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Divorce is the Best Choice

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77 Sarah was his childhood sweetheart After saying that, she kissed him.

Jason was awakened by anger.

He was so angry that he took out his phone and looked at the time. It was only five o’clock in the

morning. He pinched his nose

tiredly. Finally, he took his coat and walked into the room where Edwin was. After throwing him out of

bed, Jason lay down and fell


This time, he finally had a good sleep.

Edwin, who was thrown to the ground, was in a daze, “?”

“Who was he? What happened to him? Why was he on the ground?”

These questions did not last long in his mind. He was so sleepy that he turned over and fell asleep

directly on the ground. There was a fluffy carpet on the ground, which was warm enough.

The next morning

Eve was the first one to wake up.

After washing and dressing, she went downstairs. She was always sleepy in the month of her

pregnancy, but recently she had rarely slept.

She sat in the living room, holding her cell phone to reply. Before she could reply a few messages, a

displeased and cold voice suddenly sounded, “Why are you here?”

Sarah paused.


When she looked up, she saw Edgar

At that moment, she panicked and stood up unconsciously

“…” She wanted to explain, but when she saw his face, she remembered what he had told her before.

“Why didn’t I find out that you had such a means before? You even managed to get into the private

party.” Edgar misunderstood and came to her side with a chill. “You are here to look for Jason, Robert

or Nate?”

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“Mr.Shawn asked me to take care of, explained Eve

Edgar got angry and said, “Did you come just because he asked you to? You stay in his room last

night, didn’t you?”

“No.” Eve didn’t want to be misunderstood, “He asked me to take care of…”

“Did you have an abortion?” Edgar asked indifferently, looking at her in a terrible low pressure.

Eve froze.

Subconsciously, she stood far away from him.

“It seems that you didn’t.” There was only coldness in his narrow eyes, but his gentle and slow tone

made people unable to breathe.

Eve took two steps back and confronted him, “This is my child. You have no right to kill it.”

“Why didn’t you think about it when you cheated on me?” Edgar looked at her coldly and sneered, “I’ll

take you to the hospital later. You don’t have to threaten me with suicide. It’s useless.”

He had endured it before

But this time, he would not let her do anything she wanted.

Eve panicked, “How dare you!”

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“Do you think I dare or not?” said Edgar with a fierce look in his eyes, which was different from the time

when he was with Jason.

“If you dare to hurt my child, I will hate you for the rest of my life!” said Eve without confidence. She

knew that these words could not

threaten him at all.

His heart ached, but he didn’t show it on his face. With a cold smile at the corners of his mouth, he

sneered, “If you want to hate me, then do it. I won’t keep the bastard.”

While talking.

Edgar took out his phone and made a call.

He asked his assistant to contact the private hospital to prepare for the abortion operation, and he

would bring Eve there immediately.

When Eve heard this, a panic arose in her heart. She knew very well that she couldn’t escape from the

decision of Edgar!

She couldn’t run away from this suburb.

All the people in the villa were his friends. She couldn’t ask for help.

As for Sarah, she couldn’t drag her into this anymore.

“Do you want me to tie you up and get in the car by yourself?” said Edgar. Every step he took made her

feel scared and want to


“You can’t abort my child.” Her eyes were red with anxiety, and the joints of her hands holding the

phone were pale. “This child is yours!”

Edgar sneered.

The mockery in his eyes became more obvious. He put his hand on her cold face and said, “I was on a

business trip abroad during that time. How did you get pregnant with my child?”

Eve bit her lips with red eyes.

*As long as you have an abortion and stays with me, I will give you everything you want, even if you

want to be famous.” Edgar said in a soft tone, wiping her tears with his warm fingers

Eve shook her head.

She didn’t want to be flattered, nor did she want to stay with him. She only wanted the baby.

“Be a good girl,” said Edgar. He was like a demon, full of danger. “Go to the hospital with me.”

“No, I won 1.” Eve refused. She kept a distance from him and had never been so panic.

Edgar’s palm was still warm, and his eyes were getting deeper and deeper. His words seemed to come

from a cold winter. “Don’t force me to use force.”

Eve was in a stalemate with him.

At this moment.

Robert went downstairs.

Noticing that there was obviously something wrong between the two people in the living room, he didn’t

think too much. He just asked, “How is Sarah?”

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1She is sleeping when I got up.” Eve replied calmly, but an idea came to her mind at this moment.

Hearing this, Edgar glanced at the two people. From the words, he knew that Eve was called by Robert

to take care of Sarah.

What did he do.

He couldn’t take care of his wife by himself?

“Thank you for your help last night,” said Robert politely and gentlemanly in suit.

Eve said indifferently, “It’s my pleasure.”

Edgar got emotional again.

What did she mean by ‘It’s my pleasure‘?

What was the relationship between her and Robert? How could she take care of the woman she didn’t

know just because of his words.

“I’ve heard that Mr. Shawn doesn’t like women before. Now it seems that the rumor is not true.” Said

Edgar in a dandiacal tone, but his eyes were a little deep. “I didn’t expect that you have so many

female friends.”

Robert, ‘?‘

Eve was speechless.

He must be insane!

“How did Mr. Shawn know Eve?” Edgar asked again, looking straight into his eyes.

Robert, a shrewd man, immediately saw the relationship between Edgar and Eve. “Miss Kent is a friend

of Sa, so I knew her.”

Edgar was shocked.

Was Eve and Sarah friends?

“What? Don’t you know that Miss Kent and Sa are friends?” Robert said calmly.

“Of course I know.” Edgar didn’t blush even when he was lying, “I just didn’t expect that the way you

make friends is so special. Do you know all of Sarah’s friends?”

“Almost. Robert smiled and said naturally.

He grew up with Sarah and knew friends of each other.

Only Eve was a friend made later.

Edgar wanted to open the man’s mind and see what he was thinking about and how he could say such

words calmly.