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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 767
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July, fearing for Nina's safety, held her tightly. "Miss Nina, you've seen the situation. Going back is suicide!" "But what about Scarlett?" Nina protested.

July and Moana kept a firm grip on Nina. "Scarlett is skilled and she'll be fine. It's not just about you and Scarlett. If we stay, we all risk getting caught!" They wanted her, not Scarlett.

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Just as she had suspected, she was valuable to them. They wouldn't kill her immediately, which might give her a chance to reach their inner circle. This could be an opportunity, much like before. But Scarlett wasn't in the sposition. Now considered a traitor, she could be killed.

Nina looked at them, unable to let them all be in danger. "You go ahead," she said. "I have a plan." If her guess was right, she knew how to handle it. This was a gamble she had to take.

Seeing Nina's determination to go back, July grew desperate. Ignoring all else, she knocked Nina unconscious.

Then, with Moana's help, they carried her downstairs and escaped through the back door to avoid pursuit. They flagged down a car. Moana was a local from the Yaren tribe. She quickly gave the taxi driver an address, and July was able to understand what she said. "Faster, faster..." the woman urged the driver.

Scarlett was still worried about Nina's safety. She had arranged the escape route for Nina, and July was supposed to stay by Nina's side, acting as a good helper. With two people accompanying her, Nina shouldn't have too many problems. Moreover, at the crucial moment, Nina was taken away and was not caught in the chaos. Scarlett felt dizzy, the metallic scent of blood filling her nose. As she tried to get up, a heavy weight pinned her down. She was forcefully turned over, facing several men with weapons. One man compared her face to a photo and ordered, "Where is Nina? If you tell us, our lady and Pharaoh will reward you greatly." Wearing a mask, Scarlett couldn't see his face but was curious about this lady. "Who is your lady? I want to see her." "Take her away!" the man commanded.

Scarlett was dragged up. The earlier explosion and resulting chaos had left her with no strength. Dragged along like a helpless victim, she dared not sleep, fearing she would never wake up.

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She had no idea how much thad passed. From being dragged into the car, enduring the bumpy ride, to finally coming to a stop. She was hauled out of the car like a piece of cargo and dragged along for several minutes until they finally stopped.

She was thrown into a room. She was already very exhausted but she saw a woman standing with her back to her. When the woman turned Scarlett saw her face velwrapped in heavy bandages, only her eyes visible.

The woman's familiar demeanor sent a chill through Scarlett. "Scarlett, I didn't expect you to cback," the woman said, her voice rough and aged, clearly altered by a voice changer. Scarlett felt a chill run down her spine, her eyes narrowing with cold suspicion. "Who are you? Why are you hiding your face?" The woman's entire face was wrapped in bandages, as if she were hiding severe disfigurement, making it impossible for Scarlett to discern her features.

Seeing the shock in Scarlett's eyes, the bandaged woman let out a chilling, eerie laugh. "Who I am doesn't matter. You should worry about yourself. You're a traitor now, did you know that? Coming here is a death sentence. But if you bring Nina to me, I can overlook your past misdeeds." The woman looked down at Scarlett with a haughty gaze, as if she were an all-powerful ruler. Scarlett despised that look and stood firm. "If you think you can get Nina's whereabouts from me, you might as well give up now!" "Not talking? If you don't tellthe truth, I can make you wish you were dead," the woman threatened, stepping closer, her eyes filled with malice.

Scarlett knew the pain that awaited her. But she had promised to protect Nina and to be a better person, just as she had vowed to Wilfred and Nash. She had faced death before and wasn't afraid. With a sneer, she retorted, "Then you might as well kill me." The woman waved her hand dismissively. "Take her away and make her talk!"