Chapter 0880 [Meanwhile at the Evans residence] Maximus and Magnus had been discussing delicate matters for hours, locked away in the study. No one dared to disturb them-everyone knew that when those two shut themselves in, it was always something serious. They had learned that over time.
"Maximus, are you absolutely sure about what you're going to do?" Magnus asked, looking troubled.
4 "Yes. My brother gaveback my peace of mind. He fought until the very end to restore it for us, and neither Marcus nor I have done anything to repay him." "I've secured permission for you to visit him, though I doubt it'll be a pleasant visit." "I've heard from certain sources that Leonardo has had multiple run-ins with Frank. But obviously, the second is more well-known than the first, so things have been rough for him." "Whatever happens to Leonardo is none of my concern. I just want to know what happened to my brother's mother." "You think Leonardo will tell you?" "If I give him the right incentive, something in exchange, he will. And like you said, he's not exactly having an easy tin prison." "Well, you know better than anyone that this story could take many turns, right?" "I know, Dad. Believe me, I know..." "What did you just say?" "That I know?" "No, the other part... Did you just callDad?" "Oh... Sorry, it slipped out." "No, it's okay. It just makes it feel more real. Sometimes, I still think you're far away, that you'll never caround. And today, like on other occasions, you makehappy when you callthat." "You are my father. That's what I should call you, right?" "Yes, son. That's right..." "Thank you." "What are you thankingfor now?" "Because without your help, my brother wouldn't have found peace. I know the man I becfriends with is gone, and that hurts. I try not to be selfish, because we made sgreat memories together. But at the stime, I'm happy. Peter is a great man. And now that I see him for who he truly is, I have to admit I always judged him wrong." "Why do you say that?" "I always thought he was irresponsible, that he was useless-at least at the age he believes he is now." "And now?" 1/2 Chapter 0880
"Peter is a great man. He woke up confused, but little by little, he's getting back to his routine. I really thought he would abandon his wife. He doesn't remember Mary of m Celeste at all, but in a true act of responsibility, he accepted his present without hesitation. And that... that makesadmire him more than anyone could imagine. "Alden toldhe was worried too-worried about his father, about Celeste, and about the twins on the way. But none of our fears ctrue. My brother is a good man. He always was, and he still is. He just has a... peculiar way of doing things." "If you find out where his mother is, what will you do?"
"The right thing. I'll have her moved to the cemetery where she alwaysm should have been... just like we did with my mother." "For that, I owe you my deepest gratitude... Now, she rests where she always belonged." "Yes, Dad. And I'm sure she's happy about it.” "That's where I want to be buried when the tcomes. I want to be next to my Martina.”
"I don't like talking about that... but given the circumstances, l'Irespect your wishes." "Thank you, son."