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Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 251: Is war just?
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Long Fei then checked the structure of the thatched hut, and found that there was a secret passage under the thatched hut.

Long Fei roughly guessed what happened.

"Tao Xiang, do you have a tranquilizer on you?"

"There is a dose."

"You turn on the stealth function, and when the child is not paying attention, give him a dose of tranquilizer, and then hand him over to the guerrillas."

"What's wrong?"

"You deal with it first, and I'll tell you later."

Long Fei went on to check other thatched huts or wooden huts.

It was found that some houses had dark passages.

"It seems that this village is supposed to help the guerrillas who were attacked by the U.S. Army in retaliation."

"Fei, I've got that kid done, it's a little boy, sleeping."


Long Fei arranged for his subordinates to contact the guerrillas and come to take the boy away.

"Fei, this village must have been attacked, right?" Tao Xiang asked in a disturbed tone.

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"That's right, this village may be helping the guerrillas, which may lead to the massacre of the village by the US Army."

Tao Xiang took a breath.

"I don't know if it was lucky or unfortunate that the little boy survived, maybe he witnessed the massacre of the whole village, he..."

Tao Xiang interrupted: "Don't talk about it, the people will always suffer in wars, the people who suffer and suffer are the people, and they hurt the most."

Soon, the guerrillas came with a helicopter.

Tao Xiang hugged the sleeping little boy.

Several guerrilla soldiers came down from the helicopter, and several guerrilla soldiers looked at Tao Xiang and Long Fei who were covered all over. One of the guerrilla soldiers took the little boy from Tao Xiang's hands.

One of the red-haired guerrilla soldiers looked sad when he saw the little boy.

Long Fei turned on the voice changer and asked, "The little boy you know?"

The red-haired guerrilla soldier nodded and said: "I came to this village two months ago. At that time, this village helped our guerrillas. The people here have a good relationship with us, and they all work at sunrise. Villagers who rest at sunset."

"I didn't expect that shortly after I left, I received news that they were attacked by the U.S. National Army in Tucun. The U.S. Army did not spare even the old, the weak, women and children."

"What about the bodies of the villagers who were massacred?"

"Later, our guerrillas searched and found that they were all thrown in a deep ditch, and there were many corpses. They showed expressions of fear after death."

"Then how did this child survive for two months?"

"Maybe it's eating the wild fruit here. Now I'm only worried about this kid, can he still be normal?"

"..." Long Fei didn't speak any more.

Tao Xiang beside her clenched her fists tightly.

Watching the guerrilla soldiers carrying the little boy into the helicopter and leaving the scene.

Long Fei reached out and patted Tao Xiang's shoulder: "Let's go."

"Fei, war is really selfish. The people who suffer are the common people. There is no so-called justice in war, right?"

"Is it justice? Every country and every person has their own justice. Whose justice is correct depends on their entire actions, the meaning of their entire connotation, and their roots."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"go ahead."

"If you were given a country, or you could create a country, what would you do?"

Long Fei looked at Tao Xiang and thought for a few seconds, then replied: "First of all, I will find a way to make my country rich and powerful, especially in terms of military, it must be very strong, because a rich country must have a strong military force ,A strong military force will not be attacked by other countries. In the past few years, you have seen wars in many places. The strong country eats the weak country, and the weak country eats the weaker country. Have you ever seen two countries with equal strength fight? Get up? Or a country to challenge a country stronger than itself?"

Tao Xiang understood what Long Fei said, and then Long Fei continued: "Peace is achieved by fighting, and only peace that is achieved is peace. Peace that relies on compromise is not peace. Why are the South American Allies being strengthened by the United States?" The destruction of the United States means that the South American Allies relied on compromise and concessions in the early days, allowing the United States to encroach and push forward step by step, and finally led to today's situation."

Tao Xiang nodded and said nothing more.

The two returned to their respective Gundams to return to the mothership.

Brigadier General Ai Sisi is preparing to command the fleet to go north at this moment. The goal is a fortress called Bagan. As long as this fortress is taken down, half of the logistical supplies of the US Tadeng Lijian National Army can be destroyed, and they can even cut off an important one. support route.

On the other side, the electromagnetic orbital elevator of the former South American Allies is currently guarded by an army-level fleet of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps, and the other two army-level fleets of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps are preparing to land at two different locations on the South American continent.

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At present, many military experts have already seen that the Tianyi Mercenary Group must have taken money from the former South American Allies.

The military experts are now assessing how long it will take for the Tianyi mercenary group to drive the American army out of the South American continent.

Some experts speculate 10 days, others speculate 15 days.

Of course, some experts also speculate that if the electromagnetic orbital elevator in the United States is occupied by the Tianyi mercenary group within five days.

Then, all the American National Army on the South American continent will mainly withdraw, and return to the mainland to prepare to take back the local electromagnetic orbital elevator.

On the other side, Yue Yangchun's fleet is the second fleet of the first small group army of the mother base.

Their task is to take down a fortress base of the American Tower Lightning Kingdom when they are preparing to land on the South American continent. As long as they take down the fortress base, the troops on the left and right sides of the American Tower Lightning Army will be unable to interact with each other. rescue.

Then, wait for the **** fleet to join them.

The **** fleet is heading to Fort Bagan at this moment.

The Bagan Fortress is surrounded by forests.

Brigadier General Ai Sisi broke up the **** fleet into five fleets, and the fleets were codenamed Zhan 1~Zhan 5.

Moreover, contact the local guerrillas, send some ground troops, and follow the guerrillas to move towards the destination in different directions.

Bagen Fortress has five bases for protection.

In the nearby villages around the five bases, villagers in some local villages have been driven away. (Possibly a massacred village)

Some villages were pretended to be local villagers by the National Army of the United States. (The U.S. military race of American tower lamps pretending to be villagers is of South American descent).

Then, in some towns near the villages (occupied by the National Army of the United States), some National Army troops of South American descent pretended to be local townspeople.

When Brigadier General Ai Sisi sent some ground troops to follow the guerrillas, the leader of the guerrillas gave Brigadier Ai Sisi a suggestion.

It is to select members of the ground forces who look more like South American mainlanders, or members of South American continental blood as members of this combat mission. It is best to understand Nanba, the common language of South American mainlanders, so that they will not be attacked by the enemy. Fang troops suspected.

Brigadier General Ai Sisi accepted the other party's suggestion and picked out people who looked like or had South American blood as the troops for this mission, and then gave these troops an order to let them study Nanba as much as possible in their spare time. language and Nanba script.