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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 683
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Chapter 683 Losing to You Isn’t So Bad

The slight sense of guilt that Sofia had felt earlier instantly dissipated when she heard this. She reached

to grab fistfuls of Maya’s hair and knocked the girl’s head against the ground as she screeched, “Who

are you calling a skank? I ought to wash your mouth out with soap!”

One would be wise not to underestimate the strength packed into a female professor’s punches because

it didn’t take long for Maya to be knocked into a daze.

“Better yield now if you know what’s good for you!” Sofia yelled aggressively. “Yield!”

“I will not yield to a lowly servant like you! Go screw yourself!” Maya’s mind cleared up with each word

that she bit out. Instead, she seized the opportunity to fight back when Sofia was briefly distracted. She

reached up with both arms, put Sofia in a headlock, and pulled her down. Then, without warning, she

clamped her teeth down on the girl’s ear.

“Ow! That hurts! Are you some kind of a rabid mutant dog? Let go!” Sofia shrieked, but the more she

cried out in pain, the more it encouraged Maya. She was biting so hard that if she bit down any harder,

she might just draw blood.

At a disadvantage, Sofia had no choice but to brace through the pain and tighten her grip on Maya’s hair.

Cries of agony and screams echoed throughout the living room. Even the maid couldn’t help shuddering

when she gave the two fighting women a wide berth as she brought Elise her oatmeal.

“Here you go, Mrs. Griffith,” she announced as she set the bowl of oatmeal down on the coffee table.

“Your oatmeal.”

Elise picked up the bowl and stirred the oatmeal insouciantly, adding fuel to the fire as she called out,

“Oh, Maya, why can’t you just get over yourself? Miss Hawkins here is practically hand-picked by my

mother-in-law, and if anything happens to her, I can’t guarantee you would be safe from Madeline’s

wrath. So, just back down for your own sake, Maya. Don’t go looking for trouble.”

Had she not mentioned Madeline, then perhaps Maya would have listened to reason, but now, she was

angrier than ever.

Once upon a time, Madeline had picked on Elise on more than one occasion just to protect Maya, and

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now, all the preferential treatment had gone to Sofia instead! There was no way Maya could swallow this

bitter pill. But, suddenly, it was as if she unlocked some power in her as she managed to flip Sofia over

and pin her to the ground with shocking strength, then rained punches down on her mercilessly.

“I’ll beat you to death! I hate you, and I want to kill you! What are you going to do about it? So what if you

have a prestigious degree? Do you think you’re so eligible even at this age? You said your dad’s some

high-ranking official, right? Give me a name! Come on, see if you dare! I’ll post it on social media

tomorrow and tell everyone how his skank of a daughter beat up another innocent person! Let’s see if he

gets to keep his job after that!”

Maya could feel her adrenaline spiking with each angry word that tumbled out of her mouth. She was

incensed when she saw that Sofia had managed to dodge and block all her punches and slaps, so she

started spitting on the girl’s face instead.

She continued spitting as she cursed, “You’re nothing but a piece of trash! To hell with your fancy double-

degree Ph.D.!”

“You b*tch!” Sofia screamed when she felt spit on her face. She had lost all sense of decorum at this

point as she scrambled off the floor and pinned Maya down on it once more, then began to choke her. “I

hate it when people spit on my face when they speak! And you call yourself a woman?! You disgusting

wench! I ought to strangle you!”

When one descended into a maniacal rage as Sofia did, adrenaline would surge and make the person

more forceful than usual. More importantly, Maya was petite and never Sofia’s match, to begin with. Now

that she was being throttled, she could only wield her weak punches against Sofia’s arm.

It was only when Maya looked like she was about to pass out that Elise beckoned for the maid to pull the

girls apart.

The fight ended with both women hauled into the ambulance and ferried over to the hospital.

Elise had no choice but to go along with them as she was the household’s mistress.

Presently, Maya and Sofia were in the doctor’s suite getting their injuries treated while Elise waited for

them in the hallway.

Just then, Alexander called her. “Why aren’t you home?”

