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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 657
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Chapter 657 Mrs. Keller

“How is it, Mr. Kamp? How many mistakes did she make?” Mason anxiously stood beside Martin. He had

already made up his mind. As long as Elise managed to score a hundred points and above, he would

allow her to remain in the Elite Class even if he had to burn his bridges with Martin.

Martin lowered his eyes, looking as though he had seen a ghost. He weakly murmured, “Full marks.”

“Full marks!?” Mason was ecstatic. He immediately snatched up the test paper and reviewed the

answers excitedly. When he saw the final question, he happily grinned from ear to ear. Not only did Elise

answer the question, but she also answered the question correctly.

She is a genius! She really is a genius! Given enough time, she will have more extraordinary

achievements than me! No, she will stand above everybody else in the classroom!

“This is amazing! Miss Sinclair, I hereby announce that you can remain in the Elite Class!” He

emotionally announced.

“But, Mr. Young…”

“Mr. Kamp, please refrain from speaking.” When Martin tried to stir up further trouble, Mason immediately

cut Martin off. “If my memory serves me right, you were in charge of safekeeping the answer sheets last

night. Given your attitude toward Miss Sinclair, it’s also possible that you were the one who tampered

with her answer sheet. Do you want me to report this matter to the principal so that he can perform a

thorough investigation?”

Martin panicked when he heard those words and immediately changed his tune. “Mr. Young, what are

you talking about? I am a teacher. How can I possibly do something like that!? You might have

misunderstood my words. I meant to say that Miss Sinclair has such good scores and strong learning

abilities. Therefore, we should not only keep such a good student in this class but also entrust her with

some important responsibilities. Perhaps, we can appoint her as the class leader or something.”

Mason rolled his eyes. How amazing. He’s gone and said all the good things now.

Martin was very thick-skinned. He ignored Mason’s reaction and cleared his throat before shyly turning to

Elise and making nice with her. “Miss Sinclair, are you willing to take up some responsibilities in the

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“Mr. Kamp, are you asking me?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and lifted her chin arrogantly.

To sum things up, the meaning behind this question was equivalent to, “Are you begging me?”

Various expressions of fury flitted across his face, creating an absolutely fascinating sight as he could not

stomach her arrogant appearance. Unfortunately, if he failed to coax her well and she brought this matter

to the principal’s attention, Kenneth might even be summoned as a result. He would only bring a great

deal of trouble down upon himself. It’s not worth it.

Thus, he forced a smile on his face and spoke in an ingratiating manner. “That’s right. Just think of it as

helping the teachers and taking care of the students in the class.”

“Haha…” Elise laughed wildly. Then, her expression abruptly turned cold. She expressionlessly said, “I’m

not free.”

He was thoroughly rejected even though he was only trying to please, and his expression froze on his

face. Then, after gaping like a goldfish awkwardly, he could only take the attitude and remained silent.

“Alright then. Since Miss Sinclair is reluctant, then let’s not force her. The lessons for today will end here.

So, everyone is free to go.” Mason waved his hand to indicate for the others to leave.

Martin was the first to turn around and walk out as though escaping from something.

Mason held Elise’s answer sheet in his hand as though he were handling some sort of treasure. Then,

he turned around, walked back to the podium, and carefully placed the answer sheet into his briefcase.

“Yes! Elise, we can continue to be classmates!” Mica happily ran over to congratulate Elise.

Elise pursed her lips and smiled. At that moment, Stefan happened to pass by in front of her. So, she

called out to him. “Mr. Reilly.”

“Can I help you, Miss Sinclair?” Stefan stopped in his tracks and said indifferently.

“Thank you. Both for today and the last time,” she said sincerely.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” he replied.

After they finished speaking, they stood facing each other for a moment. Then, the atmosphere between

them suddenly became awkward.

Elise had heard the whispered conversation among the students earlier to some extent. A young man’s

love was pure and genuine, but she could not reciprocate such feelings.

She was wondering how to turn him down gently to prevent hurting his self-esteem. But, she was also

worried that she might be overthinking things. It would only embarrass them both if she rashly mentioned

something like that.

After a brief period of silence, Stefan seemed to realize her concerns and took the initiative to explain.

“Miss Sinclair, please don’t worry. I don’t have any other intentions toward you. I simply cherish your

talents. I knew that you were the only person in this class whose abilities surpassed mine. You didn’t let

me down after all.”

Her nervousness suddenly evaporated, and she burst out laughing. “Thank you.”

He was probably the kind of person who respected others like himself. He would only help due to logic

and not due to emotions. For that reason, people like him generally received great respect from those

around them.

“If you really want to thank me, then bring more challenging questions to discuss with me in the future.”

After saying that, he nodded at the other two in greeting and walked out.



Outside the small white building, Elliot chewed on some chewing gum and squatted on a marble slab

with his bag on his back. He was wallowing in boredom as he waited for Sheldon to come out of the


When the students of the Elite Class passed by and saw him, they grinned and teased him in a joking


“Mrs. Keller! Why haven’t you left?”

“Elliot, I hope you don’t wait so long that you turn into stone! Hahahaha!”

“F*ck off!” Elliot leaped off the marble slab. “If you talk nonsense again, I will rip your mouth to pieces!”

“Oh, my! Mrs. Keller, you’re so fierce! Can’t you take a joke!?” One of the male students fearlessly

provoked him.

“Fred Pearce! I’m going to kill you! Stand right there!”

Elliot chased after that student and rounded a corner. Then, all of a sudden, the boy shifted directions.

Unable to dodge in time, he ran straight into Alexander, who was walking over from the opposite side. He

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was sent flying and fell to his butt.

“Ow…” He rubbed his chest where he had been bumped, and his small face was scrunched up in pain.

“Who is so blind!?”

When he opened his eyes to see Alexander’s face in front of him, he abruptly swallowed nervously and

immediately forced the words on the tip of his tongue down. Then, he smiled charmingly. “Mr. Griffith…”

Alexander stood there and raised an eyebrow at Elliot. He looked at Elliot suspiciously. “What did that

person call you just now?”

“It’s nothing.” Elliot climbed up from the floor and muttered under his breath. “Why is this man’s body as

tough as a wall?”

“What did you say?” Alexander asked again.

“No! Nothing!” Elliot hurriedly explained.

Last time, Alexander beat Sheldon so badly that he could not get out of bed for three days. That incident

remained fresh in Elliot’s mind. So, he did not dare to mess around with this guy.

At this time, Elise walked out with Mica and Sheldon in tow.

“What are you talking about?’

“It’s all because of you…” Elliot complained with an aggrieved expression. “This is great. Now everybody

thinks that I have feelings for Sheldon…”

“Pfft.” Mica couldn’t help bursting into laughter and made fun of him. “Don’t you?”

“How is that possible!? Even if all the people in the world died, I wouldn’t fall in love with him, okay!?” He


“Hey!” Sheldon was abruptly lit with pettiness. “Is it embarrassing to like me now? I haven’t settled this

debt with you! Why didn’t you say you were jealous of Boss or something!? Why did you have to mention

me!? How am I supposed to get a girlfriend in the future!?”

“Did you think I didn’t want to!?” Elliot howled loudly. “If I said…” If I said that I like Elise and this

conversation spreads to Alexander, then won’t he beat me up to the point of becoming a cripple!?

“Forget it.” He felt so upset that he wanted to cry, but all he could do was comfort himself. Heroes will

always have to carry a heavier burden than the non-heroes.