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Bumpkin's Rich Handsome Husband

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44

“Madam, let’s talk about that another time, okay? You need to rest for now,” Veronica urged. Despite

feeling conflicted, she couldn’t help but feel proud to be on the receiving end of such affections.

Upon hearing Veronica’s words, she immediately corrected her, “Don’call me Madam anymore! Call me


Veronica let out a chuckle as she looked at the hard-headed Elizabeth. “Alright, Grandma,” she said with

a smile. “Please get some rest. I’ll be leaving now.”

Matthew, too, had an anxious look on his face as he reminded, “The doctor said you have to keep your

talking to a minimum and rest as much as you can.”

Unlike the gentleness Elizabeth had shown Veronica just seconds ago, she was impatiently waving

Matthew off. “Okay, okay. I got it. Now get out.”

Without saying another word, Matthew stepped out of the ward before closing the door behind him. As

soon as he caught sight of Veronica waiting for the elevator in the corridor, he strode toward her and

pulled her back before she could enter the elevator that had just arrived.

“What the hell are you doing, Matthew Kings?!” she growled as she struggled to loosen her arm from his


He then quietly dragged her to the stairway and pinned her against the corner of the wall. “What do you

want? Why did you approach Grandma?” he spat.

Seeing that she was being accused, she fumed, “What do you mean I approached her? You are


She immediately brandished her phone and thrusted it into Matthew’s face. The video of her heroic

actions was currently playing on the screen of her phone. “Take a proper look. This is a video I took

when I saved her. I didn’t even know that it was your grandmother before I flipped her on her back.”

Then, she continued sarcastically, “Am I a god or deity to you? Do you think I can foresee the future or


He merely took a look at the screen before his eyes went back to staring at Veronica.

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His long, elegant fingers firmly grabbed her chin and tilted her head up so that she was looking directly

into his dark eyes. “Listen,” he coldly warned. “Watch out for

whatever line you can and cannot cross now that you are part of the family.” He then inched closer to

her. “If I were to find out that you are planning something behind Grandma’s back, I’ll make sure you live

the rest of your life wishing you were dead.”

Immediately, she forcefully pushed him away after hearing his threat. “You crazy prick!” she cried. “To

you, everyone but Tiffany has something up their sleeves, don’t they?”

Veronica couldn’t understand how Matthew still couldn’t see that Tiffany had been the mastermind

behind all the incidents that had happened.

At the mention of Tiffany’s name, Matthew suddenly recalled the details of the investigation Thomas had

done on Veronica. Instead of answering Veronica’s question, he interrogated her in return. “But I am

curious about something. How did you manage to swindle two million from the Larsons?”

At once, that had caught Veronica by surprise. Does he know about the money? Baffled, she asked, “You

had me investigated?”

“Of course I have to do that to someone who has ill intentions toward my grandma. How else would I

know how evil you are?” he replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Ill intentions?” Veronica softly sneered at that as Matthew was getting more and more ridiculous by the

minute. She didn’t have it in her to continue the one-sided

conversation that they were having. So, she started to move away from him.

However, he stopped her from walking away by unhurriedly grabbing her by the collar of her shirt, and

then sternly said, “Just stay here since Grandma likes you so much.”

“What? And what about my job?” she rebuked, perplexed by his suggestion that didn’t make sense. “You

are the one who suspected me of having bad intentions, and yet, you are now asking me to stay here

and take care of Grandma. Matthew, stop contradicting yourself. This isn’t the right way to live, you


Ignoring the mockery in her words, he curtly answered, “Just do as I say.”

“Nope.” She wasn’t backing down either. “I need to go to work. I need the money.”

He then proposed a deal that Veronica couldn’t say no to. “I will pay you 10 thousand a day.”

“Deal,” she immediately agreed to it. “But you have to pay me first.”

“At the mention of money, you are showing your true colors already,” he scoffed in disgust.

She rolled her eyes at him as though he was spewing nonsense, “Who would say no to money?”

It wasn’t far-fetched to say that he was annoyed by her arrogant attitude, but he decided to keep mum

this time.

As they walked out of the stairway, she informed him, “I’m going home for a bit. I’ll be back here after I

change into another outfit.”

He only listened and silently agreed to that.

Veronica eventually came back to the hospital after an hour. With her hair in a ponytail, she was now

wearing casual clothes. However, she soon realized that she wasn’t alone in the ward. Tiffany and

Rachel, too, were in the living room area of the VIP room.

The news about Tiffany having a younger sister had become a hot topic after Veronica had leaked the

news to the public. As expected, the first thing the Larsons did was to remove the headlines from social

media. However, they didn’t appear anywhere to provide a statement of any sort to clarify the rumor.

“Veronica Murphy, what are you doing here?” Tiffany questioned. Her eyes looked at Veronica at first,

and then Matthew, only to fall back onto Veronica. She had a suspicious look in her eyes as she stared

at the woman standing before her.

Rachel, too, was looking at Veronica with that same gaze.

Veronica felt her heart skip a beat as she tried to come up with an answer. Saying that she was now

working as Elizabeth’s servant would probably be the most peaceful way out of this conversation.

Meanwhile, she quickly explained, “Grandma hired me to—”

But before she managed to complete her sentence, Matthew interjected and told them, “She is

Grandma’s god-granddaughter.”

“Matthew! Shut up!” Veronica panickedly bawled in an attempt to stop him, but the other two women had

already heard the words that came out of Matthew’s mouth.

Following the silence that ensued after Veronica’s outburst, Tiffany widened her eyes unconsciously as

she stammered through her shock. “God-granddaughter?”

“Haha, Matthew dear,” Rachel let out an awkward and dry laugh amidst her anger.

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“What on earth is going on?”

The mother-and-daughter duo might have been fuming, but the person who was currently most irked

was definitely Veronica. Her fists unconsciously clenched as she turned to glare at Matthew. She was so

angry that she could probably tear into his flesh with her bare hands.

From physically assaulting Tiffany at the restaurant to her getting reported to the police by the Larsons

and eventually revealing the fact that Tiffany has a younger sister–all that Veronica had done was for the

purpose of agitating the Larson family.

And why did she have to do all that for? It was because she wanted them to do something to her in

return! After all the trouble that she went through, she had hoped that they would attempt to kill her off.

She used herself as bait to get them to do something, and she had been planning to finally hand over

whatever evidence of their wrongdoings she could collect on them–she wanted them to be punished by

the law. With that, she could finally avenge Tony and Daniella.

Now that Matthew had revealed to them that she was Elizabeth’s god-granddaughter, she doubted that

they would plot anything under the table. Her meticulous plan had been completely ruined because of


Instinctively, the first thing she did was reprimand Matthew. However, she immediately noticed his cold

gaze on her when she had calmed down. Knowing better than to continue with her fit, she forced a smile

while rubbing her forehead. “Stop it, Matthew. It hasn’t been confirmed yet,” she complained playfully.

Since the Larsons were already well aware that Elizabeth had adopted a god granddaughter, Veronica

figured it would probably be best for her to get on their good side. She could probably still get on with her


Tiffany and Rachel, on the other hand, were infuriated by the affectionate tone Veronica was speaking in.

If only Matthew weren’t there, they would have cursed her out without restraint.

Tiffany promptly stood in front of her and held her by her hands. “Gosh, what a wonderful surprise!” Her

voice was nauseatingly warm as she cheered, “Congratulations, Veronica! We will be living together from

now on!”

With her back facing Matthew, she did not bother to hide the pure, unadulterated hatred on her face as

she stared daggers at Veronica.