“I’m at the hospital right now,” she explained.

“What are you doing there? Did something happen? Which hospital is that?”

“Natural Hospital, the one closest to our place. I’m—” She was cut off by the beeping sound on the other

line when Alexander hung up in a hurry. She stared at the home screen on her phone in amusement.

At that moment, Sofia walked out of the doctor’s office first. She had a couple of scratch marks on her

forehead, which the doctor had fixed up with some antiseptic and band-aids, and coupled with her

tousled hair and torn dress; she looked like a right mess.

However, she appeared to be completely at ease as she sauntered down the hallway like a thug who

had won a street fight, though, in all fairness, Maya was more roughed-up than she was.

Elise glanced at Sofia in mild disinterest and made no effort to speak to her.

Despite this, Sofia called out loudly, “Hey!”

Elise held her phone as she stood to the side and asked forthrightly, “What is it? You still got some of that

adrenaline, huh? Do you want to fight me or something?”

Sofia laughed when she heard this and waved her hand to deny this. “Nah, not today. I’m wiped. I’ll beat

you up some other time.”

Elise flashed her a good-natured smile and asked, “So why did you call me then?”

Sofia let out a long sigh, and when she gazed at Elise, it was with admiration and sincerity. “Nothing. I

just wanted to let you know that you should start looking for a new housekeeper. I quit.”

“Really? So soon? Surely Maya couldn’t have scared you that much,” Elise pointed out in amusement.

“You have no idea how little I think of that wench,” Sofia said, chortling as she shook her head.

“Personally, letting you beat me doesn’t sound half as bad as letting that stupid Maya win,” she mused


Elise couldn’t help laughing at this. “Is that a compliment?”

“Kind of,” Sofia admitted. Then, she reached out and patted Elise on the arm in a show of

sportsmanship, then said, “I’m backing out of this competition for good. Maya won’t be the only woman

you’ll have to watch out for. Heaven knows how many more of them are there. Good luck with dealing

with them, and take care.”

With that, she shrugged off her jacket and slung it over her shoulder, then walked away with an

astounding air of confidence.

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Elise took in the girl’s cavalier attitude as she watched her leave and smiled for some reason.

Not long after Sofia left, Alexander arrived.

He rushed over to Elise and examined her from head to toe, then front to back. He even circled her once

just to make sure she was completely unharmed. After he concluded that she was fine, he breathed a

breath of relief and said, “I’m glad you’re okay.” But then, he recalled what the maid had told him when

he called home earlier and instantly turned grim. “Where are Sofia and Maya?”

It was bad enough that these two women had been stirring up trouble for a while now, but to fight in his

home was crossing the line.

“Sofia just left,” Elise answered. “And as for Maya…” The name had only just slipped past her lips when

she glanced at the doctor’s office and saw that the person in question was walking out. She jerked her

chin in Maya’s direction and said, “She’s right there.”

Alexander glowered in Maya’s direction mutinously, and there was no hiding the contempt and disgust in

his eyes.

Maya looked pathetic with her hair mussed and tangled, and the fight had smudged her make-up.

Startled, she kept her head down as she quietly padded over to where Alexander and Elise were, not

daring to meet the former’s icy gaze at all.

She had wanted to sneak past them unnoticed, but when she drew closer to them and tried to give them

a wide berth, Alexander snapped, “Stop.” There was not a trace of warmth in his voice.

She winced and halted in her steps. “What is it?” she asked so softly that it was almost like she was

speaking to herself.

“Who said you could go by my place?” Alexander was intimidating, and the air around him crackled with

angry energy. But, he didn’t wait for her response before threatening darkly, “Your father is still receiving

treatment in rehab, right? So, let this be my final warning to you—don’t ever show up in front of me

again, or I can’t promise that your father will keep living.”

At the mention of her father, Maya stiffened and looked up in shock. She wanted to confront and

question him, but in the end, she said nothing. Instead, she swallowed her words along with her

bitterness, then turned to leave the hospital in defeated silence.