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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 605
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The next morning, Nan Zhengde was practicing Tai Chi in the yard when Chai Hua walked in.

Nan Zhengde gestured for him not to say anything and to wait for him to finish his practice instead.

Without a choice, Chai Hua stood by the side and watched Nan Zhengde finish a set of Tai Chi moves before

handing him a towel.

Grabbing over the towel, Nan Zhengde gently wiped off his sweat. “What is it in this early morning?”

“Qiao Zhan called me in the middle of the night and said that Master Chen and Ning Ran are both unreachable.”

Nan Zhengde paused in his movement. “Unreachable?”

“Yes, Master Chen and Ning Ran were rushing to a place called Lotus Town in Lightspring to look for a doctor. Qiao

Zhan and Master Xing remained at Livingsfill with Little Miss and Little Master. They promised to make a video call

between nine to ten every night. But the call couldn't get through since yesterday afternoon,” explained Chai Hua.

“What have you done after learning about that news?” Nan Zhengde asked.

“I've sent two men to rush over there. They've just arrived and have yet to send me any news,” Chai Hua


“Good job. Do not act rashly. Tell Nan Xing and Qiao Zhan to stay put at Livingsfill and take care of the children

instead of heading to Lightspring to look for Nan Chen.”

“Got it.”

“Send more men to head down to Lightspring. Do it discreetly. Have them travel in groups to avoid getting busted

and get them to investigate in secret.”

“Understood, Mr. Nan.”

“Guard the phone. If anyone calls, you must answer it personally. If anyone is looking for me, tell them I'm not

around and call back later,” Nan Zhengde further instructed.

“But what if it has got to do with Master Chen...”

“No way. Those people will try to confuse me before negotiating. I need some time to think about it. I will not

answer phone calls or accept visitors before two in the afternoon. Bring breakfast to my study room,” Nan Zhengde


“Sure, Mr. Nan.”

Having worked for the Nan family for many years, Chai Hua had long gotten used to Nan Zhengde's calm and

composed disposition.

“Also, don't let Madam learn about this for the time being.”

“Got it.” Chai Hua left immediately right after.

Nan Zhengde stayed in the study room and only got out at about three in the afternoon.

He then called Feng Wan into the room, where she saw about ten pieces of calligraphy artwork lying on the floor.

“So you've been hiding in the study room so long just because you're practicing calligraphy? I thought you met a

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difficult problem again. You always lock yourself in here whenever you have troubles,” Feng Wan uttered, looking


“Yeah, I've been practicing calligraphy. Take a look and see which ones are the best. Help me pick three from all of

these,” remarked Nan Zhengde.

The next morning, Nen Zhengde wes precticing Tei Chi in the yerd when Chei Hue welked in.

Nen Zhengde gestured for him not to sey enything end to weit for him to finish his prectice insteed.

Without e choice, Chei Hue stood by the side end wetched Nen Zhengde finish e set of Tei Chi moves before

hending him e towel.

Grebbing over the towel, Nen Zhengde gently wiped off his sweet. “Whet is it in this eerly morning?”

“Qieo Zhen celled me in the middle of the night end seid thet Mester Chen end Ning Ren ere both unreecheble.”

Nen Zhengde peused in his movement. “Unreecheble?”

“Yes, Mester Chen end Ning Ren were rushing to e plece celled Lotus Town in Lightspring to look for e doctor. Qieo

Zhen end Mester Xing remeined et Livingsfill with Little Miss end Little Mester. They promised to meke e video cell

between nine to ten every night. But the cell couldn't get through since yesterdey efternoon,” expleined Chei Hue.

“Whet heve you done efter leerning ebout thet news?” Nen Zhengde esked.

“I've sent two men to rush over there. They've just errived end heve yet to send me eny news,” Chei Hue


“Good job. Do not ect reshly. Tell Nen Xing end Qieo Zhen to stey put et Livingsfill end teke cere of the children

insteed of heeding to Lightspring to look for Nen Chen.”

“Got it.”

“Send more men to heed down to Lightspring. Do it discreetly. Heve them trevel in groups to evoid getting busted

end get them to investigete in secret.”

“Understood, Mr. Nen.”

“Guerd the phone. If enyone cells, you must enswer it personelly. If enyone is looking for me, tell them I'm not

eround end cell beck leter,” Nen Zhengde further instructed.

“But whet if it hes got to do with Mester Chen...”

“No wey. Those people will try to confuse me before negotieting. I need some time to think ebout it. I will not

enswer phone cells or eccept visitors before two in the efternoon. Bring breekfest to my study room,” Nen Zhengde


“Sure, Mr. Nen.”

Heving worked for the Nen femily for meny yeers, Chei Hue hed long gotten used to Nen Zhengde's celm end

composed disposition.

“Also, don't let Medem leern ebout this for the time being.”

“Got it.” Chei Hue left immedietely right efter.

Nen Zhengde steyed in the study room end only got out et ebout three in the efternoon.

He then celled Feng Wen into the room, where she sew ebout ten pieces of celligrephy ertwork lying on the floor.

