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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 136
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Chapter 0136

“Mommy where are we going?” Noah asks me as I lock our house.

I hadn’t planned on this little trip, but I knew it was something that I needed to do. Nora

and Theo have been calling me for days. They wanted a relationship with me, but instead I

kept keeping them at arm’s


I decided that I was going to give them a chance. After all, how was I supposed to know if

they truly loved me if I just kept pushing them away? And besides, I needed more good

people in my life.

“I want you to meet some people” I reply, taking his hand in mine as I lead him towards

my car.

As we were walking towards the car, my eyes gets caught by the moving vehicle that was

parked a few

meters down from my house.

“Looks like someone is moving in” I tell Noah. “We’re going to have a new neighbor.”

The house has been empty for months. It was similar in structure to mine with the only

difference being it

looked a bit bigger.

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“Man, I hope they have a kid my age” Noah says in excitement. “Don’t get me wrong

mom. I love this

place, but it’s full of old people”

I chuckle at that. When I picked this place, I didn’t realize we would be surrounded by

elderly people who were all up in your business. I chose this place because of the

tranquility and the big yard. The other two

kids in this community were like fifteen house down from us.

“Well baby, let’s hope so” I say as I help him get in the car and buckle up.

I get in and start the car. I was nervous and we weren’t even half way to where we were

going. I was so

used to getting hurt that I was skeptical and doubtful about anyone who wanted to get

close to me.

Pushing the nervousness away, I try to focus on driving.

“So, who are we going to see?” Noah breaks the silence bouncing in his seat.

One thing about Noah is that he doesn’t like being kept in suspense. A character that is

just like his father. He prefers knowing things in advance and doesn’t like anything that

surprises him which is a weird

character for a kid.

“You’ll just have to wait and see” I smile at him. “They are people I currently met and

they’ve been dying to

meet you”

His brows pull together in a frown. Right now he reminds me so much of Rowan. Noah was

an exact replica of his dad. It showed in the way he looked and behaved.

“Can’t you just tell me? You know I don’t like surprises” he grumbles

See what I told you? He doesn’t like not knowing.

“I promise this is going to be a good surprise” I assure him.

He was going to be so happy when he realizes he’s getting two additional grandparents.

Mainly because

he knows it will mean more gifts and love for himself. As much as he is looking forward to

having a sibling, he can’t hide that he loves being the only grandchild.

“Mommy, is dad going to marry your sister Emma?” Noah asks after a while.

My breath stills at his question.

“Probably” I mumbled.

Even though I feel the familiar pain. It isn’t as earth shattering as it used to be. I accepted

it long time

ago. Rowan wasn’t mine. He never was. He always belonged to Emma mind body and

soul. Right now they may have hit a rough patch because of her lies, but they will get back

together eventually.

Their love has spanned over a decade. It’s impossible for them not fix what’s broken.

Sooner or later, when they worked their issues, they’ll resume their romance.

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“I don’t want that. I don’t want a stepmother” he says in a small voice.

It breaks my heart to hear him so sad, but there is nothing I can do about it. Rowan and I

were wrong from the beginning. We shouldn’t have gotten married and I will always regret

that I didn’t fight harder when he

said we should marry.

Life would have been easier if I had. Instead we got married and pretended we loved each

other in front of Noah. Now he was having a hard time accepting someone else as Rowan’s

possible wife.


1 want you and dad together. You were happy together, you loved each other. Why can’t

you go back to

that?” he asks sullenly.

How do I tell him that nothing he was saying was real? That Rowan and I weren’t happy

together. That we

weren’t in love and that we played a part for his sake. How do I tell him that Rowan had

always been in

love with Emma? That my obsession with him led to them breaking up.

Right now you’re too young to understand, but when you’re older I’ll explain things, then

you’ll understand

It pained me to see the sadness in his eyes, but in this case, I have to break his little

heart. There was nothing between Rowan and I. There never was and there will never be.

Our ship went up in flames before it even got a chance to sail.