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Dear Ex-wife Marry Me by Twin Bridge

Chapter 1060
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Chapter 1060

Maja couldn’t believe how assertively lan had brought Rocky back.

Rocky was much like him- tough and proud with strangers but instantly obedient in his presence

They were back at Rosewood Manor at that time, and lan, frustrated, swatted Rocky on his rump

“Turning to someone else as your master so easily, what’s the use of raising you!”

After saying that, his hand came down harder.

Maja sat to the side, a fruit platter prepared by Maria in her hand. She ate a piece, and seeing lan like that, she

couldn’t help but imagine that he’d be just as disappointed in their own son in the future

Heat flushed her face

lan didn’t notice her internal turmoil as he was focusing solely on scolding Rocky

Rocky, trying to appease him, lay down and wagged his body, hoping to calm lan’s anger

lan, amused and annoyed, was about to continue his lecturing when he noticed another white figure darting

towards Maja

It was Coco, who, having been by Maja’s side for so many years, knew exactly how to win over her affection.

She rested her head on Maja’s knee, her ears twitching.

Whenever Maja was upset before. Coco would do that to cheer her up

Looking at Coco, Maja’s heart softened, and she gently stroked Coco’s head.

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“Coco, good girl”

Seeing that, lan felt a pang of jealousy.

The pet given by his romantic rival knew exactly how to please Maja, while his own Rocky had silently accepted

another woman as his master

His frustration grew more and more

He shoved Rocky aside and gave him punishment for his betrayal,

“No food for two days!

Rocky seemed to understand that trying to please lan was useless at that point, so he quickly squeezed next to

Maja, pushing Coco away and laying his head on her lap

Maja was taken aback

When Coco did that, it was cute and obedient

But when Rocky did it, Maja couldn’t help but think that if he could talk, he’d be saying. “I’ve come this far, you

better pet me, don’t be ungrateful”

Her gaze fell on lan as she curiously asked.

“Did Rocky always follow you around?”

If it hadn’t been the case how could he have picked up on lans temperament so accurately?

Seeing Rocky like that lans anger dissipated a bit Perhaps Rocky could be trained after all.


He wanted to use her good mood to bring up the topic of getting a health check–up again, but the moment he

opened ha mouth, Maja withdes her hand and began quietly stroking Rocky’s head

She knew exactly what he wanted to say so every cell in her body was screaming defiance

lan opened his mouth grabbed her hand again, but in the end wasn’t able to get words out of his mouth.

At night. Maja turned her back to him in bed

lan knew that she was upset so he contacted Tyler and asked if they could organize i

Maja had rarely participated in such events before, au Tyler tunediately agreed, sugger

lan relayed that to Maja, and she seerned quite excited t

about that

the countryande

The countryside track was usually used by wealthy young people for racing. The envesment was beautiful, but the

herren was treacherok

Maja sat in the passenger seat Rocky occupying the back

As they were about to leave, Rocky kept nuzzling her foot clearly eage

Coco was also wildly wagging her tail from the side. Maja was worried that a hadn’t fully recoverts

that time

so she only brought fucky

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Before leaving Coco behind, she gave her a long, affectionate on the head, wearing to the heavens that Coco was

still her favorite dog

Chapter 1060

Whether Coco understood or not, after making her oath, she took Rocky and get into the

Rocky was massive, and wouldn’t fit in a regular sedan, so lan had specially brought another Bentley that had been

modifed just to accommodate Rocky

As Maja got into the passenger seat, he teased. “Coco is your favorita dog?

His jealousy was palpable

“Coco can’t come with us, so of course I have to say momarthing nice to combat hart

lan fell silent his hands resting on the steering wheat

The winding mountain road was inno spanning depans of milles. It was said that there was a chandah

the owner for vacations

And every yea: the wealth, young people would gather then for a meat en

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Maja had onk heard about that an hour before departure from Þyan Elston

She had astumeri that few people would participate in that activity but when they arved in the evening de found

guita being the most noticeable in the center

lan’s face darkened at the night his gaze landing on Tyler

Tyler shrugged indicating that he didn’t invite her there