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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 369
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Chapter 369

Olivia had recently found herself with a great deal of freedom. She had ample time to be with Andrew.

The pair strolled through the Smith family estate, exploring both the grand main villa at the forefront

and the scattered secondary buildings nestled behind.

Olivia donned sportswear and a straw hat to shield herself from the sun. In her left hand, she clutched

a shovel, while Andrew held her right.

She was making her way toward the petite garden.

“Olivia, there are many people over there, observed little Andrew, his sharp eyes fixed on the annex

building as he pointed.

Olivia glanced in that direction and indeed noticed the crowd of people.

Upon seeing Olivia approach, the second–in–command hastily provided an explanation, “Ellis delivered

them. It appears to be an artificial intelligence company

While they conversed. Ellis joined the discussion, informing Olivia, “Mr. Sullivan acquired an artificial

intelligence research company and even recruited a foreign genius in the field. They’re currently

operating here on a tight schedule. Let them stay here for the time being, and once they’ve secured a

suitable location, they’ll relocate.

Olivia was aware of Daniel’s enduring aspiration to advance artificial intelligence. Hepfe, upon hearing

Ellis’s words, she nodded in agreement, showing little concern.

Conversely, Andrew blinked his large, curious eyes when he noticed a stranger approaching.

Observing this, Olivia guided him inside.

In the living room, a young man, Shawn, sat with Copper, engrossed in a discussion. Shawn was a

computing prodigy, his demeanor exuding the icy arrogance characteristic of geniuses. He had a

penchant for solitude and avoided interactions with others.

Copper held the project leadership, and the two of them engaged in a work–related conversation. As

Ellis ushered the newcomers inside, Copper rose from his seat and greeted, “Ellis.”

On the other hand, Shawn lifted his head in acknowledgment.

With a smile, Ellis provided an introduction, saying, “This is Ms. Taylor, Mr. Sullivan’s fiancée, and Mr.


Copper extended a warm greeting to both of them.

Despite Shawn’s aloof demeanor, he possessed emotional intelligence. He sat upright and offered

Olivia a polite greeting, even extending his hand to Andrew.

A laptop rested on the table, its screen cluttered with lines of code. It was evident that the two of them

had been engrossed in discussing it before Olivia’s arrival.

Olivia cast a quick glance at the laptop screen and immediately identified the issue within the code.

She inquired, “Do you require assistance?”

Copper assumed Olivia was joking and promptly waved his hand, saying, “Ms. Taylor, you’re too kind.

We can handle this on our own.”

“Very well,” Olivia nodded in response.

This was because the code issue was not particularly challenging, and the others already had a

solution in mind. There was no necessity for Olivia to get involved. She escorted Andrew and departed

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

the scene.

Once Olivia had departed, the two of them resumed their discussion on the earlier issue.

Ellis, despite his limited technical knowledge, could discern that the two of them were facing a

substantial challenge. The problem proved to be quite vexing, with no immediate, fitting solution in

sight. Perplexed. Ellis inquired, “If you don’t have a solution, why did Ms. Taylor decline when asked if

she could help?

Ellis, Copper frowned, “Are you jesting? This issue is highly intricate. Olivia is a biomedicine expert,

thet doesn’t mean she’s proficient in computers.”


Ellis expressed atming confidence in Olivia, stating “Mydreptionally capable. If she offered help implies

that she compertends the situation?


Copper’s tone turned serious as he remarket Undering the issue doesn’t necessarily erpuase to

expertise. This is an raceptionally complex problem. Beyond the scope of an amateur Furthermore,

even if Ms. Taylor is well–versed in computers. I’d have to walk her through the entire project again.

Explaining the technical principles for each component wld be a significant waste of time

Shawn too furrowed his brow, displaying his discontent. He detested the hassle of explaining, finding it

to be a bothersome endeavor

“Alright, alright, I get it, Ellis conceded, raising his hands in surrender. You two can carry on with your

discussion. I’ll take care of the logistics for you”

One Olivia had departed with Andrew, the two of them proceeded to the small garden to engage in tree


Olivia dug a hole while little Andrew took charge of bring the tree

After a productive morning, they had prepared a small parce of land for their planting efforts.

In that moment, Tracy called and relayed that the had tready reached out to several dependable clan

members, and they had discussed a strategy for approaching Jarron to negotiate for benefits.

Olivia nodded in agreement and listened nonchalantly

Ultimately, she casually directed. Til entrust this matter to you. You can handle the arrangements” Upon

hearing this, Tracy instantly erupted in frustration, thinking, “How could he delegate such a crucial

matter to me? I have no experiencer

She should have full authority to manage and oversee the entire process, Tracy mused.

Tracy was filled with trepidation. He vigorously shook his head, resembling a rattle drum. “No, no. Ms.

Taylor. I can’t. It’s best for you to make the decision. I report to you at any time

Olivia wasn’t one to impose on others. Seeing Tracy’s someone else

luctance, she decided to entrust the matter to

She randomly selected someone and suggested, “How about Healix Let him take charge”

“Healix?” Tracy was surprised. Her tone was a little hent Ms. Taylor, aren’t you afraid that Healix will

betray you?”

Healix couldn’t handle it either Olivia was starting to feel a bit perplexed. After contemplating for a

moment, she turned to Tracy and inquired. Then please recommend a suitable candidate”

“You want me to make a recommendation?” Tracy playfully tapped her nose. She was so enthusiastic

that she found it hard to contain her excitement.

