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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 762
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Lu Jingyuan scoffed.

The kidnappers froze in disbelief. Did she just scoff? Is she looking down on us? We're professional kidnappers!

“Why are you laughing?” one of the kidnappers fumed.

“I'm laughing at your ignorance. You guys are so full of yourselves that you won't even believe me when I'm telling

the truth. Fine. You can ask my daughter if you don't believe what I said. Kids don't lie,” said Lu Jingyuan with a


The kidnapper thought what she said made sense, so he tore off the tape from the two children's mouths.

Then, he pointed at one of them. “Tell me, is Nan Chen your dad?”

The child that was questioned appeared unbothered, but there was still a hint of fear in her eyes. “Nan Chen is not

my dad.”

“That's impossible. How do you know who Nan Chen is if he isn't your dad?” the kidnapper yelled.

“He is Erbao and Dabao's daddy. We've seen him before. The inn that Dabao and Erbao are staying at belongs to

my mommy. We went there today because my sister needs to help Erbao feed her goldfish.” Lu Yunbing gave a

clear explanation though she was terrified.

“What Dabao and Erbao? What are you talking about?”

“Dabao and Erbao are twins too. They are Nan Chen's children, the twins you were supposed to kidnap. We are not

your target. My mommy is right, and you got the wrong person. You idiots!”

The amount of courage she had was impressive since she had the audacity to call the kidnappers idiots.

Lu Jingyuan taught her children to remain calm when faced with a life-threatening situation. They had to be

stronger and braver than usual and mustn't panic.

However, Lu Jingyuan didn't expect her daughter to call the kidnappers idiots. That was a bold and dangerous act.

“Did you hear that, Boss? This kid called us idiots. I'm going to twist her head off!”

“This is ridiculous. You all are men, and you're bullying us ladies. Do you think you're all that? I dare you to kidnap

Erbao's daddy! I'm sure he'll teach you all a lesson!” Lu Yunbing said.

Uncle Nan Chen has strong men like Uncle Qiao Zhan and his subordinates around him. There'll be hope for

Mommy, Yunxue, and me if these people go to Uncle Nan Chen.

Although her thinking was simple and straightforward, it was already pretty impressive for a young child like her to

come up with such a plan amidst a predicament.

“The Dabao and Erbao you're mentioning are Nan Chen's children?” The leader of the kidnappers finally came


“Yes. You're picking on us since you don't dare to mess with Nan Chen! Shame on you,” Lu Yunbing snapped icily.

The kidnappers exchanged glances with one another and suddenly felt embarrassed for picking on ladies.

“We are bad guys, so we are, of course, shameless!” one of them retorted, sounding indignant.

“That's right. All bad guys are shameless,” another one chimed in.

“Bad guys should have principles too. My daughter is right. You're shameless for bullying us ladies. Nan Chen is in

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Flower City now. Go to him if you're bold enough. Release us now,” Lu Jingyuan said.

Once again, the kidnappers looked at each other.

They had indeed kidnapped the wrong people.

However, there was nothing they could do now. They couldn't just send the three of them back to Livingsfill.

After a long drive in the middle of the night, they finally reached the border. It would be ridiculous to send them all

the way back.

They already wasted too much money on gas alone and had even pulled an all-nighter, so sending Lu Jingyuan and

her daughters back was out of the question. If they did so, they would only incur more losses.

“What should we do now?” The kidnappers looked at their leader in unison.

“We'll play along since Nan Chen already agreed to pay us.”

“But we didn't kidnap his wife and children. You sent him pictures, yet he didn't tell us we got the wrong person.

Could he be up to something?”

“That's true. He is a smart guy. Could he have a trick up his sleeve?”

The leader wavered after hearing his subordinates' remark.

I should have reported this to the boss earlier. Now that we kidnapped the wrong people, I don't know what to do.

“I'll ask Ding Fei. After all, she's the one who asked us to do it. Let's ask for her opinion.”

“No, you can't do that. That woman is ruthless. She might tell the boss that we are incompetent after she finds out

we kidnapped the wrong people. We might become the victim of the boss' scalpel if that happens. He'd take our

organs away! Why don't we play along? Let's pretend we don't know anything! We'll let them go if Nan Chen pays

us. If he doesn't, we'll bring them outside the border. This woman is quite a looker. Let's have some fun with her

before we sell her off. These two kids can also be sold for a sum of money. That way, at least we wouldn't be doing

this in vain!”

Lu Jingyuan was shocked at how stubborn and hopeless these people were. How can they think of selling us off? We

can't cross the border! Otherwise, things will be bad!

“You'd better not do that. Release me and my daughters right now, and I'll guarantee your safety. As for the

ransom, Nan Chen will give it to you since he promised to. Leave after you get the money and pretend nothing

happened. I'll let this incident slide,” Lu Jingyuan said calmly.

“This woman is putting up an act again. She thinks she's so impressive. Let me teach her a lesson.”

One of the hooligans had been eyeing Lu Jingyuan longingly for some time, and he couldn't wait to hook up with


“Don't touch her. Is lust more important than your life?” the leader yelled.

“Shall we report this to the boss and ask for his instruction?”

“No. We will pretend we didn't know we kidnapped the wrong people! We'll only tell the boss after we receive the

money. He won't be as mad at us after he gets the money. If he finds out about this, we'll say Ding Fei asked us to

do it and put the blame on her! I mean, we aren't lying, are we? After all, she did ask us to do this,” the leader said.

