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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 158
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Chapter 0158

The moment I saw my parents on my doorstep I knew that they had seen the damn


Letty had sent me the link a few minutes after I got home. It pissed me off more than I

already was. I hadn’t been ready to let others know and the damn paparazzi had blasted it

on the entire internet.

I wasn’t even worried about the others reaction. My worry was solely on mom and dad’s

reaction. I just haven’t found a way to tell them that I was pregnant. The entire thing was

even more complicated since

Ethan was still not talking to them.

The article had disappeared a few minutes before my parents arrived. I had a strong

suspicion that

Rowan had something to do with it.

Just his name brought anger like no other. I shake the thoughts of what happened in the

changing room

and focus on my parents who were staring at me questioningly.

“You saw the article didn’t you?” I ask the obvious.

The house was quiet. Mainly because Noah wasn’t back from school yet.

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“Yes” dad responds, his eyes piercing mine.

“I know we haven’t had a lot of time with you, Ava, but why didn’t you tell us?” Mom

whispers in a small voice. “A baby is a blessing and I thought we were past the point

where you feel you can’t talk to us”

I feel how hurt she is. It hurts me to know that I’ve hurt them. They’ve been nothing but

amazing to me. The kind of parents I’ve always wanted. Always wished for. How do I

explain to them that I wanted to, I just didn’t know how to get it out?

“You have to believe that I wanted to tell you so many times, I just didn’t know how to?” I

whisper back. My eyes on my shaky hands.

Why would you have a hard time telling us?” dad brows frown in confusion. He was trying

to figure out my reasons but none seemed to be making sense.

“Because of who the father is”

I hear mom’s sharp intake of air. “You mean Rowan isn’t the father?”

Why does everyone think Rowan is the one that got me pregnant? We were divorced for

F***s sake.

Inod my head, still looking down. I didn’t know it back then but fact remains that I slept

with my adopted

difficult it is evert more messed up that Ethan knew the whole damn time and yet he still

went ahead and

slept with me.

You have to know that we will never judge you Ava. Whoever the father is, it doesn’t

matter” mom adds

when she sees I’m still hesitant.

“Even if the father of my baby is Ethan?” I choke out.

It still felt like a damn sin. Ethan and I weren’t related, but he was their son in every way.

The silence that descends is heavy. They both look at me in complete shock. Their mouths

open and

close wordlessly. As if they can’t form any word.

Damn it. I knew this was a bad idea. What if they hate me? What if they hate Ethan? I let

out a long sigh. I

also couldn’t keep it a secret from the forever.

“E–Ethan is the fa–father?” mom stammers, tears filling her eyes.

“Yes. I didn’t know that he was my adopted brother when I started a relationship with


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“But he knew!” dad booms, standing up angrily. He was fuming. It was easily written all

over his face. “Is

this why he doesn’t want to see us? I didn’t think he had gone this far. That he F***ing

seduced you

knowing very well you’re our daughter”

I’m surprised. I have never ever heard dad curse.

“He didn’t seduce me. I jumped into the relationship willingly” I tell dad, feeling my cheeks

turning pink for

some reason. T

Sure, I wouldn’t have gotten into a relationship with him had I known the truth, but he

didn’t seduce me.

Everything that happened between us was consented.

“He tricked you Ava.” Mom sighs. “Your dad is right. Ethan knew the truth, but you didn’t.

He basically seduced you knowing very well he’s your adopted brother. That was wrong of

him. Really wrong”

“I know and I’m disgusted when I think about it. He won’t stay in prison forever and I did

give him a chance to know his baby, but how will ever explain to him or her? How the hell

was I going to explain that their father is your son? Adopted or not, Ethan is still your son