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Facade of Love

Chapter 366 Not an Accident
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The cableway stretched over a cliff that was a good two hundred meters high, with a thick forest and sheer cliffs below. Just peering over the edge was enough to make your legs turn to jelly.

The cableway had hit a snag, and all the cars in the middle had ground to a halt. It looked like there were twenty or thirty of them, all just hanging there. The people inside were freaking out, screaming their heads off.

| could hear the terror in their cries even through the glass of the cable cars as they hung there, suspended in the air.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Down at the entrance, a crowd of tourists had formed, sof them scolding the staff, demanding they figure out what went wrong and get to rescuing those stuck. A few were even filming the whole mess on their phones to get their perspectives. Swere throwing shade, while others were just piling on the misery.

Emily's voice was urgent. "Liam and Ash are on the cable car too!" My heart raced as | scrambled to find an employee to get the lowdown. However, before | could utter a word...

A piercing scream ripped through the crowd. "Why is the cable car door open?" someone yelled, panic-stricken.

A chill ran down my spine. | looked up to see the doors of a cable car hanging midway on the line flung wide open. Then, a shadowy figure, gender indiscernible, plummeted from the open doorway.

Pandemonium broke loose. Shouts and screams filled the air as the scene descended into mayhem.

Relatives of those still on the cable cars below were freaking out. Slashed out at the staff, who were trying to keep everyone calm, their anger turning to desperate pleas for help.

Without a second thought, | dialed 911, then immediately rang Idris. The phone barely rang before he answered, his voice a calm anchor in the chaos, "Yvette, where are you?" "At the entrance to the cableway," | blurted out. "Idris, someone just fell, and Liam and Ash are still up there.

They are..." "Stay calm," Idris cut in, his voice steady. "They're safe. The cableway is being fixed as we speak. Wait for them at the entrance. Once they're down, get out of there, fast." A sense of unease began to creep in as | paused. "What is going on, Idris?" The voice on the line paused before delivering the grim news. "The bungee jumping zone in the park had a terrible accident. The cord snapped, and the jumper... they didn't make it. Emily just called too. The animals in the show area are going berserk, attacking people. Now, with a casualty on your end... Listen, no matter what, as soon as you get Liam and Ash, get out of there fast. I've got someone coming to get you all." | nodded, then caught myself. "Wait, this park is...?" "It's owned by the Youngs," he replied, his tone steady but laden with a weight | could feel through the phone.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

All these disasters in one day, at the spark—it was not just bad luck or coincidence. Someone was orchestrating this chaos.

| could not piece together why it was happening, but | understood what to do loud and clear. | needed to grab Liam and Ash and run. "Got it," I told him, and we ended the call.

Sounds of life buzzed in my ears—the cableway was back up, and the stranded tourists were finally hitting solid ground. Earlier, someone had taken a terrifying plunge from the cars, and their fate was still unknown. Now, as people disembarked, their reactions were all over the place. Many had weak legs and were in tears, screaming, or outright angry. Sunleashed their fear on the nearest staff member.

The park had their act together, thankfully, with security on hand and the boss offering apologies and compensation in cash or kind. They would shut down the park for now.

The park's crew would handle the fallout. | just had to meet up with Liam and Ash at the exit. Luckily, they were both okay.

When | saw them, relief washed over me. Ash was just a kid, and the ordeal had left her in tears. Once Liam had her safely in his arms, she clung to him like he was her lifeline.

Liam looked genuinely taken aback when he saw me. "Yvette, what are you doing here?" he asked.