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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78

27% 15:06

After quickly polishing off a plate of food, Emmanuel turned to Tabitha with a sudden concern. He asked, “Aren’t

you going to eat?”

“I ate at home,” Tabitha explained, her gaze fixed on the remnants of the meal. “I'm not feeling well, so | can’t

handle too much meat.”

Emmanuel nodded in understanding, then silently savored another bowl of the hearty food.

Once Emmanuel finished his meal, he watched as Tabitha tidied up the empty bowls. “Thanks for coming to see

me, and also for the roasted turkey,” he said earnestly.

Tabitha smiled. “I'll cagain tomorrow.”

After watching Tabitha, Emmanuel’s eyes lingered on the exquisite fruit basket placed on the bedside table.

The room fell into utter silence, broken only by the abrupt, rapid thudding of his heart against his ribs.

Meanwhile, Tabitha quickly left the hospital, paying little attention to her surroundings. Unbeknownst to her, a

man was standing at the end of the corridor with his eyes coldly fixed on her.

The man, who looked about fifty years old, had a face full of rugged wrinkles. Hunched over, his face broke into a

sinister grin as he watched Tabitha from behind, making it seem like those wrinkles were morphing into

unsettling maggots.

Right after, he swung open the door Tabitha had just closed and shuffled into the room with a noticeable limp.

As Emmanuel laid eyes on the person, his gaze chilled instantly, and a heavy sense of gloom weighed heavily

upon him.


Chapter 78

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“Get out!” Emmanuel yelled.

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“Don’t be so cold,” Jayden responded with a false, repulsive smile. “We're father and son, after all. We haven't

seen each other in so many years. Can't | cto catch up with you?”

Back in his youth, Jayden was always sharp and charming. His smile, akin to a gentle, warm spring breeze,

effortlessly captivated Lorelai.

However, not long after they got married, Jayden revealed his true nature.

He becfoul-mouthed, getting involved in gambling and eventually escalating to domestic abuse and drug


Since childhood, Emmanuel had existed beneath the looming shadow of this man, never finding a moment of

brightness under Jayden’s influence.

Just when Emmanuel thought he had finally sent him away, Jayden reappeared so soon.

Suppressing the wild beast pounding in his chest, Emmanuel reminded himself that Jayden held no power to

cause him any more harm..

Jayden, now old and dirty from years of wear, appeared as a vivid representation of neglected health. His eyes

were all cloudy, his hair in a messy tangle, and his complexion carried a yellowish, dull tone, with a whiff of

decay and rot hanging around him. Emmanuel could not even tell how long it had been since his father last took

a bath.

Emmanuel eventually eased his guard. “What are you trying to do?” he asked coldly.

Thinking that Emmanuel appeared open to talk, Jayden could not contain his excitement. His eyes gleamed with

greed as he spoke with a grin, “Nothing much, just here to ask my son for sliving expenses.”

“Money?” Emmanuel’s eyes darkened, his voice devoid of warmth as he


Chapter 78

continued, “In your dreams.”

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Undeterred by Emmanuel’s aloof attitude, Jayden persisted cheerfully. “I noticed you were with a young lady.

What's her name? She’s quite lovely. Is she my daughter-in-law?”

Understanding Jayden’s character, Emmanuel knew that his father was capable of doing anything for money.

In the past, Jayden had frequently resorted to grabbing Lorelai’s hair and slamming her head against the wall for

money. His violent outbursts were disturbingly common in their household.

If Jayden set his sights on Tabitha, her fate might not be a pleasant one.

Recalling the warmth of the roasted turkey, Emmanuel blurted out, “I’m not familiar with her.”

Jayden chuckled, revealing his yellowed teeth from years of smoking. “Not familiar? She spent more than two

hours with you in the hospital on Christmas Eve.”

“Or is she foolish like your mother? Fooled by the front you put up, only caring for you because she sympathized

with your injuries?” Jayden continued.

Holding back the anger within him, Emmanuel responded coldly, “It’s up to you how you want to guess. | won't

give you a penny. Now, get lost.”

Emmanuel added, “As for the woman you mentioned, whether she lives or dies has nothing to do with me.”

Jayden spent hours waiting outside just to confirm if Tabita was close to Emmanuel.

However, Emmanuel did not look like he was lying.

“You're undeniably my son. So cold-hearted and ruthless. Truly

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Chapter 78

impressive. Even if | die on the streets someday, at least my son carries on my legacy,” Jayden remarked.

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Failing to get any money from his son, Jayden determined to evoke repulsion from Emmanuel before he limped


Emmanuel tightened his fists.

He had just begun to live a normal life, and he would not let anyone ruin

a, fz

Not his father and also not Tabitha.

Tabitha felt her ears growing hot and had even sneezed a few times in the


When Tabitha finally returned to the Sinclair manor, she found Alaric and Malcolm in the living room.

Malcolm's lips were tightly pressed together, revealing unmistakable displeasure.

Noticing Tabitha’s return, he immediately shifted his attention toward her. His eyes fell on the lunchbox she

carried, and coldness crept into his gaze at the sight of it.

Worried, Alaric asked, “I took a nap and woke up to find you weren't home. Why are you out again? And where

were you headed with that lunchbox?”

“I went to check on Emmanuel,” Tabitha replied. “If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have gotten hurt. The cook

and | made sroasted turkey in the kitchen, so | took sover for him.”

Malcolm's already somber demeanor appeared to grow even more pronounced.

Tabitha had personally prepared roasted turkey and delivered it to Emmanuel, yet he had not even had a taste of

it. He could not shake the



Chapter 78

thought that Emmanuel had to eat it before he could.