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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 551
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“If you don't resolve the matter, I won't do anything to you. At most, I'll just reveal the fact that you relied on

plagiarism to win an award last time—”

“No, don't. That was ages ago. I was young and ignorant back then. I'm sure there's no need to hold such a trivial

mistake against me my entire life, right?” Giorgio became anxious.

“Get the gown done, and I'll buy you drinks. If not, your reputation will be destroyed.” Nan Chen gave him two



“That's all.” Nan Chen ended the call at once.

“Hahaha!” Without any delay, Sunny burst into laughter. “Since when is Sir Chen reasonable?”

“Hasn't he gone overboard by threatening me with my past?” Giorgio scowled.

“Would he still be Sir Chen if he doesn't intimidate you? Which one of us has escaped being bullied by him since we

were young? On the contrary, hasn't he always gotten our back whenever we're in trouble?” Sunny replied.

“That's true, but there's still no way I can come up with something in just a few days,” Giorgio lamented.

“That's your problem. You'll have to figure it out by yourself.”

Even though Ning Ran sympathized with Giorgio, she felt it was inappropriate to interfere.

Whatever arrangements Nan Chen had made, all they needed to do was to obey without question.

Slumped in his chair, Giorgio continued to stare at Ning Ran.

Feeling nervous, she wondered if he was planning to kill her instead.

Nan Chen is the one who forced you to do it, not me. So please don't vent your frustration on me.

“Giorgio, if you really can't do it, I'll talk to Nan Chen and change his mind. After that, I'll just get a gown from the

mall,” Ning Ran suggested fearfully.

In spite of that, Giorgio didn't respond.

Not knowing what else to say, Ning Ran continued to let him stare earnestly at her.

After that, she turned to Sunny for help to defuse the situation.

However, Sunny looked as if it had nothing to do with him and took out his makeup to freshen up instead.

At that moment, Ning Ran was stunned at how effeminate Sunny behaved.


All of a sudden, Giorgio burst into laughter before approaching Ning Ran, causing her to panic.

Has he truly gone mad?

“Well, the measurements are more or less there. All we need to do is to accentuate her charm and make some

minor alterations. That way, I can complete the dress in time! I'm a genius!” Giorgio exclaimed after scrutinizing

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Ning Ran.

Clueless as to what was going on, Ning Ran could only force herself to smile awkwardly.

Walking to her side, Giorgio showed her some pictures on his tablet. “Between these two gowns, which one do you


The two dresses had simple colors. One was black, while the other was white.

Both of them were avant-garde in their designs. The black one even had diamonds embellished across its chest,

giving it an opulent look.

“Can I see the back?”

After rotating the photos, the back of the dresses was shown.

The black dress had a more revealing back, while the white dress had a lower cut in front.

“I like them both very much, but didn't you say that there isn't enough time to make them?”

“These are completed designs for one of the princesses of the royal family. She was going to wear them to a

reception for foreign dignitaries. After making some observations just now, I noticed that your figure is similar to

hers. Hence, all I need to do is to make some minor alterations, and you'll be able to fit. It looks like my intellect has

helped me to solve the problem of time!”

Ning Ran uttered in shock, “I can't wear the princess' dress!”

“There's nothing to fear. Since I've not handed it to her, it doesn't belong to her yet. We'll use it to resolve our

desperate situation first. Anyway, tell me which one do you prefer? I'll make the alterations based on your

measurements at once. Time is of the essence, so you had better be quick,” Giorgio hurried her.

“I'll go with the black dress then,” Ning Ran answered.

“I agree that it suits you more. By revealing your porcelain-like back, everyone will be in awe of you. We'll settle on

this one then. Anyway, I'll inform Sir Chen right away that I will get this done,” Giorgio declared in delight.

His words indirectly reminded Ning Ran that her opinion didn't matter. It all boiled down to Nan Chen instead.

After all, the matter couldn't proceed without his agreement.

This time, she reached Nan Chen on a video call to let him choose the dresses.

In the end, he replied, “Both aren't good enough!”

Giorgio panicked in response. “But, I designed these for a princess. She approves of them, so why not you?”

“There's room for improvement,” Nan Chen asserted coldly.


“At the back. It's not like you don't have enough material. Is it necessary to show so much skin? Won't it be cold?”

Nan Chen replied.

“My God! Haven't you attended tons of banquets? Isn't a bareback a common occurrence? What sort of comment

is that? Even the princess isn't afraid—” Giorgio yelled back.

“Change it. Don't reveal so much. A little will do. Also, extend the length of the gown,” Nan Chen added.

“Extend the length? But under usual circumstances—”

“I don't care about usual circumstances. If I did, I would have gotten one from the mall instead of coming to you,”

Nan Chen retorted.

Tha two drassas had simpla colors. Ona was black, whila tha othar was whita.

Both of tham wara avant-garda in thair dasigns. Tha black ona avan had diamonds amballishad across its chast,

giving it an opulant look.

