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Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 276: Settlement adjuster
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The United States has signed a bunch of unequal conditions. Experts and commentators on current affairs from various countries have commented that after the United States signs these conditions, it will only become a big and weak country from today.

And what some current affairs commentators don't understand is that the second condition offered by the mercenary group actually requires the United States to pay war reparations and land cession to the European and Asian Crusaders and the South American Allies.

Many experts couldn't understand why the Tianyi mercenary group didn't have this condition when they first negotiated, and didn't have this condition until they offered more conditions for the second time.

It doesn't look like the act of upholding justice for the Rhineman Emirates at that time.

Later, the Tianyi Mercenary Corps also explained on the official website that the 8 conditions set out in the first negotiation had already been expected to be rejected by the US authorities, so they would not release these conditions.

During the next fight, they decided to violently attack the United States. At that time, they would not only accept the eight conditions set before, but they would accept more conditions.

The Ouya Cross Country, which still wants to implement the Nemesis Plan, under the Pope's persuasion and persuasion, let those who are the main fighters also put down their revenge on the United States.

When the South American Allies talked about the contract signed by the three giants and Long Fei, after returning to power, many ministers and related interest organizations did not agree with these conditions. .

But the Big Three didn't want to negotiate anymore, because after seeing the military strength of the Tianyi Mercenary Group, if they wanted to negotiate again, it might be possible for the Tianyi Mercenary Group to directly adjust their guns and kill them directly.

However, these people and related organizations below could not agree to it, and the rotating chairman Miroslav had no choice but to discuss it with Long Fei.

Long Fei didn't want to embarrass the other party, and didn't want to waste time, so he decided to let the United States pay reparations to the South American Allies by the way.

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Given the indemnities received by the South American Allies, the ceded territory and some sea areas, these officials and interested organizations no longer objected to the previously negotiated treaty requirements when they knew that the Tianyi Group was not involved.

Anyway, since there are huge benefits in front of them now, those things before are not important to them.

The people of the South American Allies and the Eurasian Cross Country have a very high evaluation of the Tianyi Mercenary Group, and are grateful to this private armed organization for upholding justice for them.

The non-democratic media has portrayed the Tianyi mercenary group as a mercenary group that has great strength but will uphold justice.

The media in the democratic camp portrayed the Tianyi Mercenary Group as an evil private armed organization, portrayed the Tianyi Group as an evil group, and the leader, Long Fei, was a representative of evil.

After the United States, one of the three giants of the democratic camp, was overthrown, the comprehensive strength of the democratic camp at this moment has been greatly reduced.

The 16th sub-base of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps was built in the South American Allies.

The 17th sub-base is built in the mainland of the United States, and the 17th sub-base is quite special, and some molecular bases are built in different areas of the United States, the purpose is to monitor the United States country dynamics.

The 18th sub-base was built in the city on the moon in the former United States.

As for the three space colony satellites of the former United States, they are going to be auctioned at this moment, and the one with the highest price will win.

On Long Fei's side, he was preparing to leave the earth circle and return to his home base.

Long Fei and Tao Xiang communicated with Long Xuan in the room.

"Second Sister, how are you, Eldest Sister, and Third Sister? Has the imperial government bothered you?"

Long Xuan shrugged and said: "Since your mercenary group defeated the United Kingdom and forced them to sign those unequal conditions, let alone my local officials, even the prime ministers and ministers in the central government have They are here to curry favor with us, so let’s just talk about me, Miss Longxuan’s former Miss Longxuan and her later counterparts call me that, and hope to use us as a springboard to meet you.”

"Needless to say, I know their purpose."

"Yeah, having said that, I probably don't have much time recently, so take a good rest, my eldest sister knows that."

"..." Long Fei didn't speak, Tao Xiang behind him nodded towards Long Xuan.

"Brothers and sisters, you have to keep an eye on him these few days and let him have a good rest, otherwise the elder sister will be very worried."

"I will, Second Sister."

Long Fei yawned unknowingly at this time.

"Look, you are really tired." Long Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Long Fei.

"Okay, okay, I'll take a break first."

Long Fei was resting on the bed, Tao Xiang walked out of the room with the tablet, and continued talking with Long Xuan.

After resting for several hours, Long Fei woke up from the bed, took a look at his mobile phone, and saw a report from Sakeqi.

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The Han Xia Empire decided to purchase Weida and Gunn mobile phones that can be used on both land and water.

On the other side, Li Jiaming returned to the mother base earlier than Long Fei, and had to settle the adjusters he brought.

There are 200,000 adjusters.

As for the problem of adjusting people, there is no problem in terms of settling in. There is no problem in arranging housing, arranging some jobs and so on. The adjusting people in childhood can let them go to school like ordinary children.

The headache is the problem of adjusting people's ID cards.

Li Jiaming can only go to the Kingdom of Mikaang, the Kingdom of Zoek, and the Kingdom of Nicklon to discuss with the kings of these three countries and arrange ID cards for these adjustments.

For the adjusters, the kings of the Three Kingdoms have always been somewhat resistant, but after learning that Commander Li Jiaming will not send these adjusters to their countries, they just need an ID card. These adjusters are just meteorites around the mother base. Transform district living.

The kings of the Three Kingdoms sold favors to Li Jiaming very enthusiastically here, and also sold favors to Long Fei by the way, and opened up a large number of these ID cards to the adjusters. (At that time, the exiled refugees who were taken in also got their ID cards from these three kingdoms.)

For this reason, Long Fei asked some companies of Tianyi Group to invest or increase investment in these three kingdoms.

Moreover, Li Jiaming sent a message on behalf of Long Fei, informing all employees of Tianyi Group, especially the mother base, that they must not have any behavior or speech that discriminates against adjusters, and must be treated equally.

The adjuster can choose to join the mercenary group, work in the meteorite area, or work in any of the subsidiaries of the Tianyi Group.

The children have also started to arrange for them to go to school. The sudden increase of children caused Li Jiaming to ask Long Fei to remake some meteorites and hire teachers to teach.

Although Meitadeng Lijian country has received a large amount of investment from Tianyi Group at this time, the authorities are not happy at all. Looking at the huge amount of benefits in front of them, their country can't get a dime of tax, so they can only stare blankly.

Moreover, the Self-Defense Forces, like the South American Allies, can only purchase Jim 2 and various series of daggers.

On the other hand, Long Fei tried to rest as much as possible on the way back, because there were still a lot of things to deal with, so he tried to rest as much as possible while he was able to rest at this time.