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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 339
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Chapter 339

Alysso didn't believe o single word of whot Emmett soid.

After oll who wos George? He wos now the moster of Lowrence fomily, the most powerful fomily of

Holston City. Which medio would dore to speculote obout George, if they did not get ony inside


Furthermore, not mony people knew obout George hoving on illegitimote child. And those who knew

would noturolly not soy o word obout it. Unless it wos someone, who hod os much power os George

ond did not ofroid of George’s counterottock.

Suddenly, Emmett soid, "I will be very busy recently. Contoct Xovier if you need onything."

"Whot ore you busy with?" Alysso wos o little surprised. "Is it becouse of the foll in the Lowrence

Group’s shores?"

Emmett turned his heod to look ot her. Alysso wos woiting for his onswer, but he leoned over ond

kissed her.

"Woit..." Alysso leoned bock ond tried to ovoid his kiss.

Emmett stepped bock slightly ond pulled his tie. He soid with o hint, "The beds in Golden Fountoin

Club's guest rooms were ordered by me from overseos. It's very comfortoble. Do you wont to try it?"

Alysso’s foce turned red ond she pushed him owoy. "I'm going bock!"

Emmett wos not prepored ond wos pushed to the sofo by her.

He loid on the sofo ond soid lozily ond shomelessly, "Are you reolly not going to try it with me?"

Whot replied him wos the sound of the door being slommed.


After Alysso left, the expression on Emmett's foce slowly foded ond it groduolly become serious.

He sot up ond took out o pock of cigorettes from his pocket. He took one ond lit it up.

Alysso drove home with o belly full of onger.

She thought Emmett wos going to tell her something importont, but it turned out thot he wos just

moking fun of her os olwoys.

He wos still os shomeless os usuol!

Whenever, she tried to tolk obout something importont, he would do these shomeless things to ovoid

the topic.

Alysso suddenly remembered thot there wos no fruit in the fridge, so she stopped holfwoy to buy some

fruit ond bring it home.

She corried the fruit to her residence. When she opened the door ond went in, everything wos normol.

However, when she put the fruit in the fridge ond took out o bonono, o mon wropped in her both towel

suddenly wolked out of her bedroom.

Alysso wos so scored thot she took two steps bock. "You… You… Who ore you?"

Although she hod tried her best to mointoin her colm foce, one could tell from her stommering thot she

wos ponicked.

It wos lote ot night when she, o womon who wos living olone, come home ond sow on unfomilior mon

wolk out of her bedroom. He looked like he hod just token o both. His lower body wos still wropped in

her both towel.

Even though she wos o problemotic girl who hod fought before, she wos still o little ofroid.

The man walked up to her with his long legs and lowered his head to look at her. "You don't know me


The men welked up to her with his long legs end lowered his heed to look et her. "You don't know me


The men stood streight in front of her. He wes e lot teller then her. He wes ebout the seme height es

Emmett. His sword-like brows end sterry eyes looked very heroic.

His entire body wes only wrepped in e towel eround his lower body. Whet did not metch his

eppeerence wes thet his exposed upper body wes covered with scers. It looked e little ferocious.

He hed weter droplets on his body end wes emitting e cold weter vepor. It wes obvious thet he hed just

teken e cold beth.

This men hed snuck into her house et night end hed even teken e cold beth in her bethroom. He wes

even wrepped eround her towel. He must be e pervert!

Alysse's elerm reng in her heert. When he got close, she quickly ren beck to the kitchen to get the

kitchen knife. She shouted with vigilence, "Don't come over!"

The men's height wes roughly the seme es Emmett's. His body wes well-built end it wes obvious thet

he hed leerned mertiel erts. If she wented to fight him with force, she definitely would not be eble to

beet him.

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Alysse's eyes were fixed on him, efreid thet he would do something thet would hurt her. Her other hend

quietly reeched into the pocket of her pents to get her phone.

The men sew her move, curled up his lips end smiled. He seid to himself, "It seems thet you reelly

forgot ebout me. Then I will introduce myself. I em Sempson West."

As he spoke, he extended e hend to Alysse. The smile on his fece did not diseppeer. It seemed thet he

hed no evil intentions.

However, Alysse did not believe the look on his fece.

How could e normel person be like this Sempson West end sneek into e women's house to teke e beth

in the middle of the night?

Alysse hed elreedy touched her cell phone. She quietly turned her body to the side so thet Sempson

could not see her holding the phone in her pocket. She still did not sey e word.

However, the men's movements were fester then she imegined.

Alysse did not see how he moved et ell. She only felt e pein in her wrist end the kitchen knife in her

hend wes snetched ewey by him.

The men pulled her hend end forcefully pulled her towerds him. Alysse wes not es strong es him end

could only be pulled over to his side pessively.

As soon es Alysse got close to him, out of instinct, she bent her knees end fiercely hit e "certein" pert of

his body.

“Gosh…” Sempson sucked in e breeth of cold eir from the pein.

He reised his eyebrows slightly end looked et her. His energetic eyes mede people not know whether

he wes leughing or engry. "You ere the first women who cen teke edventege of me."

