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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 416
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Chapter 416

Bella‘s POV:

“What?” I asked.

Joey asked curiously, “I‘ve heard that not only a woman in her 40s has strong desire, but also a woman

in her 30s. Is that true?”

“How... how would I know?” Hearing this, my face turned red, and I was still a little hesitant when I


I was a 30–year–old woman, and I had a long–term bed companion with me.

“Who would know if you don‘t know? I think you‘ve had a bad look recently. I guess you‘re just

unsatisfied. Hurry up and reconcile with Herbert. I‘m afraid that if you don‘t satisfy your desire in time,

you‘ll be more depressed!”

“Oh, dear, don‘t joke around. Hurry up and leave.” I smiled and pushed her away.

After Joey left, I kept thinking of the word that Joey said: Desire. I couldn‘t help but see some images in

my mind.

When I came to my senses, I felt very upset,

I sat in my chair and wanted to work hard, but I was always distracted...

In the evening, I got off work in advance and went to pick up Lucas from school.

“Mommy, why do you have time to pick me up from school today?” Lucas held my hand and was very


As I walked, I looked down at Lucas and said with a smile, “I missed you a lot today, so I came to pick

you up.”

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“Then mommy, can you come to pick me up from school every day?” Lucas suddenly blinked his big

eyes and said to me.

Hearing this, I was a little embarrassed, “Well... I promise that as long as I‘m free in the future, I‘ll come

and pick you up from school, okay?”

“Okay Lucas nodded happily.

Then, Lucas suddenly said. “Mommy, let‘s go back and eat some cake, shall we?”

“Do you want to eat cake? Well, I‘ll go to the bakery shop in front to buy for you,” I said with a smile.

At this time, Lucas shook his head and said, “You don‘t have to buy it. Daddy bought a big birthday

cake last night”

Hearing this, I stopped and asked in confusion, “A birthday cake? Who is celebrating birthday?

“Herbert bought a birthday cake? Whose birthday was it? Lucas‘s birthday is in winter, Lucky‘s birthday

party is in Spring, and my birthday party is in summer It‘s the late autumn season Was it Gary or Miranda‘s birthday?”

“Morniny, dont you know? It was daddy‘s birthday yesterday!” Lucas scratched his hair and felt

Hearing this, I was stunned!

I really didn‘t know when his birthday was.

And we had never celebrated each other‘s birthday.

“Mommy, last night, we waited for you with daddy. As a result, Lucky and I fell asleep while waiting for

you, so we didn‘t eat the birthday cake. Daddy said that we can only cut the cake when you‘re back!”

I looked down at the grievance written all over Lucas‘s face and touched his little face. My feelings

were very complicated,

“He was waiting for me at home last night? Waiting for me to celebrate his birthday?” Thinking of this, I

felt a little sad,

I didn‘t know it was his birthday yesterday at all. Maybe we didn‘t have much communication, or maybe

it was because I was not sensible enough?

But so what if I was sensible? So what if we did communicate? We already had another woman

between us.

We were destined to never be with each other again.

“Mommy, do you want to make up for daddy‘s birthday present?” Lucas suddenly looked at me and


Hearing this, my heart was in a mess. I said, “His birthday is over. I‘ll buy it next year.”

After that, I took Lucas back home.

Just as I was about to reach the entrance of the villa, I saw a Bentley parked in front of the villa slowly

start up and drive to the road.

“Daddy, Daddy‘s car!” Lucas pointed to the car in front of him and shouted.

Of course, I also saw the car in front of me, but I was not sure if he was inside. But looking at the time,

Herbert should be back from work already, right?

“Maybe it‘s your daddy who has gotten home,” I said, At this time, Lucas suddenly took my hand and

ran into the villa very excitedly. He said as he ran, “Daddy is back. I want to cut the cake with daddy!”

At this moment, my heart was in a mess. I didn‘t know how to face Herbert, but I ran into the villa

following Lucas.

“Daddy daddy!” As soon as Lucas entered the door, he let go of my hand and ran to the living room

while shouting

I changed my shoes and walked into the living room. I happened to see Miranda coming out of the

kitchen with a smile.

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“Lucas, your daddy has just left. What‘s wrong? Didn‘t you meet him at the door?” Miranda looked at

Lucas in confusion and then looked at me,

I frowned. Did he leave by car?

He was not at home. This made me feel much more relaxed. I didn‘t feel as nervous as before.

“I just saw the car leave, but I didn‘t see anyone,” I replied

When she heard this, Miranda said, “He said he has to go back to New York. He took some clothes and


10:04 D “Daddy went to New York again? I wanted him to cut the cake for me.” Hearing that Herbert

had left, Lucas was very depressed. Knowing that he went to New York again, I suddenly felt like I

couldn‘t breathe. “Is he going to see that woman again?” “What would he do with that woman?” “Will

they go to the couple‘s restaurant like before?” “Is he giving her a gift? A date?” “I‘ve already put the

cake in the refrigerator for you. I‘ll cut a piece for you,” Miranda said with a smile.

“Okay. Lucas was very excited to hear that there was cake to eat. In the blink of an eye, each Lucas

and Lucky were enjoying a piece of cake at the dining table of the dining hall. Seeing that they were

eating happily, I smiled, but I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart. At this moment, Miranda smiled.

“Miss Stepanek, last night, Mr. Wharton instructed me to make your favorite dishes. He had been

waiting for you with the children for a long time, but you didn‘t come back.” “... I didn‘t know it was his

birthday yesterday.” Hearing this, I looked at Miranda in surprise. He waited for me for the whole night

with the children? And he also asked Miranda to cook my favorite dishes? I didn‘t understand Herbert

anymore. He already had someone else. Shouldn‘t he go to celebrate his birthday with Eva Green?

Why did he do this? “Miss Stepanek, Mr. Wharton is actually very kind to you. To be honest, I‘ve never

seen him be so tolerant of a person. Perhaps you can sit down and have a good chat with him?”

Miranda kindly advised.

I was willing to have a good conversation with him, but I couldn‘t ignore the existence of Eva Green. I

smiled and replied, “Miranda, this cake looks pretty good. Have a piece too. I‘ll go upstairs and get

changed.” After that, I turned and left.