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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 374
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With tears streaming down her face, Stella held onto her mother's hand, looking very afraid of Nina. This stirred up Mrs. Jasper's protective instincts, and she pulled Stella into her arms, casting a hateful gaze towards Nina. "What else do you have to say for yourself? My daughter has testified against you. It's you who wanted to harm her! You're such a vicious woman, jealous of my daughter's success, aren't you?" Mr. Jasper, feeling victorious, looked confidently at Nash and snorted. "My daughter is awake now, she can't escape. Keeping such a venomous woman like her around will only bring trouble upon yourself!" Just then, the police arrived at the scene. Mrs. Jasper, seeing the police, rushed over as if they were her saviors, grabbing onto the police officer's clothes. "Officers, you've finally come! This woman harmed my daughter. Hurry up and take her away to jail so she can't harm anyone else!" The police were not unreasonable and looked around at the people present. One of the police officers asked, "Who called the police just now?" Nina stepped forward, looking at the police officer as she replied, "I did." As the police officer took notes, he asked for more details. "I already know what you said on the phone, but please provide more specific information so we can investigate." "Today, Miss Jasper and I were at the docks counting goods. When no one was around, she pushedinto the sea. She even said if something happened to me, she wouldn't be affected and would find someone else to take the blame..." Nina recounted the situation, looking directly at Stella without a trace of fear.

"You're talking nonsense!" Stella exclaimed, her emotions boiling over with resentment. She struggled to get up, pointing accusingly at Nina "It was clearly you who harmed me! I almost died because of you. How could you be fine and blme for pushing you? You evil woman, trying to frme!" Mrs. Jasper hurried to support Stella, adding, "Officers, don't listen to this woman's lies. My daughter went through a near-death experience, while this woman looks perfectly fine. You can tell she's lying. Don't believe a word she says!" The police looked at them and reassured, "Don't worry, we're here to gather information and investigate thoroughly. We won't overlook a good person or let a bad person go!" "Sweetheart, try not to get too worked up," Mrs. Jasper soothed her daughter. "We have to trust the police. They will surely get to the bottom of this. Your father and I won't let her off the hook!" Mr. Jasper chimed in, "I heard the surveillance cameras were malfunctioning these past few days. We don't know if it's a technical fault or if someone intentionally sabotaged them. If it's intentional, then it's premeditated, a plan to harm my daughter!" Nina chuckled and added, "Mr.

Jasper, you hit the nail on the head. This seems premeditated indeed. However, it was your daughter who informed us to count the goods ne today Of I had malicious intentions, how would I know it was today? This was a last-minute notice for me. It's even more unlikely that I tampered with the surveillance."

Mr. Jasper's expression turned sour, his voice sharp. "You're trying to deflect blonto my to my daughter. You might have known in advance. There are no coincidences like this in the world. If you're trying to shift the blame, then you must have planned it all out!" Stella nestled into her mother's

embrace, suddenly appearing fragile

and scared of Nina. Her emotions escalated as she spoke, "Nina, despite our minor disagreements, om you wouldn't wantdead, would you? what di did I do wrong to deserve this treatment from you? Mom, Dad, please ask her to leave. don't want to see her anymore. Every tI see her, I remember falling into the sea. It's terrifying. I'm so scared!"