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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 508
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10s sparkling clean inside. She told me hat she usually has someone come and eanitat east once a week, so1 didn't Rave a wore about havin to clean. It was alo uly furnished given Ava dt taken anything out fi except for Noa's bed and i’ cot.

Despite ft not having been used for the ast to years, it sill hd a homey fel to still hed onto a certain warmeh. Ava telly does havea way of ming house nto home. My penthouse never fel like is felecokd. A place to liven, but not ahome, Tim startled when Travis valks Tn carrying bos. He gives me questioning ook, but tar around and ignore it.

eave and hed to his ca 0 fake more of my things inside.

Jt doesnt take us longo bring all my {hings tothe house, Fifteen minutes of

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less. didn’t have a lot, given that lost my passion for shopping, so haven't bought anything new in the pas years.

“Looks ike we are done, Travis murmurs, staring st the staircase, his ands on his waist, "Yes" Lreply. would have cooked, ut Ihave moshing in th fridge, Maybe I can order takeout, and then later on Il go out for grocery shopping” “Noneed for that,” Mom emerges from thekitchen with a smile on her face.

seems like Ava stocked the fridge or you. You don't have 0 do grocery Shopping, What's in there is enough to last you or about wo weeks.” smile thinking of hee Kind gesture. | ‘make a mental not to call heater on today after am done unpacking.

"That's sweet of hr,” Travis expresses ina soft voice before turing tome. 1 can't stay though. promised Letty I'd

take her out for lunch after 1am done here.” “Tunderstand” = “And also ave a lunch date with my teammates, We eed to discuss he oncoming tournament,” Mom adds Mom i a member of our sports club's tennis team For as longas can remember, she has always layed tennis Shenever stopped, even ate she entered her fifties. She's alo excelent. Moni the team leader, nd they have any lost ovo games since she was elected Maybe next ime then,” Tbegin witha small smile. “I can have you over for dinner” They agree and afte saying goodbye, ‘watch them eave. They wave at me rom.

the car, before Travis speeds off and Lam.

left alone, losing the door, | tum to face my new home forthe time being.

My stomach rumbles and 1 walk tothe itchen to make myself a sandwich.

struggled tofind the ingredients, given | didn't really know where Ava pt heen. | Was ust taking outa plate when th door opens.

“Ava?” his voice sounds, echoing through the house. “Did you come back tothe house or someting? 1 sw the door closing when as pulling nto my house.” Webath freeze when Calvin enters the Ietchen, only to find me Instead of Ava.

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“What the hell are you doing here?” he all but grows, his eyes burming like liquid fire.

“live here now,” say calmly, even though my outside appearance didn't reflect the turmol that was wreaking hava inside me.

My heart was acing and my palms sweaty. knew Pd face Calvin, but ot

+ this soon. Not immediately after, 1 moved n “What?” he yells, his face red, Hewas- 4 completely vi he were acrtoon characte, smoke ould cmeout of is RCA r—— Ee eed “Thats psi” He speaks “Ava vould have ed me?” JT m— ndunaicted by wats happening 1 needed aplacetastay and ecffre.” — ts nike yon dont have money You cou have gotten an parent ora House anywhere youlled Hel, yocould ave continued staying with our mom.

iy here?” Hers ight. wasting and, coud atays ut akmom or same nd

got back on my feet, don't answer him though He rigid ashe glares at him, His fst clenched at is side.“ don't nowwhat your plans, but 1 won't let you make a Mess out of mine and Gunners ves. 1 mn warning you, Emma. Stay the fuck away fromus.” don't get to say anything before he turns and stomps off. Minutes ater, the daorbangs heave sigh and sump.

against the Kitchen counter. Our fest encounter went bette than expected. | am not naive though know theres sill.

alongway ogo.