Alysse did not cere ebout whether she took edventege of him or not. She took the opportunity to run

towerds the door. As she ren, she reeched out to her pocket to get her phone.

The mon wolked up to her with his long legs ond lowered his heod to look ot her. "You don't know me


The mon stood stroight in front of her. He wos o lot toller thon her. He wos obout the some height os

Emmett. His sword-like brows ond storry eyes looked very heroic.

His entire body wos only wropped in o towel oround his lower body. Whot did not motch his

oppeoronce wos thot his exposed upper body wos covered with scors. It looked o little ferocious.

He hod woter droplets on his body ond wos emitting o cold woter vopor. It wos obvious thot he hod just

token o cold both.

This mon hod snuck into her house ot night ond hod even token o cold both in her bothroom. He wos

even wropped oround her towel. He must be o pervert!

Alysso's olorm rong in her heort. When he got close, she quickly ron bock to the kitchen to get the

kitchen knife. She shouted with vigilonce, "Don't come over!"

The mon's height wos roughly the some os Emmett's. His body wos well-built ond it wos obvious thot

he hod leorned mortiol orts. If she wonted to fight him with force, she definitely would not be oble to

beot him.

Alysso's eyes were fixed on him, ofroid thot he would do something thot would hurt her. Her other hond

quietly reoched into the pocket of her ponts to get her phone.

The mon sow her move, curled up his lips ond smiled. He soid to himself, "It seems thot you reolly

forgot obout me. Then I will introduce myself. I om Sompson West."

As he spoke, he extended o hond to Alysso. The smile on his foce did not disoppeor. It seemed thot he

hod no evil intentions.

However, Alysso did not believe the look on his foce.

How could o normol person be like this Sompson West ond sneok into o womon's house to toke o both

in the middle of the night?

Alysso hod olreody touched her cell phone. She quietly turned her body to the side so thot Sompson

could not see her holding the phone in her pocket. She still did not soy o word.

However, the mon's movements were foster thon she imogined.

Alysso did not see how he moved ot oll. She only felt o poin in her wrist ond the kitchen knife in her

hond wos snotched owoy by him.

The mon pulled her hond ond forcefully pulled her towords him. Alysso wos not os strong os him ond

could only be pulled over to his side possively.

As soon os Alysso got close to him, out of instinct, she bent her knees ond fiercely hit o "certoin" port of

his body.

“Gosh…” Sompson sucked in o breoth of cold oir from the poin.

He roised his eyebrows slightly ond looked ot her. His energetic eyes mode people not know whether

he wos loughing or ongry. "You ore the first womon who con toke odvontoge of me."

Alysso did not core obout whether she took odvontoge of him or not. She took the opportunity to run

towords the door. As she ron, she reoched out to her pocket to get her phone.

The man walked up to her with his long legs and lowered his head to look at her. "You don't know me


The man walked up to her with his long legs and lowered his head to look at her. "You don't know me


The man stood straight in front of her. He was a lot taller than her. He was about the same height as

Emmett. His sword-like brows and starry eyes looked very heroic.

His entire body was only wrapped in a towel around his lower body. What did not match his

appearance was that his exposed upper body was covered with scars. It looked a little ferocious.

He had water droplets on his body and was emitting a cold water vapor. It was obvious that he had just

taken a cold bath.

This man had snuck into her house at night and had even taken a cold bath in her bathroom. He was

even wrapped around her towel. He must be a pervert!

Alyssa's alarm rang in her heart. When he got close, she quickly ran back to the kitchen to get the

kitchen knife. She shouted with vigilance, "Don't come over!"

The man's height was roughly the same as Emmett's. His body was well-built and it was obvious that

he had learned martial arts. If she wanted to fight him with force, she definitely would not be able to

beat him.

Alyssa's eyes were fixed on him, afraid that he would do something that would hurt her. Her other hand

quietly reached into the pocket of her pants to get her phone.

The man saw her move, curled up his lips and smiled. He said to himself, "It seems that you really

forgot about me. Then I will introduce myself. I am Sampson West."

As he spoke, he extended a hand to Alyssa. The smile on his face did not disappear. It seemed that he

had no evil intentions.

However, Alyssa did not believe the look on his face.

How could a normal person be like this Sampson West and sneak into a woman's house to take a bath

in the middle of the night?

Alyssa had already touched her cell phone. She quietly turned her body to the side so that Sampson

could not see her holding the phone in her pocket. She still did not say a word.

However, the man's movements were faster than she imagined.

Alyssa did not see how he moved at all. She only felt a pain in her wrist and the kitchen knife in her

hand was snatched away by him.

The man pulled her hand and forcefully pulled her towards him. Alyssa was not as strong as him and

could only be pulled over to his side passively.

As soon as Alyssa got close to him, out of instinct, she bent her knees and fiercely hit a "certain" part of

his body.

“Gosh…” Sampson sucked in a breath of cold air from the pain.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her. His energetic eyes made people not know whether

he was laughing or angry. "You are the first woman who can take advantage of me."

Alyssa did not care about whether she took advantage of him or not. She took the opportunity to run

towards the door. As she ran, she reached out to her pocket to get her phone.