She contemplated, Surprisingly, the family head has placed such a significant responsibility in my

hands, even after I initially declined. Now, she’s requesting me to suggest a candidate. What a

remarkable display of trust this is!

Tracy had a lump in her throat, and in that moment, she suddenly grasped the depth of the trust that

could inspire people to lay down their lives for their confidants, as understood by those in ancient times.

She blinked and resolved within herself that she would not betray the family head’s trust “Ms. Taylor, if

you have faith in me, entrust this matter to me. I will absolutely not let you down”

“Very well,” Olivia nodded, agreeing. Tll place my trust in you.”

“Ms. Taylor, Tracy was resolute in her commitment, I will devise a plan overnight and send it to you

tomorrow for your review. I would appreciate your guidance on the next steps

It was too troublesome!

Olivia furrowed her brow She had always been averse to squandering her time on trivial affairs, and the

Smith family’s.concerns were already consuming a scant portion of her time.

In the past, her dedication stemmed from her affection for her grandfather and her enduring friendship

with Jarron and Gillian She had been willing to invest time in addressing their concerns, caring about

their perspectives and striving to find solutions that would fulfill their desires

Now, with her grandfather unconscious, she harbored complete duillusionment regarding Jarmon and

Ellis expressed strong confidence in Olivia, stating, “Ms. Taylor is exceptionally capable. If she offered

help, it implies that she comprehends the situation.”

Copper’s tone turned serious as he remarked, “Understanding the issue doesn’t necessarily equate to.

expertise. This is an exceptionally complex problem, beyond the scope of an amateur. Furthermore,

even if Ms. Taylor is well–versed in computers, I’d have to walk her through the entire project again.

Explaining the technical principles for each component would be a significant waste of time.”

Shawn too furrowed his brow, displaying his discontent. He detested the hassle of explaining, finding it

to be a bothersome endeavor.

“Alright, alright, I get it, Ellis conceded, raising his hands in surrender. “You two can carry on with your

discussion. I’ll take care of the logistics for you.”

Once Olivia had departed with Andrew, the two of them proceeded to the small garden to engage in

tree planting.

Olivia dug a hole while little Andrew took charge of burying the tree.

After a productive morning, they had prepared a small piece of land for their planting efforts.

In that moment, Tracy called and relayed that she had already reached out to several dependable clan

members, and they had discussed a strategy for approaching Jarron to negotiate for benefits.

Olivia nødded in agreement and listened nonchalantly.

Ultimately, she casually directed, “I’ll entrust this matter to you. You can handle the arrangements.

Upon hearing this, Tracy instantly erupted in frustration, thinking. “How could he delegate such a

crucial matter to me? I have no experience!”

“She should have full authority to manage and oversee the entire process, Tracy mused.

Tracy was filled with trepidation. He vigorously shook his head, resembling a rattle drum. “No, no, Ms.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Taylor. I can’t. It’s best for you to make the decision. I’ll report to you at any time.


Olivia wasn’t one to impose on others. Seeing Tracy’s reluctance, she decided to entrust the matter to

someone else.

She randomly selected someone and suggested, “How about Healix? Let him take charge.”

“Healix?” Tracy was surprised. Her tone was a little hesitant. “Ms. Taylor, aren’t you afraid that Healix

will betray you?”

‘Healix couldn’t handle it either!‘ Olivia was starting to feel a bit perplexed. After contemplating for a

moment, she turned to Tracy and inquired, “Then please recommend a suitable candidate.”

“You want me to make a recommendation?” Tracy playfully tapped her nose. She was so enthusiastic

that she found it hard to contain her excitement.

She contemplated, ‘Surprisingly, the family head has placed such a significant responsibility in my

hands, even after I initially declined. Now, she’s requesting me to suggest a candidate. What a

remarkable display of trust this is

Tracy had a lump in her throat, and in that moment, she suddenly grasped the depth of the trust that

could inspire people to lay down their lives for their confidants, as understood by those in ancient times.

She blinked and resolved within herself that she would not betray the family head’s trust. “Ms. Taylor, if

you have faith in me, entrust this matter to me. I will absolutely not let you down.”

“Very well,” Olivia nodded, agreeing. “I’ll place my trust in you.”

Ms. Taylor, Tracy was resolute in her commitment, “I will devise a plan overnight and send it to you

tomorrow for your review. I would appreciate your guidance on the next steps.

It was too troublesome!

Olivia furrowed her brow. She had always been averse to squandering her time on trivial affairs, and

the Smith family’s concerns were already consuming a significant portion of her time.

In the past, her dedication stemmed from her affection for her grandfather and her enduring friendship

with Jarron and Gillian. She had been willing to invest time in addressing their concerns, caring about

their perspectives and striving to find solutions that would fulfill their desires.

Now, with her grandfather unconscious, she harbored complete disillusionment regarding Jarron and

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Gillan. She had no intention of squandering even a moment on them.

Olivia remained unwilling to expend her time on such trifles. Whenever she had the opportunity, she

preferred to be with Andrew, engaged in planting trees

Contemplating this, Olivia’s tone revealed a hint of impatience. She instructed Tracy directly, saying,

“You can manage it as you see fit. There’s no need to keep reporting or seeking my approval.”

“You don’t even require a report:

Tracy was taken aback. “Ms. Taylor, what if someorie can’t resist the temptation and sides with

Jarron?” Then they may do as they please, Olivia’s tone was icy Tracy, you need to grasp one thing. I

am not dependent on the Smith family; it is the Smith family that depends on me.”

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