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Chasing His Kickass Luna Back by Jane Above Story

Chapter 223
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The incessant buzzing of my phone’s alarm is drowned out by the pounding
inside my head—a lingering reminder of last night’s... festivities.
Why did I think that having one more whiskey was a good idea? I was already
pretty drunk last night by the time I got home, but I couldn’t stop thinking about
In a feeble attempt to drown those thoughts out and get some sleep, I guess I
thought one more drink was the way to go. I still remember raiding the minibar in
my apartment and pouring a rather tall glass of whiskey—no ice—which I
Enter title...
proceeded to knock back while giving half of my attention to a crappy movie I
found on N*****x.
Oh, how I wish I didn’t drink that whiskey. I feel like shit, and I’m not even fully
awake yet.

When I finally crack open my eyes, the red digits of the bedside clock glare back

at me: 7:15 a.m.
“Shit,” I groan, rubbing my eyes and yawning. “I’m never drinking again.”
My wolf grumbles inside of me, equally as perturbed by my laziness. “You
always say that, and then a week from now, you’ll be saying that a ‘little whiskey
never hurt anybody.’”
I roll my eyes, running a hand through my unkempt hair. “Thanks, Captain
Obvious. I swear, it’s like drinking a sleeping pill or something. I can never get
up early enough when I drink, and yet I also feel like I didn’t sleep a wink.”
My wolf chuckles softly. “Maybe so, but you should get up. You might want to
check on Abby before the cook-off.”
Abby. Just the mere mention of her name sends a weird tingle down my spine.
Memories of last night come flooding back in. She looked so beautiful standing
next to me in the alley, leaning against the brick wall, her blonde hair awash like
the sunset in the light of the streetlamps.

I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Not after what
happened last time, and especially not when she has this competition to worry
about today.

“Yeah,” I say, although hesitantly. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea to bug her
right now. She’s probably already at the studio, caught up in a whirlwind of
preparations for the competition. I’ll see her later while I’m watching the
competition from the audience.”
Ah, the audience. I wanted to give Abby a little surprise, so I bought a front-row
ticket. Actually, I bought tickets for everybody. I figure she will be looking for a
familiar face when she steps off the stage, crystal trophy in hand—because
she’ll be winning first place, I’m sure of it.
“Yeah, well, it wouldn’t hurt to send a text,” my wolf says. “Something nice to
wish her luck before the competition. Then you can focus on seeing her in
person at the event. It’s a nice gesture, and she might appreciate it. Especially
since you’re leaving soon...”
I consider my wolf’s words, agreeing inwardly. I am going to be leaving soon, so
leaving a good impression before I go might be a good move. Who knows,
maybe I can convince her to come back with me. But I’m not holding my breath.
“Just think of it this way,” my wolf continues, “if you show your support today,
she’ll be so grateful for you. And maybe, after the cook-off...”

“Okay, okay, I get it,” I growl, pushing my fists lightly into my eyes. “Fine, I’ll text
My wolf bristles with excitement. “Good.”
Sighing, I roll over and reach for my phone.