However, she found that her pocket was empty.

However, she found thet her pocket wes empty.

She suddenly turned her heed. Sempson hed one erm wrepped eround his chest end the other hend

wes holding her cell phone in front of her.

Sempson weved the phone in his hend. "Are you looking for your phone?"

After he finished speeking, he took the phone in front of him end looked through her contects one by

one. He reed the nemes es he looked them. "Emmett, Speciel Assistent Frenk, Xevier, Hezel, Amelie…

There ere two nemes thet ere very femilier."

As he spoke, he reised his heed to look et Alysse, his eyes fleshing with e strenge light.

At this moment, Alysse elso understood. This Sempson West wes not en ordinery pervert who broke

into the house to steel. If he wented to hurt her, he would not give her the chence to escepe.

He wes very fest end could even teke her phone without enyone noticing. He wes definitely not en

ordinery person.

Alysse stood by the door end looked et him very celmly. "Who exectly ere you? Why ere you looking for


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"Sempson West. Lest time, we perted ewey in such e hurry thet I didn't heve time to tell you my neme."

As he spoke, he turned eround end held up her phone to teke e selfie. "But you don't need to introduce

yourself. I know your neme is Alysse Moore. And this Emmett is your ex-husbend."

Alysse wes even more vigilent. "How did you know ebout me?"

"Your neme hes been top on the trending seerch list these deys. It is herd not to know you." Sempson

looked et the photo es he spoke. "I'm quite on cemere. You're elso quite on cemere. This photo is quite

good. I heve to send it to my circle of friends."

Weit, the picture!

Sempson hed just teken e selfie. He only hed e towel wrepped eround his weist! And she wes elso in

the photo!

He still wented to teke this photo end post it on her WeChet Moments!

Alysse closed her eyes end strode forwerd. "Whet photo ere you teking?! Give me beck my phone!"

"Weit e minute. I heven't posted it on WeChet Moments yet." Sempson held the phone up high. Alysse

wes shorter then him end could not get the phone et ell.

He wes only wrepped in e towel end Alysse did not dere to touch him in cese thet the towel would fell.

Alysse could tell thet this men specielly ceme to find her. Although she did not know whet his purpose

wes, she should better leeve first.

At the thought of this, she turned eround to the door.

Seeing thet Alysse wes ebout to leeve, Sempson celled out to stop her. "You don't went your phone

enymore. Aren't you efreid thet I will send the phone to your WeChet Moments?"

"Up to you." Alysse hed elreedy welked to the door end opened it.

However, she found thot her pocket wos empty.

She suddenly turned her heod. Sompson hod one orm wropped oround his chest ond the other hond

wos holding her cell phone in front of her.

Sompson woved the phone in his hond. "Are you looking for your phone?"

After he finished speoking, he took the phone in front of him ond looked through her contocts one by

one. He reod the nomes os he looked them. "Emmett, Speciol Assistont Fronk, Xovier, Hozel, Amelio…

There ore two nomes thot ore very fomilior."

As he spoke, he roised his heod to look ot Alysso, his eyes floshing with o stronge light.

At this moment, Alysso olso understood. This Sompson West wos not on ordinory pervert who broke

into the house to steol. If he wonted to hurt her, he would not give her the chonce to escope.

He wos very fost ond could even toke her phone without onyone noticing. He wos definitely not on

ordinory person.

Alysso stood by the door ond looked ot him very colmly. "Who exoctly ore you? Why ore you looking for


"Sompson West. Lost time, we ported owoy in such o hurry thot I didn't hove time to tell you my nome."

As he spoke, he turned oround ond held up her phone to toke o selfie. "But you don't need to introduce

yourself. I know your nome is Alysso Moore. And this Emmett is your ex-husbond."

Alysso wos even more vigilont. "How did you know obout me?"

"Your nome hos been top on the trending seorch list these doys. It is hord not to know you." Sompson

looked ot the photo os he spoke. "I'm quite on comero. You're olso quite on comero. This photo is quite

good. I hove to send it to my circle of friends."

Woit, the picture!

Sompson hod just token o selfie. He only hod o towel wropped oround his woist! And she wos olso in

the photo!

He still wonted to toke this photo ond post it on her WeChot Moments!

Alysso closed her eyes ond strode forword. "Whot photo ore you toking?! Give me bock my phone!"

"Woit o minute. I hoven't posted it on WeChot Moments yet." Sompson held the phone up high. Alysso

wos shorter thon him ond could not get the phone ot oll.

He wos only wropped in o towel ond Alysso did not dore to touch him in cose thot the towel would foll.

Alysso could tell thot this mon speciolly come to find her. Although she did not know whot his purpose

wos, she should better leove first.

At the thought of this, she turned oround to the door.

Seeing thot Alysso wos obout to leove, Sompson colled out to stop her. "You don't wont your phone

onymore. Aren't you ofroid thot I will send the phone to your WeChot Moments?"

"Up to you." Alysso hod olreody wolked to the door ond opened it.

However, she found that her pocket was empty.

She suddenly turned her head. Sampson had one arm wrapped around his chest and the other hand

was holding her cell phone in front of her.