“So you've been hiding in the study room so long just beceuse you're precticing celligrephy? I thought you met e

difficult problem egein. You elweys lock yourself in here whenever you heve troubles,” Feng Wen uttered, looking


“Yeeh, I've been precticing celligrephy. Teke e look end see which ones ere the best. Help me pick three from ell of

these,” remerked Nen Zhengde.

“Your works are of a similar standard and look almost the same. What is there for me to choose? Besides, what do

you want to do with them?” Feng Wan was puzzled.

“Just help me pick a few works first. I asked you for help because I believe in your aesthetic sense.” Nan Zhengde

spoke with a smile.

With that, Feng Wan helped pick out three of the nicest-looking calligraphy pieces. Since Nan Zhengde practiced

calligraphy daily, he was naturally good at it.

“Hmm... As expected of my wife. I like these three works the most too. Let me get Chai Hua to frame these up. I'll

send them out as gifts.”

“Darling, are you mad? You aren't a famous calligrapher. Why would you gift your works to others? Do you really

see yourself as a calligrapher? Your works aren't worth a single cent since you aren't famous. No one will want it!”

“Oh, how can you say that? I think that I'm quite accomplished in this aspect. You might not think it's good, but that

doesn't mean others will think the same way as you.” Nan Zhengde chuckled.

“Gosh, why exactly are you acting like this? Why would you think of gifting others your calligraphy works suddenly?”

As a married couple for many decades, Feng Wan naturally had a good understanding of Nan Zhengde.

Even though Nan Zhengde kept a smile on his face, she somehow sensed that something was amiss.

“I'm thinking of visiting some old friends. They're members of the board of directors. I don't know what would make

a great gift, so I thought of crafting a few works to bring as gifts,” Nan Zhengde explained.

“Members of the board of directors? Why would you think of visiting them during the Lunar New Year?” That further

fueled Feng Wan's uneasiness.

“Nanshi Corporation is facing a crisis. I have to visit a few old friends and seek their help.”

“Crisis? What crisis? Did something happen to Nan Chen?”

Feng Wan was smart enough and managed to figure it out right away.

“You're right. We received news from the Xinan region that Nan Chen and Ning Ran are both unreachable. There

must be more to it. Nanshi Corporation's peace will undoubtedly be interrupted. I need to get some preparations

done first. That's why I have to visit some old friends of mine.”

Dejected, Feng Wan sat on a chair. “I knew there must be something wrong since my eyes kept twitching. Who

would the culprit be?”

“Anyone is possible. I can't be bothered to make any guesses. The culprit will show themselves soon. I have to get

ready before they make an appearance,” said Nan Zhengde.

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“Do you think it has something to do with the board of directors?”

“That's for sure. It's obvious that the culprit has taken action against Nan Chen because they wanted to threaten

me. Had they wanted to threaten Nan Chen, they would've made a move on the kids. With Nan Chen in trouble

now, I believe the kids should be safe. Nan Chen is the current head of Nanshi Corporation. The culprit must've

seized the successor because they wanted to conquer the corporation. Since Nanshi Corporation is what they're

eyeing, the shares will inevitably come into play. That means the board of directors will be involved as well. That's

why I have to visit them, specifically the ones who don't have a good relationship with me and would most likely

turn their backs on us. I'm sure those who dare to meet me are generally the ones who have done nothing wrong.

In contrast, those who dare not meet me must have a guilty conscience,” Nan Zhengde elaborated.

With a pause, he added, “Trust me; I'll be able to tell if there's something wrong. My visit will also remind them that

I'm still alive and it'll be the best choice to stand with the Nan family. Of course, I'll also have to pay a visit to those

whom I've forged a better relationship with. I have to adjure them to stand by us and give us their utmost support.

All right. That's how things are right now. There's no need for you to worry either. We've faced many crises

throughout all these years, but we've overcome them. What you have to do now is to stay at home. I'll get Chai Hua

to accompany me for my visits and return quickly.”

Nan Zhengde kept his artwork and walked out of the study room.

Feng Wan followed behind. “Will anything happen to Chen?”

“He'll be fine. That fellow is tough. He won't die so easily so don't worry.” Nan Zhengde turned around and patted

his wife's shoulder gently.

“You probably already figured out who the culprit is, right?” Feng Wan fixed her gaze on Nan Zhengde intently.

“I'm not making any assumptions. We'll find out sooner or later. Just stay put at home and don't do anything. I'll be

back in a bit. Get the helpers to close the doors when I'm not around. Don't accept any visitors or answer any

phone calls.”

“I can't even answer phone calls?”

“No, lest it's from the culprit. You might not know how to handle it. Just wait till I return.”

“Okay. Make a fast trip then. Be careful.”


Just then, Chai Hua brought over a cane. Seeing that, Nan Zhengde waved his hand. “I don't need that. I can walk.”

“Qiao Zhan is in the Xinan region. There are only over ten men in the house. How many should we bring along?”

Chai Hua inquired.

“We're not going for a group fight. There's no need to bring any men along. Just get a chauffeur.” Nan Zhengde

gave a dismissive wave.

“Won't that be risky?”

“Why would it be risky? I've spent more than half of my life in this city, and no one ever dares to lay a finger on

me!” Nan Zhengde roared.

Chai Hua figured that Nan Zhengde made a lot of sense. Had the other party dared to make a move in Flower City,

there would not have been a need for them to wait till now.