“Can I saa tha back?”

Aftar rotating tha photos, tha back of tha drassas was shown.

Tha black drass had a mora ravaaling back, whila tha whita drass had a lowar cut in front.

“I lika tham both vary much, but didn't you say that thara isn't anough tima to maka tham?”

“Thasa ara complatad dasigns for ona of tha princassas of tha royal family. Sha was going to waar tham to a

racaption for foraign dignitarias. Aftar making soma obsarvations just now, I noticad that your figura is similar to

hars. Hanca, all I naad to do is to maka soma minor altarations, and you'll ba abla to fit. It looks lika my intallact has

halpad ma to solva tha problam of tima!”

Ning Ran uttarad in shock, “I can't waar tha princass' drass!”

“Thara's nothing to faar. Sinca I'va not handad it to har, it doasn't balong to har yat. Wa'll usa it to rasolva our

dasparata situation first. Anyway, tall ma which ona do you prafar? I'll maka tha altarations basad on your

maasuramants at onca. Tima is of tha assanca, so you had battar ba quick,” Giorgio hurriad har.

“I'll go with tha black drass than,” Ning Ran answarad.

“I agraa that it suits you mora. By ravaaling your porcalain-lika back, avaryona will ba in awa of you. Wa'll sattla on

this ona than. Anyway, I'll inform Sir Chan right away that I will gat this dona,” Giorgio daclarad in dalight.

His words indiractly ramindad Ning Ran that har opinion didn't mattar. It all boilad down to Nan Chan instaad.

Aftar all, tha mattar couldn't procaad without his agraamant.

This tima, sha raachad Nan Chan on a vidao call to lat him choosa tha drassas.

In tha and, ha rapliad, “Both aran't good anough!”

Giorgio panickad in rasponsa. “But, I dasignad thasa for a princass. Sha approvas of tham, so why not you?”

“Thara's room for improvamant,” Nan Chan assartad coldly.


“At tha back. It's not lika you don't hava anough matarial. Is it nacassary to show so much skin? Won't it ba cold?”

Nan Chan rapliad.

“My God! Havan't you attandad tons of banquats? Isn't a baraback a common occurranca? What sort of commant

is that? Evan tha princass isn't afraid—” Giorgio yallad back.

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“Changa it. Don't ravaal so much. A littla will do. Also, axtand tha langth of tha gown,” Nan Chan addad.

“Extand tha langth? But undar usual circumstancas—”

“I don't cara about usual circumstancas. If I did, I would hava gottan ona from tha mall instaad of coming to you,”

Nan Chan ratortad.

“Fine. It's not a problem to extend the length. I can make all the changes that you asked for.”

“Good. That's settled then.”

Just as he spoke, Nan Chen ended the call.

“That's exactly the way he behaves all the time! He never listens and insists on telling professionals how to do their

jobs,” Giorgio lamented.

Sunny looked at Giorgio with a sense of schadenfreude. “There's no point in complaining now that the matter has

been settled. Anyway, show me the gown so that I can find Ning Ran matching shoes and decide on her makeup.”

“Actually, there's no need for all this trouble at all. I find all of this ridiculous,” Ning Ran commented meekly.

“Not at all! Sir Chen has said it himself. This is your first time attending an event that is broadcasted live across the

world. Therefore, it's necessary to make an entrance,” Sir Chen explained.

“In that case, why can't I reveal her back or chest? Nowadays, actresses would die to wear as little as possible and

show all the skin they possibly can. Instead, he doesn't even allow me to show her back a little. What age do we live

in now? Why is he being so conservative still? This is utterly frustrating,” Giorgio ranted.

“It's no use complaining to me. If you're dissatisfied, you should talk to Sir Chen instead,” Sunny replied with a


“Forget it. I'm not going to get myself into trouble for nothing. He is nothing but a dictator. All right now, both of you

can go. I need to start work right away.” Giorgio began to get his guests to leave.

“Fine. We're leaving now,” Sunny gestured to Ning Ran.

“Please hand over the deposit first. The gown will cost at least two hundred thousand. So, it will be a hundred

thousand now. You can pay the balance when you pick up the dress.”

Ning Ran was astounded to hear the price. Two hundred thousand? I can buy a decent car with that money! Also,

such a dress can only be worn on extremely special occasions. Therefore, isn't this a waste of money?

“Sir Chen will arrange for payment. You can't expect me to pay.”

Just as he spoke, Sunny gave Ning Ran a look to signal her not to do the same.

Obviously, Sunny didn't know Ning Ran very well. If only he was aware of how stingy she was, he needn't have

worried about her at all.

There's no way I'm going to pay so much for a dress. What kind of joke is that? Even at two thousand, I feel it's too

much, let alone two hundred thousand. I would rather go naked instead.

“Of course. Nan Chen will take care of it.” Ning Ran nodded in agreement.

“Fine. Off you go then,” Giorgio said with resignation.