, “How dare Brad to come back!”

Daniel had mixed feelings for Brad.

It could be roughly divided into two stages. The first stage was before Brad attacked Daniel and

destroyed Daniel’s legs.

Daniel liked Brad a lot when Daniel was young because Brad was handsome and gentle. Moreover,

Brad was generous about his time playing with Daniel and held Daniel’s hand when Brad took Daniel

somewhere else. However, as Daniel grew older, his feelings for Brad became complicated.

Daniel’s parents and nanny were strict with him when he was a kid. They worried about Daniel’s teeth,

so they strictly controlled the amount of candies and did not allow Daniel to eat too much of them.

However, Brad always secretly gave Daniel a lot of candies and even helped him hide them from his

parents and nanny.

Brad also helped Daniel do his homework and taught him how to play video games. If anyone bullied

Daniel, Brad fought back until he hit the bulliers to the ground.

Brad always praised Daniel even if Daniel only received a tiny progress.

If Daniel didn’t do well on a test and got a low grade, Brad would often blame the teacher for making

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the questions too hard and doubt the teacher’s ability to do their job well.

In Brad’s eyes, Daniel did not do anything wrong, and it was others‘ fault under any circumstance.

Daniel grew to the age of 12 like that.

When Daniel graduated from primary school, he had a mouthful of bad teeth. Besides, he was thin like

a telephone pole because he was picky about food. He was also shorter than his peers.

Not only that, Daniel was arrogant and complacent.

Daniel was proud of himself even though he received the worst grades. He acted like he was the king

of the world. He scolded the teacher and hit his classmates. No one liked him.

Daniel’s parents were extremely disappointed in him. They felt that Daniel was so naughty that he

would not achieve anything great.

Thus, Daniel’s parents focused on cultivating Brad.

Sadly, no one realized how smart Daniel was. Daniel did whatever Brad taught him to because he was

just a kid back then.



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

Later, Daniel went to a boarding junior high school, and changes happened.

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Daniel read a lot during school and realized not all praises contained good meanings. He would

continue to like Brad if he did not read those books.

He compared the cases with himself. Then he put down the book and became silent.

Daniel did not believe that Brad was trying to hurt him by spoiling him. However, Daniel restrained his

behavior after reading those books.

Daniel began to eat well, exercise regularly, and study hard.

Within a year, Daniel grew one inch and behaved like a small gentleman.

He won third place in the final exam, and the teacher kept praising him for his quick and amazing


Mrs. Sullivan was overjoyed to hear that and promised that she would take Daniel to the beach. Daniel

was excited to receive his mother’s praise. He searched the internet and gathered lots of information

about the travel destination. He even wrote a thousand words about the travel plan. Daniel designed

everything on the trip, including the food on the road, the program they would participate in, and the


It was Daniel’s first time traveling alone with his mother. Thus, Daniel was happy and nervous and

wanted to do everything to be perfect.

However, on the day they set off, Brad sprained his ankle, and Daniel’s mother had to take care of

Brad. What followed up with that incident was that the travel was canceled.

Daniel was 13 years old and was not as cultured as he was now. He could not control his temper and

immediately flew into a rage when he heard the travel plan was canceled. Then, he kicked the suitcase


Daniel did not understand and thought, “Brad is already 20 years old, and he just sprained his ankle.

Why would he need my mom to take care of him?

“Even if he needs someone to take care of him, why does he ask my mom to go over? We have

servants in the house.

“Why did Brad have to ruin my meticulously prepared and long–awaited travel plan?”

Unfortunately, no one understood Daniel’s anger.

Daniel’s parents, on the other hand, considered Daniel cold–blooded and heartless. They could not

understand why Daniel still wanted to travel when one of his family members was injured.

They thought Daniel was an ingrate.

Similar events happened again and again. Then, Daniel gave up trying because he realized that he

was a good–for–nothing kid in the eyes of his parents, no matter what he did.

At that time, Daniel thought all the negative adjectives in the world could be used on him.

No matter what he did, he could not compare to Brad. Even Daniel’s father told Daniel that he would

hand over the Sullivan family’s business to Brad.

On the contrary, Daniel could only be a piece of trash who received the family business’s dividends.

Daniel thought at that time. “Well. What is the point of working hard then? I can just abandon my

ambition and play the days.”

From then on, Daniel became more and more rebellious. He did not do anything every day except for


Surprising, Daniel even became closer to Brad.

Although Daniel’s parents didn’t like him for being lazy, they didn’t say much. They complained about it

at most. Then, the family atmosphere became harmonious.

Daniel felt that this was quite good because his family was peaceful, and Brad would take over the

Sullivan family’s business. Daniel could have time and freedom to develop his technology company


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Billionaire’s Missing Darling

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imagined his life as a technology geek.

Unfortunately, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Brad poisoned Daniel and broke Daniel’s legs. After torturing Daniel, Brad threw Daniel off the cliff.

Daniel’s life would have been finished at that point if he had not met Olivia by accident.

Daniel did not understand why Brad treated him like that since he was no longer a threat to Brad.

Daniel figured it out later.

It was because of Winona Manson.

Winona always hoped that Daniel would take over the Sullivan family’s business. She supported Daniel

openly and covertly. Daniel explicitly refused that, but Brad did not know about it.

In Brad’s opinion, Daniel, who received help from the Manson family, was a huge threat. Thus, Brad

decided to get rid of Daniel as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to deal with Daniel when he grew stronger.

Brad poisoned his nephew just because he suspected Daniel and Winona were going to team up.

Daniel was disheartened the moment he fell off the cliff. He wished he could die immediately.

He did not know what the point of living in this world was.

His father and mother did not love him, and his uncle tried to kill him. What was worse, Daniel could not

feel his legs.

Daniel could not walk and had poison in his body that kept hurting him. He suffered every moment.

Daniel wanted death more than a life like that.

However, when Daniel landed at the bottom of the cliff and closed his eyes, quietly waiting for death, a

girl as bright as the sunshine walked toward him. She opened her beautiful eyes and sized Daniel up

seriously, murmuring, “What a beautiful man. From now on, you’re mine.”

She cured Daniel’s legs, cleared the remaining poison from his body, and saved his life.

She gave him a new life.

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