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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 619
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Chapter 619 Mr. Kamp, What Do You Think?

Sophie was the first to react. “What nonsense are you spouting off? Mr. Kamp and I are speaking up for

what is right and to protect the reputation of the university. Can you say the same for yourself?!”

“I concur.” Sheldon couldn’t keep it in any longer as he stood up in anger. “How could Elise be used as a

comparison for someone like Sophie?”

“Sheldon Keller, what are you trying to imply here?” Sophie turned her attention toward Sheldon. “No one

would mistake you as a mute if you don’t speak up!”

“I apologize but I’m not mute. I’m just an ordinary and mediocre student that is speaking up for what is

right for the reputation of the school.”

With a flippant attitude, Sheldon continued, “You said that Elise being involved in a school brawl will

negatively impact our university’s reputation. If she was not in the wrong, do you think that all speculation

and slander on your part brings a positive impact to the school instead?!”

“There should be no need to see who is more noble here, for we are all students of the Elite Class. Since

the principal had already agreed to your request, then Elise’s condition should be met as well!”

“That’s right! It must be fair and just!” Elliot stood up as a sign of support.

Though Mica was pondering for some time, she—with her face swollen red—still stood up with weak

knees in the end, as she could no longer sit idle on the matter. “Prin… Principal, I think what Sheldon

and Elliot said is correct. You should treat everyone equally.”

Leon was always of the mind to support Elise, and so he waved his hand to appease the ones before

him. “Please take a seat first.”

With the principal’s words, the ones who stood sat back down.

However, only Sophie refused to comply and continued to stand tall and haughtily, as though she was

anticipating for Elise to make a fool out of herself.

“Miss Bowen, you’ve asked me to consider the interest of the students, yet now you’re trying to become

the exception to what you’ve just preached?” Leon reminded, as though he was taking a jab at her.

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Sophie was about to argue with the principal, but stopped after noticing Martin signaling her to stay calm

by shaking his head at her. It was only then that Sophie chose to take a seat.

Among those with good grades, it was inevitable there would be some who would be of an arrogant

nature. The principal thought that Sophie was one who lacked empathy but did not think much about it.

Leon then turned his attention to Elise and said in a gentle voice, “Miss Elise, you do not have to worry. I

have already discussed the matter with Mr. Kamp. Should the investigation reveal that you were innocent

in this, Mr. Kamp will resign from his position as the Elite Class’ homeroom teacher as his atonement to

you. What do you think?”

Martin had a startled expression mixed with an expression that showed bitterness he was holding in.

Originally, this was an agreement made between Martin and the principal personally. Hence, even if Elise

were proven innocent in the matter, there would still be room to argue for Martin to keep his place.

Yet the action of the principal revealing that agreement to the whole class was akin to forcing Martin to a

corner with nowhere left to run. Should Elise be proven innocent in all this, then he would have no other

option but to resign as agreed.

However, an agreement is just an agreement. Where else could Tissote University find someone as

young and talented as me as a homeroom teacher? Even Mr. Haas would not go as far as to dismiss

someone the university has paid a great sum to hire for a mere student’s sake.

Martin felt relieved as he went through these thoughts.

After listening to the principal revealing the agreement made with Martin, Elise took a glance at Martin.

To her, it was a good idea to push Martin out of his position as the homeroom teacher as there would be

no one left to pick fault with her, and Sophie would lose one of her supporters.

“Alright. I hope both the principal and Mr. Kamp would honor what was agreed,” Elise answered.

“Only if you can show proof,” Martin retorted nonchalantly.

Elise only rolled her eyes at him as her response before turning to face the class. “Did anyone bring their

computer here, and is willing to lend it to me?”

“Right now we’re asking you to show your evidence. Why are you asking for a computer right now? Don’t

tell me you’re just stalling for time since you don’t want to leave?” Sophie questioned her.

“Your family lives by the sea, right? That explains why you’re so salty right now.” Sheldon was furious.

