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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 2164
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Morzover, Alyssa stl couldnt be sure if Faicity was her mother. Acting on impulse would ust bring even graster trouble.

Tm sure you've bean exhausted rom he past few days. You get some rast” Miey urged with tears inher eyes. Her heart ached for Alyssa.

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All ofthe Taylor family looked Ik rather solemn people. But, in actual act, they were al romantiists who loved being free. They were willng 0 do and give anything to pursue 3 fe and happiness of teir own.

There was 3 kind of pompous selfishness sbaut nem.

Alyssa was the oly ane who shouldered the responsibilty of an heir. She gave herself willngy in treacherous battles in orde to preserve KS Group forthe Taylor famiy. which was also the business that Winston had but Alyssa hid the gentiensss, inteligenc, and beauty of a woman, 25 well 35 he sirength, decisiveness, and bravery of a man She was the chosen nei But ina heavy crown was not something jus anyone dared fo put on twas also someting not ust anyone deserved {0 wear At tis moment, he dort the stucy opened, and Jeremy walked in "Hey, Jeremy.” Miley went up to him with 2 smile on her face. Even though they had been marrid for years, she sil fe he same bashfuiness 3s when she was 2 young woman.

Jeremy scanned his dy study. He lt out a sigh of regret Wi a ug, he pulled Miley ito is arms.

1m sory that my mating went overtime. We agreed to ty tis up together, but | made you co i sons. t wan't Nsppen again next ime.

Its just a small matter No worries” Miley's cheeks blushed pink. Afar al, being lovey-dovey i front of her younger sister mada her fel shy: “Jeremy. have sil of you talked through your plans?” Alyssa gainers herself and put on the same expression she had before.

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"Tomorrow, he presidential office's securty eam and Spacil Forces wil be at the scene fo asist ail of you wit taking Jameson and his men down.” The lock in Jeremy's eyes was deep and fll of concern.” fold Jonah and Jasper not to show up a the scene unannounced in case any unforeseen Situations happen. But they refused fo isten no matier what said. They insisted on going to the scene fo take command.” Jasper want just take command. He wil Surely bs he One Who's th frst chirge forward. Alyssa was a3 fled with wer. No ons knew Jasper better than zhe dic "When that time comes, even though they wil be going in wih buleproof vests on, the situation wil stl be dangerous. But don't worry. Lyse. | wil do ‘everyting I can to make sure that theyre safe.” Jeremy reassured with 2 solemn expression.

iyssa smiled sight. Trank you, Jeremy” Jeremy. wih such huge operation happening tomorrow, ara you sil going o atend the opening ceremony of that museum?” Miley asked amis.

"Deitel. Jeremy answered fry. ou know me. If here are no exceptional orcumstances, | wil not change the plans tat Ive set” Miley 251.1 go slong with you. than”

Miley sighed softy. She noddad. "Alright. 1 tay and keep watch over Lyse. You be careh, then” Alyssa returned 0 her oom, fesing perturbed. When she go back. Jasper was walking out of he bathroom.

"Ive run 3 bath for you, Lys." Ath yer of wast forme on Jaspers forehead. He had the sleeves of is white shirt ole up Sbove Ni forasrm, giving him 3 dsb look.