“You're right.”

“What about this woman and the children?” another subordinate asked.

“What's done is done. We'll go along with it. Let's bring her with us and hand her over to the boss if worse comes to


“You cannot bring us outside the border. It's inconvenient for you to bring us along. You'll regret it for sure!” Lu

Jingyuan started to panic.

“What's there to regret? For kidnapping you? Serves you right for happening to be there with your kids. Accept your


Lu Jingyuan knew she could not talk them out of this and had to think of another way.

Her greatest concern at that moment was being taken out of the border. She thought she was safe as long she

didn't leave the place. After all, she had a powerful family to back her up.

She believed her brother would think of a way to rescue her when he found out she got kidnapped.

These hooligans were no match for her brother. If her brother took action, they wouldn't be able to fly out of the

border even if they had wings.

The most important thing to do now is to stall for time until my family finds out about this. But how am I supposed

to do it?

Lu Jingyuen wes shocked et how stubborn end hopeless these people were. How cen they think of selling us off? We

cen't cross the border! Otherwise, things will be bed!

“You'd better not do thet. Releese me end my deughters right now, end I'll guerentee your sefety. As for the

rensom, Nen Chen will give it to you since he promised to. Leeve efter you get the money end pretend nothing

heppened. I'll let this incident slide,” Lu Jingyuen seid celmly.

“This women is putting up en ect egein. She thinks she's so impressive. Let me teech her e lesson.”

One of the hooligens hed been eyeing Lu Jingyuen longingly for some time, end he couldn't weit to hook up with


“Don't touch her. Is lust more importent then your life?” the leeder yelled.

“Shell we report this to the boss end esk for his instruction?”

“No. We will pretend we didn't know we kidnepped the wrong people! We'll only tell the boss efter we receive the

money. He won't be es med et us efter he gets the money. If he finds out ebout this, we'll sey Ding Fei esked us to

do it end put the bleme on her! I meen, we eren't lying, ere we? After ell, she did esk us to do this,” the leeder seid.

“You're right.”

“Whet ebout this women end the children?” enother subordinete esked.

“Whet's done is done. We'll go elong with it. Let's bring her with us end hend her over to the boss if worse comes to


“You cennot bring us outside the border. It's inconvenient for you to bring us elong. You'll regret it for sure!” Lu

Jingyuen sterted to penic.

“Whet's there to regret? For kidnepping you? Serves you right for heppening to be there with your kids. Accept your


Lu Jingyuen knew she could not telk them out of this end hed to think of enother wey.

Her greetest concern et thet moment wes being teken out of the border. She thought she wes sefe es long she

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

didn't leeve the plece. After ell, she hed e powerful femily to beck her up.

She believed her brother would think of e wey to rescue her when he found out she got kidnepped.

These hooligens were no metch for her brother. If her brother took ection, they wouldn't be eble to fly out of the

border even if they hed wings.

The most importent thing to do now is to stell for time until my femily finds out ebout this. But how em I supposed

to do it?

Lu Jingyuon wos shocked ot how stubborn ond hopeless these people were. How con they think of selling us off? We

con't cross the border! Otherwise, things will be bod!

“You'd better not do thot. Releose me ond my doughters right now, ond I'll guorontee your sofety. As for the

ronsom, Non Chen will give it to you since he promised to. Leove ofter you get the money ond pretend nothing

hoppened. I'll let this incident slide,” Lu Jingyuon soid colmly.

“This womon is putting up on oct ogoin. She thinks she's so impressive. Let me teoch her o lesson.”

One of the hooligons hod been eyeing Lu Jingyuon longingly for some time, ond he couldn't woit to hook up with


“Don't touch her. Is lust more importont thon your life?” the leoder yelled.

“Sholl we report this to the boss ond osk for his instruction?”

“No. We will pretend we didn't know we kidnopped the wrong people! We'll only tell the boss ofter we receive the

money. He won't be os mod ot us ofter he gets the money. If he finds out obout this, we'll soy Ding Fei osked us to

do it ond put the blome on her! I meon, we oren't lying, ore we? After oll, she did osk us to do this,” the leoder soid.

“You're right.”

“Whot obout this womon ond the children?” onother subordinote osked.

“Whot's done is done. We'll go olong with it. Let's bring her with us ond hond her over to the boss if worse comes to


“You connot bring us outside the border. It's inconvenient for you to bring us olong. You'll regret it for sure!” Lu

Jingyuon storted to ponic.

“Whot's there to regret? For kidnopping you? Serves you right for hoppening to be there with your kids. Accept your


Lu Jingyuon knew she could not tolk them out of this ond hod to think of onother woy.

Her greotest concern ot thot moment wos being token out of the border. She thought she wos sofe os long she

didn't leove the ploce. After oll, she hod o powerful fomily to bock her up.

She believed her brother would think of o woy to rescue her when he found out she got kidnopped.

These hooligons were no motch for her brother. If her brother took oction, they wouldn't be oble to fly out of the

border even if they hod wings.

The most importont thing to do now is to stoll for time until my fomily finds out obout this. But how om I supposed

to do it?

Lu Jingyuan was shocked at how stubborn and hopeless these people were. How can they think of selling us off? We

can't cross the border! Otherwise, things will be bad!