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Contract With Alpha Logan

Chapter 148
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Chapter 148

Astrid POV

Kael and Toren had run away so fast that | was sure that they were nowhere near me. Aiden had followed them,

running just as fast. | was more than puzzled to see them sprinting with such incredible speed. | had never seen

people running like that. But more than that. The thought of Xander being armed and attacking them horrified

My turbulent emotions were replaced with terror when Xander hadagainst his chest. He was holding a knife

to my neck, and | dared not move. Tears welled in my eyes. Not only did | put myself in jeopardy, | had put Kael,

Toren and Aiden also in major trouble.

“We need to talk,” Xander hissed as he walked back with me. “I've been trying to find you and see what | got?

How could you even think that you could elude me, bitch?”

My hands went to his forearm, my heart thundering in my ribcage so wildly that had it not been in the confines

of my ribs, it would have leapt out. Or was it that something wanted to break free of me? The feeling was crazy.

My body broke in a cold sweat. The brothers must have gone far away. Even if | died at the hands of my maniac

brother, | was satisfied that | had saved them.

“I told you there is nothing to talk about,” | whispered in a hoarse voice.

“There is!” he shouted, his chest rising and falling in rage. “That house belongs to my father, and not you or that

bullshit of your mother!”

| clenched my teeth. “Xander,” | said, trying to drill logic into his brain. “You were never there when dad built our

house. You didn’t visit us once unless you needed money. How can you think it is your house?” | would not give

him my place, my home, which my parents had built with so much love and affection. My father was a

construction worker, and he saved every penny for us. His love for my mom andwas immense. | knew that if

Xander got hold of the house, he would destroy it bit by bit by selling every piece to cater his growing addiction.

“I won't give it to you,” I said in a firm voice.

He pressed the knife into the neck, letting out a sinister chuckle. “On the risk of dying?”

My skin sliced, and warm blood trickled down my neck. “You won't kill me, Xander,” | said. “Because if you kill

me, you'll never get that house.” “Oh, you are so wrong baby sister!” he scorned. “I'm gonna kill you, and enjoy

seeing you bleeding to death. Then I'm going to carve that heart out and feed it to the dogs.”

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| took a deep breath to steady myself. “I am seventeen. That house doesn’t belong tolegally until | turn


For a moment, he stilled. “You're lying,” he hissed, gripping my shoulder with his free hand so tightly that |

winced in pain.

“Why will 1?” | offered him the truth.

A second later, he scoffed. “I know you're turning eighteen in a week. Till that time, you are going to stay with

basement. Once I sign all the papers in his name, he would kill me. “No!” | rasped.

“Oh, yes!” he grinned. “Now you know you can’t mess with your older brother.”

“You aren’t my brother!” | snapped.

“Shut the fuck up!” he shouted and started pullingback.

Suddenly, | heard heavy footfalls approaching us. In a flash of a second, | saw Kael and Aiden in front ofwith

a large black wolf who was at least six feet tall. And he was walking in the middle of two brothers.

It was the first t| had seen such an enormous wolf. | was filled with a mix of awe and terror. Fear gripped my

heart, seeing him with Kael and Aiden. Why did they act as though the wolf posed no threat and was their


Xander gulped, looking at the wolf. He pressedagainst his chest. “Who are you?” he said, his voice dusted

with fear.

“Run, Kael!” | said through my hoarse throat. “Don’t cnear me. Please,” | begged, my gaze darting to the

wolf. My chin quivered as my gaze darted between the wolf and Kael, and Aiden.

“Get away from her,” Kael said in an icy voice that madeshiver.

Xander licked his lips. “No,” he replied, his eyes not faltering from the wolf.




Chapter 148

“Get away from her before | do something nasty with you,” Kael said, clenching his fist.

His dark eyes flashed amber. Or did |

imagine it? An animalistic grow!

vibrated in his chest. His SEE m

canines that |uged Ie find Sttractive

ET Sharper and had slipped

out of his gums, puncturing his lower

3 q 0 .

lips. The sight should've filled me

with horror, but | found it... enticing. |

knew what was wrong with me, but

what was wrong with Kael? The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

| could feel Xander’s heart drumming against my skin in raw fear. “Fuck off!” he hissed through his fright.

It all happened in a flash of a moment. Kael tipped his head up and roared. When he looked at us again, his eyes

were flashing golden and then he leapt towards us, landing on his paws. His body stretched and lengthened

midair as fur rippled on his skin.

Blood drained from my face when | saw that instead of Kael, a massive black wolf standing right in front of us,

his face dipped low, his lips peeled back and his maw open. He let out a deafening snarl.

My heart pounded like a drum in a thunderstorm as | stood there in complete shock, refusing to let the

realization hit me.

My gaze went to the identical wolf

who was standing behind Kael, and if

My guess was correct, that wasm

Toren. Ades Just stdotthext to

’, . .

Tréi's wolf with his arms crossed

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q PI

across his chest. He said, “Xander,

you have two minutes to leave Astrid.

, q

If you don't, these two will brutally

: . "

tear you apart, limb by limb.” The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

| think Xander pissed in his pants. His

grip onloosened. | was so

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shocked that my in glign tnaove All

for To was Sar at the most

or ) 0

beautiful wolves I'd ever witnessed.

No. Werewolves. | wanted to reach

, 2 a

Kael's wolf and run my hands in his

fur. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Every fantasy ctrue. It was as if | had been plucked from reality and dropped into the pages of a storybook.

Something insidestirred, and my vision turned blurry. Shouldn't | be bolting in fear?

Kael’s wolf closed the small distance between us, towering over Xander. Just as he was about to crush Xander’s «

head, a car behind us unexpectedly revved its engine, shattering the silence and distracting him.