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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 373
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Chapter 373

Bella’s POV:

When I woke up again, it was already the next morning.

The bird outside the window was crying happily. I turned over and was about to go back to sleep when I

heard a dignified voice. “Are you awake?” I opened my eyes again and saw that Herbert, who was

leaning against the bed, was staring at me.

I looked down and saw that I was naked in the quilt. When I lifted the quilt, I saw that he was also

naked in the quilt.

“Where are my clothes? Did you take off my clothes?” I asked. Herbert approached me, touched my

hair with his fingers, and said, “It was you who threw up on me last night. I took a shower for you.

Maybe you should thank me.” “What… what did you say just now? Did you help me take a bath last

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night?” My cheeks were a little hot.

Although we had sex many times, this was the first time he had bathed me.

At this time, Herbert leaned in front of me. “You were dirty and smelly. If I didn’t shower you, how could

I let you go to bed?”

“Thanks.” I said, raising my head.

“Just a ‘thanks’ from you?” The person behind refused to let me go.

I immediately turned around and asked fiercely, “What else do you want?” “It took me two hours to find

you last night, and then I brought you back. I took off your clothes, washed you from head to toe, and

then took you to bed. Isn’t it a little too stingy by saying ‘thanks’? Can’t you do something practical to

reward me?” Herbert said as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

“What do you want to do? You…” Before I could finish my words, my mouth was sealed by him, and I

swallowed all the protest.

When he entered my body, I groaned with satisfaction.

Then he whispered in my ear, “Are you going to drink a lot again next time?” I was stubborn and didn’t

want to compromise. Two hours later… I began to beg for mercy. “Ah, be gentle, it’s going to be

broken…” “Ah… Well… No, no more… I will never go out to drink again. Please spare me…” “You

really know you‘re wrong?” Herbert slammed harder. “Yes, ah… I was really wrong…” Another hour

passed. Herbert was lying on top of me, panting heavily. I spread out my hands and feet as if I had


Out of breath, Herbert lowered his head to look at me with a satisfied smile on his face. He touched

my earlobe with his fingers, and his eyes were full of love. “I guess I’m going to be late again today,” I

said dejectedly.

I felt sore all over and wanted to sleep, but looking at the sky outside, it was almost eight o’clock at this


However, Herbert played with my earlobe and said, “It seems that you haven’t woken up yet. Today is

Saturday.” Hearing this, I immediately widened my eyes and said happily, “I have forgotten. That’s

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great. I can continue to sleep.”

“Since you don’t have to go to work, can we continue doing it?” Herbert’s eyes became hot again.

These words made me tremble with fear. I looked at the person on top of me with horror in my eyes

and refused, “Didn’t we just… Why do you want it again?”

“I want to make up for what we have missed in the past few years,” Herbert announced firmly. Hearing

this, I was completely panicked. “Don’t!”

“You don’t have to move. I’ll move.” After that, the person on me began to move again.

Although I didn’t have to move, my energy would still be drained.

I didn’t have any strength left now, okay? It was like a nightmare.

However, he seemed to have just started.

When the bed was shaking because of him, suddenly, the door was opened from the outside, and a

small figure ran in while shouting,

“Daddy, mommy!” The sudden appearance of Lucas gave me a great fright. I was stunned for a

moment, and Herbert quickly got off of me and pulled the quilt up. “Daddy, mommy, what game are you

playing?” All of a sudden, Lucas stood by the bed, and the atmosphere was a little weird.