“You—! Hmph!” Though anger rose in her, Sophie managed to turn her cheek the other way.

“I have a computer with me.” Stefan—one of the students who would be participating in the competition

as well—spoke up and gave the computer to Elise. “It’s not password protected and it’s already

connected to my phone’s hotspot, so you’ll be able to use the internet as well.”

“Thank you.” Elise recognized the student. He’s one of the students who practiced with us earlier. What’s

his name again? I can’t remember. Gotta ask Mica about it after class.

Elise went back to her seat and began using the computer after receiving it from Stefan.

In no time at all, the rapid sound of the keyboard tapping was comparable to that of a printer that was

printing continuously without stopping as it gradually filled the classroom.

The female students had not understood the sights they were witnessing, while the male students—who

witnessed how fast Elise was typing—widened their eyes in surprise. Silently, they left their seats and

started inching over to Elise while whispering to one another.

“Is it even normal for someone’s hand to have this kind of speed?”

“I don’t think I can win even if we’re just competing by pressing a single letter…”

“Not only does Elise know how to compose music and write lyrics, but she is also proficient in handling a

computer to this extent? Dear God, just how many gifts have you bestowed on her?”

Martin spat out quietly. In his mind, this was all just a big flashy show—just one big bluff on Elise’s part.

Amid Martin’s reaction and the student’s chatter, Elise kept her focus. After logging into the website she

made, she then entered the location of the incident and obtained surveillance footage from the scene.

Following that, she went ahead and connected the computer to the projector.

Two minutes later, the screen that was used to show the prior video lit up once again. The video—which

amounted to about 5 minutes as compared to the prior short clip—was then played at two times the

speed right in front of the crowd.

The footage clearly captured the group of people—who were kneeling on the ground in the previous

video—surrounding Sheldon and Elliot as they forced the two into an entrance to a store. After knocking

Elliot unconscious, the group proceeded to pin Sheldon down and started getting physical with him.

The group of them had tried to turn their violence on Elise when she arrived on the scene but were

fortunately prevented by the appearance of the men dressed in suits. Eventually, they were all subdued

by the latter.

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With this video, it was all made very clear. Though Elise did not sustain any injuries, she was the same

as Sheldon and Elliot; she was also a victim in that incident. The results of the incident were merely an

act of self-defense on Elise’s part.

Elliot was stunned after witnessing the video. He then tugged at the corner of Sheldon’s coat. “Weren’t

you the one who chased them away?”

Sheldon shrugged. “Since the Boss wanted to keep a low profile, I had no other options but to comply.”

“Damn you! Then why didn’t you stop me from serving you?!”

“Wasn’t that of your own free will? I certainly did not force you to say that you will even give me a baby.”

“You—! Despicable!”

Elliot then went at him with his arms around the neck. Quietly, both of them started making a fuss.

The air in the classroom had gradually changed as well.

“I knew that our goddess was innocent! Just look! How could that beautiful face of hers possibly utter

violence to be inflicted on another?”

“How dare they bully someone from our class? Who was that group of people? We should go and settle

the score with them!”

“The other party seems to have some injuries to their leg, but Elliot sustained injuries to the head! Who

will be responsible if he has some kind of head trauma in the future? Those people are just too ruthless!”

“Elise is so brave for saving the two of them alone!”

As Sophie continued listening to the praises for Elise, her mind started spiraling as she sat on pins and

needles. Wha— What is the meaning of this? Weren’t the surveillance footage deleted already? How did

she manage to get a hold of it?!

Martin was speechless as he froze in shock over the video. How could this be? Elise was actually an

innocent party? Impossible. Why would Sophie try to frame Elise?!

Though his mind was still in confusion over the truth of the matter, his pride—of always being composed

and calm—forced him to show not a hint of panic in his expression.

Leon nodded in satisfaction before casting an approving glance at Elise. “Splendid, Miss Sinclair. You

have not disappointed me!”

After a pause, he then turned his attention to Martin and posed his question casually, “Mr. Kamp, what do

you think?”